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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Stay Young - Dr. Oz Says YOU Can Turn Back the Clock by Knowing the Major Agers

Stay Young - Dr. Oz Says YOU Can Turn Back the Clock by Knowing the Major Agers

Yoga to Stay Young for Emotional and Physical Well Being

Doing Yoga on a regular basis can help you stay young, both in mind  and body. Photo - stephcarter
Doing Yoga on a regular basis can help you stay young, both in mind and body. Photo - stephcarter


Stay Young by Turning Back the Clock

Even if you are currently failing in any one - or all of these four Major Agers - Dr. Oz claims in his book, YOU Staying Young - that it is still not a fatal situation. Apparently, you can begin to turn the clock back - today. Once you know the changes that you need to make, if applied - then in literally a mere three months - you can change your life-cap - from what it was going to be, to what it can and should be! That's huge.

Dr. Oz suggests, that his program requires two weeks to begin, because that is how long it takes our brains to shift - and start thinking about a new way of life and knowing how to stay young. In the book YOU Staying Young - Dr. Oz tells us that you can't just get rid of your bad habits if you want to stay young, but that you must replace those poor habits with new actions.

When Dr. Oz was asked about how to stay young - and specifically "What is the number one MAJOR Ager"? His simple, but bold response was - STRESS! But we shouldn't all get stressed out when hearing this, because there are some specific keys - to how we manage our stress, when can then affect if we stay young... longer.

Everyone has stress, and some stress is actually good for us... really! How we manage this stress, is the critical skill that must developed, if we want to stay young - longer.

If You Want to Stay Young - Then You Must Learn How to Respond to Stress

We all have stress in our lives. Learning how to become more responsive to that stress, if we want to stay young - means learning how to actually deal with our problems - and even engage with them. You cannot ignore that which causes you stress and stay young. The key to staying young - is learning how to manage our inevitable stress. It is like saying to the big bad stress monster in the closet... bring it on dude!

Understanding how the body responds to stress - is the key to dealing with stress. Helping the body to manage stress will keep it much healthier... but you must involve yourself with this process. The body always has it's own antidote for handling stress - and Dr. Oz explains this in his book - You Staying Young.

When you find yourself in a highly stressful mode, this can overload your brain... literally. We breath faster, sweat more, and become anxious. Some of us even become irrational at times - when under too much stress. Many of us take medication to manage our stress... so we don't need to take responsibility for how we are responding. We let the meds take over...

However, there are things that can be done, which will help YOU stay young - if YOU are willing to take control - - that will then assist the brain with managing your stress in more healthy ways. Some people meditate, do yoga or pray, etc... to manage their lives in a more calming way - and these are just some of the ways that we can actually help ourselves.


We Can Help Our Brain to Think More Clear by Our Conscious Actions in Response to Stress

It is human nature to feel as though we can't change the way our lives make us feel or are... This is the victim mode, which causes a lot of depression in many people. This is simply a false state of being. It is how we respond to those things that happen to us and because of us - and the choices that we ourselves make in how to then respond - that can ultimately give us control over our own lives. Or at least as much as we are able to control. Knowing the difference is important.

It is the process of...

According to how we choose to respond to a given situation or circumstance, is completely within our power to do so. We cannot control what other people do, nor that which is outside our ability to choose.

Therefore, if we desire to stay young and turn back the clock of aging - then learning how to manage our stress in healthy ways, is the key. Knowing and understanding that this is possible is empowering. When we use choice to manage our lives - we have much more peace.

Regulating our own stress in order to live well, has everything to do with not only taking care of ourselves mentally and spiritually, but also - physically. Dr. Oz has developed a 14-day plan which encompasses all of these facets of a healthy lifestyle. Change isn't always easy... especially as we age. Therefore, it is imperative that we educate ourselves in such a way - that we choose to make the necessary changes to improve our health.

The two-week plan that is laid out in detail - by Dr. Oz in his book, YOU Staying Young - will put you on the path of living longer and helping you to stay young not only at heart, but truly changing the aging process overall.

Here's to living longer and aging well!

Living well is a choice - that YOU can make for a more healthy life!

Dr. OZ

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