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Saturday, November 26, 2011

'Pain's given way to anger!' …says actor Amrita Raichand,

'Pain's given way to anger!'

…says actor Amrita Raichand, as she recalls her miraculous escape on 26/11, also her birthday, three years ago

Actor and popular anchor Amrita Raichand's caller tune happens to be Celine Dion's I'm Alive— a song, that she says truly denotes her mindset ever since she survived the 26/11 terror attacks three years ago. Incidentally, Amrita's birthday also happens to be today. It was, in fact, as part of celebrations that she along with her husband and in-laws had gone to Taj for a family dinner, when the hotel came under attack. Three years on since the fateful night, the actor admits that she has moved on, but it hasn't dulled the anger. "The depression and hurt that I was enveloped in for almost a year, has given way to anger and frustration and it's only increasing. To see a Kasab looking healthier with each passing year… How many more attacks before the government chooses to do something about the terrorism staring us in the face," she laments.
She reveals that it was pure divine intervention that saved them. "There was an unexpected delay in getting a table, so we visited our friend in his suite. It was while we were there that the firing started in the restaurant. There was so much confusion all around and I just kept thinking what would happen to my one-year-old child."
The actor confesses that she has come to associate her birthday with traumatic memories. "That night has scarred me forever. But I do count my blessings and I now believe in making the most of it," she shares. Though she has stopped making plans for her birthday, Amrita, however, will attend a bash hosted for her. "I have been to the Taj several times since, but it's impossible to not say a silent prayer for those who didn't survive and another prayer to thank for those of us who did," says Amrita.

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