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Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Coming soon, litter-free streets in Mumbai's H (West) ward

Coming soon, litter-free streets in Mumbai's H (West) ward

All civic activists from Bandra have come up with a unique idea of making a ‘model street’ in each electoral ward in H (West) with the help of public representatives and BMC officials.
A joint meeting regarding this was held between civic activists, BMC officials and the newly-elected corporators from the H (West) ward on Tuesday afternoon.
“We have been trying to improve the conditions in our locality for a long time. Some of the areas in Bandra are good and some are not. So, we come up with this idea. It is a pilot project and if successful, it will be implemented in other areas as well,” said Shyama Kulkarni, trustee, AGNI. “All the corporators and ward officials have promptly agreed.”
Civic activists say there would be no litter, no chronic dumping spots and no water leaking pipes on the ‘model street’. Besides, trees should be well trimmed, sewage chambers should not be choked. There would be point-to-point daily garbage collection, awareness programmes in schools, colleges and institutes.
“We have given five days to the corporators to pick a street for the purpose. However, we told them that a street should be challenging, which should not have an ALM,” said Kulkarni, adding that the work will begin soon after choosing the streets.
“The coordination might create a problem. So, it would be good if BMC appoints a coordinating officer for this idea to help work efficiently,” said Aasif Zakaria, a local corporator. All the corporators and all junior officials attended the meeting. The ward officials also have supported the idea. “We will provide the required support,” said Sunil Dhamane, assistant commissioner of H (West) ward.

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