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Thursday, April 1, 2010

model paper for RRB SectionEngineers

Here is one model paper for RRB, Railways Recruitment Board, SectionEngineers. In our earliest post we discussed that what would be the sections of written exam viz. Maths, Reasoning and General Awareness. This sample paper has questions for these sections. As far as subject knowledge paper is concerned that you have to prepare on your own. Also, Banglore Metro Corporation will have the same level and sections in its section engineersexam. So consider this as BMC section engineers sample paper as well.



Reasoning Section:


1. In a certain code OMNIBUS is Writ ten as SUBINMO. How is TROUBLE Written in that code? (l) ELBUORT  (2) ELRTBOU  (3) EBOURLT  (4) ELBTROU (5) None of these


2. How many such pairs of letters are there' in the word CORPORATE each of which has as many letters between them in the word as in the Englishalphabet?

(1) None  (2) One  (3) Two  (4) Three (5) More than three


3. In a certain code BOND is written as '0035' and DAZE is Written as '5@72'. How is ZONE. Written in that code?

(l) 2©73 (2) 7©23 (3) 7©32 (4)©723 (5) 2©37


4. If it is possible to make only one meaningful word with the first, second, fIfth, and siXth letters of the word 'EDUCATION', which would be the last letter of the word? If more than one such word can be fonned, give X as the an swer. If no such word can be formed, give K as your answer.

(l) T  (2) X  (3) A  (4) E (5) K


5. How many such digits are there in the number 5269183 each of which is asfar away from the beginning of the number as when the digits are arranged in descending order within the number?

(1) None  (2) One  (3) Two  (4) Three (5) More than three


6. Rohan walks a distance of 10 km towards North, then turns to his left and walks 20 km. He again turns left and walks 10 km and then, he takes a right turn and walks 5 km. How far he is from the starting point?

(1) 10km (2) 20km (3) 30km (4) 25km (5) 15 km


7. If 'g' means '-', 'B' means 'x', 'A' means'+' and 'F' means '+', then 12 B 20 A 4 Q 10F 30 = ?

(l) 60  (2) 80  (3) 70  (4). 90 (5) None of these


8. The positions of the first aJ.ld eighth digits of the number 92753481 are interchanged. Similarly, the posi tions of second and the seventh digits are interchanged and so on, which of the following will be the fIfth digit to the left oJ the second digit from the right end after the .


(l) 8 (3) 4 (5) 3


9. What should come next in the fol lowing letter series?


(l) V  (2) Y  (3) Z  (4) U (5) None of these


10. 'GJ' is related to 'MP' in the same way as 'QT is related to __ .

(l) WZ  (2) WY  (3) VZ (4) VY (5) VW


Directions(11 - 15) : Study the following information carefully and an swer the questions given below:

P, Q, R, S and Tare five friends who travelled to five different cities DehradUn, Jaipur, Chandigarh, Raipur, and Bengaluru by three different modes of transport - train, aeroplane, and car from Delhi not necessarily in the same order. Out ofthe three modes of trans port. two modes have been used for by at most two persons. Aeroplane has been used as a mode of transport only by the person who travelled to Bengaluru then to Jaipur by car and. P went to Chandigarh by train. One who travelled by train didn't go to Dehradun. Q travelled by train whereas R travelled by car.


11. Which of the following combina tions is true for Q ?

(1) Chandigarh - Car

(2) Jaipur-Train

(3) Dehradun - Train

(4) Jaipur - Car

(5) Raipur - Train


12. Which of the following combina tions of person and mode is cor rect?

(1) T - Train (2) P- Car . (3) R... Aeroplane (4) Q-Car (5) S - Aeroplane


13. The person travelling to Dehradun went by which of the following modes? 

(1) Train (2) Aeroplane (3) Car (4) Data inadequate (5) Train or Car


14. Who among the following travelled to Dehradun?

(1) T .  (2) S  (3) R  (4) P (5) Data inadequate' .


15. Which of the follOwing combina tions of place and mode is not cor rect ?

(1) Chandigarh-Train (2) Raipur - Car (3) Jaipur-Car (4) Bengaluru'- Aeroplane (5) Dehradun - Car


16. There are seven. persons up on a ladder A, B, C, D, E, F and G. A is above E by three steps but is lower than only C. B.'s position is exactly in the middle. G is in between A and B. E is in between B and F. Who is on the·bottom step of the ladder?

(l)D (3) F (5) G (2) B (4) E



1. 1

2. 5

3. 3

4. 4

5. 2

6. 4

7. 2

8. 1

9. 3

10. 1

11. 5

12. 5

13. 3

14. 3

15. 2

16. 1


Arithmetic Section


1. Three number.s are in the ratio of, 3: 4 : 5 respectively. If the sum of the frrst and third numbers is more than the second number by 52, then which will be the largest number?

