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Sunday, April 4, 2010

What is the benefit of applying kumkum than a bindi?

1. Vermilion: An adornment of women

Subtle experiment of a woman wearing a synthetic mark (Bindi) and a woman wearing vermilion (Kumkum)): Look at the two pictures below with concentration and note whether you feel good, distressed or nothing at all after looking at the pictures.

Figure A
Figure B
Figure A Figure B

Answer: By looking at the woman in picture 'A', one experiences distress. The woman shown in picture 'A' has applied a bindi on her forehead. By looking at the woman in picture 'B', one feels good. The woman shown in picture 'B' has applied Kumkum on her forehead.

1.1 The effect of applying a bindi on the forehead

The woman in picture 'A' above, has applied a bindi which can be stuck on the forehead in place of kumkum. The glue applied for sticking on the back of the bindis is made of artificial objects like paper, plastic etc. is tama-dominant. The subtle effect of a bindi is as follows:

·         Raja-tama-dominant frequencies in the atmosphere are attracted towards the glue behind the bindi.

·         These frequencies spread in the body of the woman wearing the bindi through the Adnya-chakra.

·         As a result, the strength of the raja-tama particles in the woman's body increases.

·         By applying the bindi continuously at one place, there is a higher risk of the negative energies creating a center there.

It is evident from this why one experiences distress by looking at the woman in picture 'A' who has applied a bindi on her forehead. Due to a lack of knowledge of Spiritual science some women overlook the auspicious things mentioned in Hindu Dharma.

1.2 The effect of applying vermilion (kumkum) on the forehead

In picture 'B', the woman has applied kumkum on the forehead. The subtle fragrance emitted by kumkum has the ability to attract and emit the Pavitraka of Deities, that is, their subtlest particles in the Universe. Due to the saviour-destroyer Chaitanya-frequencies emitted by kumkum the woman wearing it is protected from negative energies. This explains why one gets good spiritual experiences by looking at the woman wearing kumkum.

Spiritual experience

Kumkum not wiped off even when in the sun or rain: I was regularly using a bindi. On reading a message to seekers in the weekly 'Sanatan Prabhat' about 'apply kumkum in place of a bindi', I started applying kumkum from that very day onwards. Since then, till date, the kumkum I have applied for the day has never been wiped off even in the sun or upon getting wet in the rain. - Mrs. Manisha Kshirasagar, Maharashtra

1.3 Importance of kumkum

Kumkum is a form of Shakti. Applying kumkum on the forehead is a symbol of Sanatan Hindu culture and also of sacredness and auspiciousness. In some regions women apply kumkum in the centre parting of their hair in addition to the forehead. Applying kumkum in the parting is also a symbol of the marital status of the woman.

1.4 Benefits of applying kumkum

A. The blood supply to the face muscles is facilitated: While applying kumkum, the points on the mid-brow region and Adnya-chakra are automatically pressed. This facilitates the blood supply to the face muscles.

B. After applying kumkum, the ability to attract the Shakti Principle is generated in the woman:

·         The ability of the kumkum to attract the saviour and destroyer Shakti Principle is the highest.

·         By a woman applying kumkum, the soul-energy is awakened in her.

·         In this soul-energy, a tremendous ability to attract the saviour or destroyer Devi Principle is generated.

·         The vibrations of the saviour Shakti Principle present in the woman are awakened.

·         Due to this, the Shakti Principle Pavitrakas in the environment, that is, the subtlest particles of the Shakti Principle are attracted to the woman.

·         Due to kumkum, obstacles are created in the entry of the negative energies in the body of the woman through the Adnya-chakra.

1.5 Effect of fragrance, colour and Shakti of kumkum

Due to the fragrance of kumkum, the subtle excretory air in the woman's body is disintegrated. Particles of Absolute Fire Element (Tej-tattva) are emitted through the colour pigments present in the kumkum and are gained by the woman. Due to the Shakti frequencies present in the kumkum, the sattvik frequencies present in the environment are absorbed and emitted as per the need.

Spiritual experience: Once, a woman distressed by negative energy perceived a black covering on her face. After bathing, upon applying kumkum, white rays were emitted from it due to which the woman felt that the black covering on her face and the feeling of heaviness and her thoughts reduced.

Through this spiritual experience one can understand that through kumkum, a woman gains Tej in the form of white rays due to which the black covering formed on her face reduces.

Spiritual experience: Awareness of circular sensation on the Adnya-chakra and feeling calm after beginning to apply kumkum: In the year 2004 after reading in the daily 'Sanatan Prabhat' about applying kumkum, I began to apply it on the forehead. Thereafter I experienced circular vibrations on my Adnya-chakra. My mind became very calm and my face became sattvik. By looking at the kumkum on the forehead I experience calm and cool frequencies in my eyes. - Mrs. Savitri Ichalakaranjikar, Goa

1.6 Time and appropriate ritual of applying kumkum

Normally women apply kumkum after the morning ablutions, after bath and after washing the face. For applying kumkum, the ring finger should be used. If wax is applied before the kumkum, it remains there for a longer time.

