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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Indian-origin scientist claims he can clean up spill

Indian-origin scientist claims he can clean up spill
Washington, June 13, 2010
An Indian-origin researcher from Texas Tech University has come up with a product, Fibertect, which he claims can clean up Gulf oil spill.

Seshadri Ramkumar, has created a non-woven cotton carbon absorbent wipe that can clean up crude oil up to 15 times its weight and adsorb toxic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon vapours reportedly sickening oil spill clean-up crew members. The product, he says, can retain off-gassing mustard vapours from dumped munitions.

Solution for BP oil spill cleanup available

A solution to clean up the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is readily available but needs EPA approval before it can be used. A US company invented a product, Fibertect, which can absorb and capture the floating oil on the surface of the gulf as well as in deep water.

The technology has already been tested in decontamination of chemical warfare agents and toxic waste and has proven to be highly efficient and environmentally friendly. The product was invented by Texas Tech University's Institute of Environmental and Human Health (TIEHH) professor Seshadri Ramkumar and was developed by Hobbs Bonded Fibers for First Line Technology.

In order for this new US technology to be used in the aid to contain and clean up the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the company needs approval from the EPA to do so.
First Line Technology has been lobbying the White House, the Coast Guard and the EPA for several weeks in order to get a chance to use their product before the environmental impact of the oil spill gets worse.

The new product consists of two outer layers with a central layer of fibrous activated carbon that can capture toxic products such as oil, and can actively and efficiently remove them from their environment without damaging any ecological system.

The product, when removed afterwards, is also biodegradable and environmentally friendly, while the inner layer can be removed and stored as toxic waste in a very safe manner.

The only delay is the official approval to initiate a massive clean up effort while BP and/or Transocean try to cap the oil spill and stop any further damage to our coastal waters, wildlife and fishing industry.

Mr. Ramkumar has proposed to use the low micronaire raw cotton to capture the oil spill in the Gulf and clean up the spill with the oil-absorbent pads.

Written by Nick Doms © 2010, all rights reserved


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