(1)65  (2)52  (3)79  (4)63 (5) None of these


2. The compound interest on a'cer tain amount for 2 years at the rate of 8 p.c.p.a. is Rs. 312. What will be the simple interest on the same amount and at the same rate and same time?

(1) Rs. 349.92 (2) Rs. 300 {3) Rs. 358.92 (4) Rs. 400 (5) None of these


3. The length of a rectangle exceeds .its breath by 7 cm. If the length is decreased by 4 cm. and the breadth is increased by 3 cms., then the area of the new rectangle will be the same as the area of the original rectangle. What will be the perimeter of the original rect angle?

(1) 45 cm.  (2) 40 cm;  (3).50 cm.  (4) 55 cm. (5) None of these


4. The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 12. If the new number formed by reversing the digits is greater than the original number by 54, then what will be the origi- ' nal number ?

(1)28  (2)48  (3)39  (4)93 (5) None of these


5. In a fraction. twice the numerator is two more than the denomina tor. If 3 is added to the numerator and the denominator each, then resultant fraction is 2/3. What is the original fraction:

(1) 5/18 (2) 6/13 (3) 13/6 (4) 7/12 5. none of these


6. Four-fifth of a number is 10 more than two-third of the same num ber. What is the number?

(1)70  (2)75  (3)69  (4)85 (5) None of these


7. A shopkeeper purchased 200 bulbs for Rs. 10 each. However, 5 bulbs were fused and had to be thrown away. The remaining we~e sold at Rs. 12 each. What will be the percentage profit?

(1)25  (2) 15  (3) 13  (4) 17 (5) None of these


8. What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the number' series given below?

25 34 52 79 115 ?

(1) 160  (2) 140  (3) 153  (4) 190 (5) None of these


9. What number should replace both, the question marks (?) in the fol lowing questions?

?/ 49 = 49/?

(1)95   (2)76  (3)82   (4)84 (5) None of these


10. The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 252. What is the sum of the smaiIest and the largest numbers?

(1) 158  (2) 148  (3)168  (4) 198 (5) None of these


11. Ajay spends 25 per cent of his salary on house rent, 5 per cent on food, 15 per centtravel, 10 per cent on clothes and the remaining amount of Rs. 27.000 is saved. What is Ajay's i,ncome ?

(1) Rs. 60,000 (2) Rs. 80,500 (3) Rs. 60,700 (4) Rs. 70,500 (5) None of these

In how many different ways, can the letters of the word 'CRISIS' be arranged?

(1) 150  (2) 240  (3) 120  (4) 200 (5) None of these



12. The length of a rectangular field is thrice its breath. If the cost of cultivating the field at Rs. 367.20 per square metre is Rs. 27,540, then what is the perim eter of the rectangle ?

(1)47m  ,(2)39m  (3)52 m  '(4)40 m (5) None of these


13. The present ages of Chetna and Shikha are in the ratio of 5 : 7 respectively. Mter 7 years, their ages will be in the ratio of 11 : 14 respectively. the differ ence between their ages ?

(1) 9 years  (2) 4 years  (3) 5 years  (4) 7 years (5) None of these


14. If 13 men can complete a piece of work in 36 days, then in how many days will 18 men complete the same work ?

(1) 16 days  (2)20 days  (3) 26 days  (4) 30 days (5)None of these


15. If the area of a circle is 75.46 cm, then what is the circumference of the circle?

(1)29:2 cm.  (2)28.9 cm.  (3) 30.8,cm.  (4)40.2 cm. (5) None of these



1. 1

2. 2

3. 3

4. 3

5. 4

6. 2

7. 4

8. 1

9. 4

10. 3

11. 1

12. 4

13. 5

14. 3

15. 3



General Awareness section:

1. Primary colours are:

a. Red, blue and green

b. Red, blue and black

c. Red, blue and yellow

d. Red, blue and orange


2. Moon is a:

a. Luminous body

b. non- Luminous body

c. Transparent body

d. Vague body


3. Which ray carries no charge?

a. Cathode Ray

b. X-Ray

c. Positive

d. Gamma Rays


4. Human Arm is a _____class lever

a. first

b. second

c. Third

d. None of these


5. Flower colours are due to?

a. Chlorophyll

b. anthocyanin

c. Water

d. None of these



6. Strongest muscle in the body is?

a. Thighs

b. Calf

c. Arm

d. Nape


7. Liver forms?

a. Urea

b. Uric Acid

c. Ammonia

d. Creatin



8. chicken pox is caused by

a. Virus

b. Bacteria

c. Bug

d. excessive RBCs


9. The Indian Home Rule Society was founded in?

a. 1901


c. 1903

d. 1905


10. The biggest ocean in the world is?

a. Atlantic

b. Pacific

c. Red see

d. Arctic




1. a

2. b

3. b

4. c

5. b

6. a

7. b

8. a

9. d

10. b



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