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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Radiation level in certain city areas due to mobile tower antenna are 100 times higher than what is considered safe, according to the readings taken

Radiation alarm bells for city

Radiation level in certain city areas due to mobile tower antenna are 100 times higher than what is considered safe, according to the readings taken

Next time a private telecom company approaches your society seeking permission for installing a mobile tower atop the building, give it a proper thought. Offering hefty amount in return of permission, the company may assure you of restricted level of radiations from the tower and thereby, no ill effects on your body. But going by recent revelation, the reality differs greatly with radiation levels found to be several times higher than what is considered safe, posing a health risk especially for those residing close to the towers.
As per measurements taken by a Vashi doctor, using a measuring device for electromagnetic HF alternating field (Elektrosmog Analyzer), radiation levels observed in parts of sector 14 of the node are beyond 1800 microwatts per sq m (unit to gauge radiation), far higher than what is considered as the least hazardous level - 100 microwatts per sq m (for 24 hours exposure) - by scientists across globe. For short duration exposure, 1000 microwatts per sq m is accepted as least worrying, experts say.
"The building next to ours has a tower installed above with its transmitter facing my home. Sensing the trouble, I used an instrument to know exact radiation level. While the machine can measure radiation up to 1999 microwatts per sq m, at my residence it displayed level beyond its capacity, that is immeasurable, much to my shock," the resident said.
Another sector-14 resident, who too has used the machine, seconded the medico over the high level of radiations. "At my building I found it to be 1800 microwatts per sq m," he said claiming that due to the same, at least three persons from the society contracted cancer, two of whom died of the disease as many years after a tower was installed atop the building.
He expressed concerns at the way towers are being allowed to be installed in residential areas, which is against international norms pertaining to erection of cell towers. "Companies offer money that can cover annual maintenance of a society. But given the two deaths, at what cost we are allowing installation of towers in residential areas?" the resident asked and suggested towers be installed in open areas at safe distance from residential areas. "The intensity of radiation fades as the distance increases. So, the concerned authorities should see to it that towers are placed at a fair distance," he demanded.
While private players may emphasise that radiations from towers are restricted and hence, not threatening biologically, experts suggest otherwise, something that can substantiate doubts of the residents. According to Girish Kumar, a professor with electrical engineering department of IIT-Bombay, at 100 microwatts per sq m, people living at a distance of tens of metres to a few hundreds of meters from cell towers have experienced several health problems, such as sleep disorder, headache, lack of concentration, memory loss, joint pain, skin rashes, miscarriage and cancer over a period of few years. "At 1000 microwatts per sq m, above problems are experienced within one to two years," Kumar, who has an experience of nearly 30 years in the area of antennas, said.
Meanwhile, even as the residents and experts are bugling concerns, city's planning authority, the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC), seems to be not responding to the alarming calls. As per details available with it, as of August 30, 2011, there are around 758 towers across the satellite city, out of which only 399 are authorized. "On one hand we have towers emanating radiations beyond limits. And on the other, hundreds of unauthorized ones have cropped up, adding to the woes," the doctor stressed.
When raised the queries with the civic officials, they said there are no directions given either by the Centre or state government regarding checking radiation level. "Till date, we are not equipped to check radiation level since there are no guidelines in this regard. And since there is no ground to take action, we can't touch the towers," claimed Sanjay Banait, assistant director, Town Planning department of NMMC.
When attracted his attention towards the resident's claims of death of two persons due to cancer reportedly due to high level of radiations and towers being installed upon a sector 14 hospital, Banait assured, "We will surely look into the matter, if the residents approach us with complaints." Banait though passed the buck to the encroachment department when queried about big number of unauthorized towers mushrooming across the satellite city. "We have handed over a list of unauthorized towers to the department a month ago. Now it is their duty to remove the same," he added.
Aziz Sheikh, deputy municipal commissioner (encroachment), said he received the list of unauthorized towers 8-10 days back. Later, when pointed towards Banait's claim that the list was passed on a month ago, Sheikh was evasive. "We already have started taking action. But since the festival period is on, ward officials are busy. When the Ganeshotsav is over, the drive will be resumed," is what he promised later.
Meanwhile, the telecom company officials refused to comment over the matter and said, "The radiation level is always maintained within the stipulated limits so that there is no harm to human life."

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