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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Free Web Sessions on Vedic Mathematics

Mathematics is mother of all sciences. Mathematics is an important part of life, without which everything in life falls apart. From beggar to businessman, cobbler to construction engineer, student to scientist, Astrologers to astronauts literally everyone would be using mathematics in some way or the other.


Mathematics is full of magics and mysteries. The ancient Indians were able to understand these mysteries and develops simple keys to solve these mysteries. Thousands of years ago the Indians used these techniques in different fields like construction of temples, astrology, medicine, science etc., due to which INDIA emerged as the richest country in the world.


The Indians called this system of calculations as "THE VEDIC MATHS". Vedic Maths is much simpler and easy to understand than conventional maths. Using Vedic maths we could calculate the problems in single step, and some of the problems faster than a calculator and ofcourse, much faster than conventional methods of calculations.


In Vedic Maths, almost all calculations go from left to right. Which is opposite to conventional maths, where we calculate from right to left. This makes maths an easy task. This also creates an interest in the students. Vedic maths is solving maths with pleasure not with pressure.


The Vedic Maths was kept a secret and was only taught to a selected few in the ancient days. Which is the probable reason why the world is not acquainted with these simple, easy and faster techniques to numerate.


It takes only a minute or two to understand each technique. They are so easy, that even the dullest of the dullest students can understand the technique in a few minutes and once understood can calculate give the answer in a few seconds.


Some Examples:  How much will you take to calculate 9376 x 9999 if i say it takes less than 5 sec, i think you'll be amazed. The answer is 93750624.


Learn more About this Amazing science in upcoming free web sessions on "Vedic Mathematics"


For More information please visit

Thank you

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