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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How to Control Anger

Anger can be very destructive to yourself and others. Not only can it harm you on the outside, but in your inside as well. Anger is a feeling, or more of a destructive emotion that can, and will, take over without warning. The following material discusses various types of anger and how to control it.



  1. Understand the reasons for your anger and understand its causes:

 Examine thoughts, as the memories of the causes and reasons for the anger to arise. Limit this examination to one source and cause at a time, and isolate it from the numerous other things that may make one angry.

  1. Determine whether specific anger is legitimate, or from expectation:
  1. LEGITIMATE ANGER: One is certainly genuinely entitled to anger at those who do one harm, cheat, lie, steal from one, or violate one in some way. One may be legitimately angry at circumstance such as the situation of an orphan, incest, rape, deceit and innumerable other injustices. And so the anger is justified and it is there, and it is quite natural. This justified anger may be amplified by frustration, where one cannot do anything to rectify the cause, either because it is in the past and done, or because the cause cannot or will not be changed. Dwelling on #this anger often causes extreme emotional states, adrenaline rush, the racing of thoughts and the exaggeration of other slights related or not.
  1. 4

EXPECTATION ANGER: means one creates expectations of one's own choosing, or adopts them from family, friends or the culture in general. Anger may arise when actual experience or present thinking does not conform to expectation, and where that expectation is important and has consequence. Expectation is standards, rules, laws, tradition, custom, the way one expects others and reality and general to be. When reality does not meet expectations, one may get angry. This anger problem can be dealt with by changing one's expectations.


CIRCUMSTANTIAL ANGER: Anger at circumstance can be difficult to solve since it is often difficult to change, like children who don't like their family for instance. Learn to accept reality as it naturally is. Avoid circumstance that causes anger whenever possible, like avoiding certain people, situations and relationships. Learn one's own capacities and do not get angry at one's inability to live up to things that are not realistic for one's own abilities. Many times these things may become possible as one gets older, or they may simply be impossible. Personally not planning on ever becoming a millionaire. Not fair is it? It may help to accept the world the way one finds it and not create anger by having unrealistic expectations.






One can mitigate one's anger by transference. Transfer one's anger to inanimate objects like a punching bag. Examples of such may found at the following Release-Anger. If at any time you are thinking about doing something that would hurt yourself or other people, get help immediately. If you feel anger taking over, remove yourself from the situation before things become too heated. Recognize that sometimes anger is justified, and may need to come out. However, realize that there are productive ways to do it instead of lashing out at others. Ask yourself if the future recipient of your furor deserves to be blown up at, or if you are just using them as a punching bag to release steam about another person/issue that bothers you. Sometimes, instead of talking to someone directly, it is more appropriate to write a letter. Taking yoga can be a long-term solution to anger problems, allowing you to focus on your feelings and release your stress. If at all possible, remove yourself from the situation. It's amazing the difference 8-hours of sleep or a 5-minute walk can make. Time gives you distance from the issue, allowing you to put things into perspective. Find a creative outlet, such as writing, drawing etc. where you can expend your energy. Hobbies help elevate your mood and allow you to channel energy that you'd usually spent dwelling on issues that you aren't able to resolve. Imagine what you could do with the energy you expend in anger if you channeled it into something else. There is a difference between controlling anger and holding it in until later. If you are unable to avoid feelings of anger, try to release your bottled up feelings later in positive forms like art, exercise, or some other hobby. Try thinking of stuff that you are thankful for. The more specific, the better. You can't be truly angry and thankful at the same time. Meditation is a useful way to release stress and/or anxiety, which are often prerequisites to anger. Do not meditate when you are angry, as this could have a negative effect on your anger. Instead, meditate when you have calmed down and are in complete control of your thoughts and emotions. Remember, we are all human and tend to get angry at someone or something. You can tell someone how you feel and see if they can help you. Try writing down all the things that happened today (try at least a whole front and back of a page, or more) and how you feel about yourself and other people. Try to go in an empty room and count to 10. Breathe deeply; this will calm you down.



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