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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Johnny Lever causes trouble in Mauritius


On the occasion of the 42nd Independence anniversary celebrations of Mauritius various cultural functions and shows were organised. Among them, one by the Light Ministries a christian sect ( financed by US organisation) with Johnny Lever as the Chief performer, All round the island there were billboards with a large photo of him and underneath invitation to this christian sect function but in small characters. The function was held in Triolet,, an important  village and the constituency of the Prime Minister with a highly hindu population (90 %).
Mr. J. Lever is quite popular in Mauritius not as a christian but as a clown from his Bollywood films. So many hindus attended thinking that he will perform as a Bollywood clown.
As the start of the function,  Mr. Lever recited christian prayers (?) and it became clear that his presence was just  being used to attract the Hindus, which most of the Hindu Associations denounced as  a well-planned trick with the ultimate aim of conversion of hindus to this sect.
Unfortunately (especially for Mr. Johnny Lever) a number of persons came inside the gathering shouting foul words and throwing stones damaging cars with the result that the function had to be stopped.
Evidently, the press and the radio (independent) condemned the these acts but without putting any blame on these sects which are growing like mushrooms after heavy rain. A number of those causing the disturbance have been arrested and are being brought to court.
Before independence (1968) there have been many attempts to divide the Hindu Community (52 %) e.g. Tamils, Marathi and Telegus are not Hindus so that political power is not in the hands of the majority.

With Best Regards

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