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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

*Must read*: A brief introduction to technological brilliance of Ancient India

Health Science:

The Indian vision on health, Aswini Devatha concept – Food & Exercise, need of exercise, yoga Asanas, soorya namaskaram, effect of medicines, identification of drugs, pathyas and fasting, selected food, rest and upasana, ethics for doctors cause of illness, pathogenic organisms, precautions to be taken for good health, solar therapy, water therapy, yoga therapy, music therapy, Reiki, energy healing, the knowledge on surgery and surgical equipments, practicing surgery and explanations given by Maharishi Susrutha. Acharas – customs and rituals influencing health.
Mental Health Psychology:

Description of mind given in Upanishads, mental influence on health, influence of puranic and related stories in mind, mental development, and yoga. Influence of yama and niyama as mentioned by Patanjali, controlling the mind, dhyaana, food and mind, saatwic food, dreams, effect of manthras on mind, customs influencing the mental health and family relations.
Food Science:
Variety of Indian foods, balanced nutritious foods, natural traditional baby foods, the medicinal components usually added in foods – like asafetida, turmeric, spices etc. – advised food during illness, specialized cooking, roasting, fermenting, processing, preserving, etc done for variety of foods ands their science. Generation of specific flavors in foods by suitable modifying spices. The science of altering the foods during fasting on specific days. Opting for integrated balance foods through fasting and vrathaas, science of selecting variety foods based on seasons, importance of selecting cooking vessels – for getting micronutrients like iron, zinc, copper, silica, magnesium, sodium, potassium etc. - variety of vegetable and their significance in balanced healthy foods. Many more significant scientific observations can be made in a student carefully examine the Indian foods, Naturopathy, Vegetarian food.
The ancient Indian knowledge on chemicals and the subject of Chemistry given in Rasaratna Samucchayam, Rasarnavam, Rasendra Choodamani, Rasa Ratnakaram etc and many similar books. These books are available in Sanskrit with English and Hindi translations. Sanskrit names of chemicals, details of setting up a laboratory, scientific temper, qualification of chemists, laboratory assistant, research scholars, properties of inorganic chemicals, and their used described by Nagarjuna centuries ago. Chemicals used for a various purposes as described in Bharadhvaja in Yantra Sarvaswa, Varahamihira in Bruhath Samhita and also by others in the above chemistry books.
Variety of plant products, neem, tulasi, clove, pepper, turmeric, tobacco,................
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