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Friday, July 27, 2012

Welcome move: Colleges say no to ragging Launch drive to make newcomers feel at home

Welcome move: Colleges say no to ragging
Launch drive to make newcomers feel at home

It is that time of the year again when students make their transition from school to college life. First year junior college (FYJC) students now have to cope with a new syllabus and also make new friends, but walking through their college doors for the first time, it is the fear of ragging that is predominant on their minds.
In accordance with UGC regulations and to help FYJC students deal with this pressure, junior colleges across the city have launched anti-ragging drives and set up cells. Students have also been sensitised through prospectuses.
The anti-ragging cell of KPB Hinduja College on Charni Road consists of senior students—15 girls and 15 boys—who spread awareness about the penalties of ragging through the college. Victims of ragging can lodge their complaints with this cell.
Similarly, KC College in Churchgate has a brigade of students that patrols its corridors and a vigilant teachers’ monitoring committee to prevent ragging; SIES College in Sion counsels students against ragging throughout the year; HR College in Churchgate has a student squad that prevents ragging in college premises and also in its neighbouring areas.
Psychologists warn that the psychological damage ragging can cause is akin to that of rape. “Ragging can lower the victim’s self-esteem and also lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. He/she may start avoiding crowded places and be apprehensive of authority in future,” said Dr Harish Shetty.

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