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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Big B hates the word Bollywood

Big B hates the word Bollywood
Amitabh Bachchan became the first Bollywood star to run with the Olympic torch on foreign soil

Amitabh Bachchan became the first Bollywood star to run with the Olympic torch on foreign soil. The actor ran 300 meters in London in the midst of cheering crowds and paparazzi who had lined up to capture the actor’s run. In the interviews that followed, Bachchan used words such as ‘proud’, ‘honoured’ ‘humbling’ and ‘cherish’ to describe his feelings. He also said that it was not just a flame he held, but the pride of 1.25 billion Indians. While Bachchan was generous with the praises, he expressed his dislike for the word Bollywood. He said that cinema was always looked down upon by well-off families but despite that, the Indian film industry has ended up becoming a part of our culture.

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