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Friday, April 6, 2012

Christians shun TV for Good Friday

Christians shun TV for Good Friday

By Thursday evening, Christians in the city had begun to live semi-ascetic lives, withdrawing from the world and getting into prayer mode. It was their preparation for Good Friday.
“If there is some important news, only then is TV switched on. And it is only for news,” said Judith Monteiro, resident of Dadar.
Christians across the world will observe Good Friday today, the day they believe Christ was crucified. Most spend the day abstaining from food and even water, in his memory.
“Good Friday reminds us of the death of Jesus. Just as one would mourn the death of a loved one, we mourn Christ’s death,” added Monteiro.
Throughout the day, Christians will pour into churches to attend mass. After mass, some even attend Stations of the Cross, a representation of the fourteen important, symbolic stages of Christ’s life, up to his crucifixion. These are enacted at several places in the city, and conducted by various parishes and Christian groups.
Some, for instance the ones organised by the Catholic Secular Forum (CSF), claim to be the biggest crowd-pullers.
“We have performed the play for 25 years, and tried to explain the Passion by improving upon the sets and scenarios,” said Joseph Dias of the CSF.
“We mourn, but Good Friday is also a day of celebration of Christ’s victory over death, and his triumph over sin and evil,” said Monteiro.

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