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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mind and Restlessness

Let us examine the five factors that influence the mind: place, time, food, past impressions, associations and actions.
Space: The place you are in. Every place you are in has a different impact on the mind. Time: Time is also a factor. Different times of the day and year have different influences on the mind. Food: Different types of food that you take influence you for some days. Past impressions: The Karmas have a different impact on the mind. Awareness, alertness, knowledge and meditation all help erase the past impressions. Associations and actions: The people and events you are associated with influence your mind. In certain company your mind behaves in one way and with others in a different way.
Though these five factors influence the life and the mind, know that the self is much more powerful. As you grow in knowledge, you will influence them all.
Now let us examine the types of restlessness and its remedies. There are five types of restlessness: The first is due to the place you are in. When you move away from that place, you immediately feel better. The second type of restlessness is in the body. Eating the wrong food or eating at odd times, no exercising, and overworking can all cause a physical restlessness. The third type of restlessness is mental restlessness. It is caused by ambition, strong thoughts, likes or dislikes. Knowledge alone can cure this restlessness.
Then there is emotional restlessness. Any amount of knowledge does not help here. Sudarshan Kriya helps! All that emotional restlessness vanishes. Also the presence of the Guru, a wise person, or a saint will help to calm your emotional restlessness.
The fifth type of restlessness is rare. It is the restlessness of the soul. When everything feels empty and meaningless, know you are very fortunate. Do not try to get rid of it. Embrace it! This restlessness of the soul alone can bring authentic prayer in you. It brings perfection and miracles in life. It is so precious to get that innermost longing for the Divine. See God in yourself. Only Gods can worship Gods.
When you have reverence for the whole universe, you are in harmony with the whole universe. Cultivate the skill of having reverence every moment in your life.

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