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Sunday, July 15, 2012


Years ago, when then Mayor Sanjeev Naik decided that Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation will buy the Rs550 crore Morbe dam at Khalapur, Raigad, some called the decision illogical. No other municipal corporation has bought its own dam since independence. They said NMMC would go bankrupt. The decision has however worked wonders. While neighbouring cities crave drinking water and face cuts, Navi Mumbai residents are assured of water supply for the next 20 years. There is excess water available that can be sold to those who need it, earning revenue for NMMC to further take on development works.
We are now able to get a whopping 30,000 litres of water for just Rs50 a month. The total storage capacity of the dam is 190.89 million cubic metres (MCM) with the storage capacity level of the dam being 88 meters.
The daily consumption of water in Navi Mumbai is 315 Million Litres Per day (MLD) and that requirement is being easily taken care of by the 450 mld capacity dam.
NMMC now plans to implement 24x7 water supply all over the city this year.

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