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Monday, November 29, 2010

Top 10 things men would love to hear from their wives

Top 10 things men would love to hear from their wives

"You're wonderful. I don'tknow how God made you so perfect."(read: husband is starved for compliments).
"Shopping for clothes? What's that? I don't need to do any."
(read: I really hope you take my cue and stop shopping so that I can spend on what I like for a change).
"I simply love the mess you make of our room. It's got so much personality."(read: freedom from all those nagging hints about the unkempt room needed).
"I'm off with my girlfriends tomorrow evening. Why don't you go off with yours?"
(read: I've got a life too. Too bad if they include good looking co-workers and pals).
"We have plenty of money left over from our household budget this month."(read: hoping the wife finds financial satisfaction and stops all that over-the-top buying).
"I love the way you constantly interrupt my conversation when we're with guests. It's such a turn on."
(read: hey allow me to have my word too. I live here, right?)
"My women colleagues in office thought you were Johnny Depp when you visited last week."
(read: nothing like a compliment for the ego).
"You have a fabulous taste in music. Please turn it up full volume."
(read: stop switching off my heavy metal please).
"And honey, when we party please don't be afraid to get punch drunk and ogle at all the girls. I'll drive you home."
(read: for most guys this might read like a dream...)
"My mom decided to go on an extended vacation and is not expected to visit us this year."
(read: ahh, the house will finally have the peace it craved).

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