1.7 Spiritual reasons for using the ring finger to apply kumkum on oneself

·         As the ring finger is associated with the Absolute Water Principle, the frequencies of the Absolute Water Principle are emitted through the ring finger.

·         With the help of these frequencies, the Shakti Principle present in kumkum is awakened in a short time.

·         This awakened Shakti Principle spreads in the form of a flow in the Adnya-chakra of the woman who wears the kumkum.

As a result, the raja-guna function of the woman gains strength in the form of Shakti.

1.8 Effects of applying kumkum on the forehead of a woman

Subtle effects of  applying kumkum

·         The kumkum, being sattvik, attracts the Divine Principle. A spiral of this Divine Principle is generated in the kumkum and is activated.

·         A flow of Chaitanya is attracted in the kumkum and its spiral is generated and it remains activated. A spiral of Chaitanya is emitted from the kumkum. In the body of the woman wearing the kumkum, Chaitanya frequencies are spread and due to this the black energy stored in her body cells is destroyed. A sheath of Chaitanya is created around the body of the woman due to which her body and mind are purified.

·         The flows of Shakti are attracted in the kumkum. A spiral of destroyer Shakti filled with particles of Dharma Shakti is created in the kumkum and it becomes activated. A spiral of saviour Shakti is generated in the kumkum and it remains activated. Flows of Shakti are emitted by the kumkum. The Shakti particles are spread in the body of the woman who applies the kumkum. These particles are also emitted in the environment. A protective sheath of Shakti is generated around the body of the woman who wears kumkum. As a result the black energy in the body of the woman is removed.

1.9 Application of kumkum to others

While applying kumkum to others, be it a man or a woman, the middle finger should be used. By using the middle finger which has a maximum of the Absolute Fire Principle, one's own body is protected.

Subtle effects of application of kumkum by one woman to another:

·         While application of kumkum by one woman to another with the middle finger, Divine Shakti is attracted in the kumkum.

·         A spiral of this Shakti is generated in the kumkum and these spirals spread through the body of the woman to whom the kumkum has been applied.

·         Due to the touch of kumkum, Chaitanya flows in the body of the woman applying the kumkum.

1.10 Effects of kumkum on women suffering from distress by negative energies

Due to the sattvikta of kumkum, the women affected by negative energies experience distress such as continuous itching at the place where kumkum is applied, developing a rash, feeling like 'not to apply kumkum', the kumkum getting wiped out automatically etc. Due to kumkum, the women are able to absorb Chaitanya. Hence, to prevent the woman from applying kumkum, the negative energies distress women.

Spiritual experience: At the time of doing aukshan of a seeker kumkum was applied on her forehead. The seeker experienced that a rapid flow of Energy entered her body through the Adnya-chakra. She experienced a burning sensation in her stomach.

From the seeker's spiritual experience it is understood that the ornament 'kumkum' is not only for enhancing the beauty.

1.11 Effects of applying kumkum or sindur in the hair parting by married women

A. It being possible to keep the flame of warrior radiance constantly awakened in husband: In earlier times by looking at the kumkum or sindur in the parting of married women, the warrior attitude and enthusiasm of men used to increase. For this reason, it is appropriate from the viewpoint of both psychology and Spirituality.

B. Protection from negative energies: The head of women is more soft and sensitive than men. Hence, in order to protect this part of the body from the negative energies, the sindur is filled in the hair parting.

1.12 Spiritual science underlying the use of kumkum being more appropriate than sindur

Due to the destroyer Principle in kumkum, the subtle body of the woman is protected from negative energies. The proportion of destroyer Principle is less in sindur than in the kumkum. This is the reason why the use of kumkum is more appropriate and beneficial than the sindur.

1.13 Reason for application of kumkum by widows being unauthorised by Scriptures

A. Obstacle in the onward journey of the dead husband's subtle body: After the death of husband, while applying kumkum the woman remembers her husband because of which the subtle body of the husband is again compelled to come to the Earth.

B. Sacrifice of the Great Illusion (Maya) and creation of sense of detachment in self: After the death of husband, it is necessary to awaken a sense of detachment in the woman. Hence she has to sacrifice the ornaments that are suggestive of state of a married woman. Hence, this conduct assists a widow to proceed on the path of God realisation.

Due to lack of religious education and the increasing influence of Western culture, some widows say, 'So what if the husband is dead?' and indulge in irreligious conducts by doing inappropriate actions like applying kumkum on the forehead and wearing a mangalasutra. By doing so, they also cause spiritual harm to the husband. In order to prevent the harm, they should pay attention to observing righteous conducts in daily life seriously.

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