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Thursday, September 20, 2012


Passing Oxbridge Admissions Tests, 2e by Rosalie Hutton
Play-based Learning in the Primary School by Mary Briggs
Early Childhood Practice by Tina Bruce
Learning Stories by Margaret Carr
Teaching Bilingual and EAL Learners in Primary Schools by Jean Conteh
Training to Teach by Neil M Denby
PB: £ 16.99
HB: £ 60.00
PB: £ 21.99
HB: £ 65.00
PB: £ 21.99
HB: £ 65.00
PB: £ 19.99
HB: £ 60.00
PB: £ 15.99
HB: £ 50.00
PB: £ 21.99
HB: £ 65.00
Study Skills for Students with Dyslexia, 2e by Sandra Hargreaves
Teaching Primary Physical Education by Julia Lawrence
Innovating for Patient Safety in Medicine by Rebecca Lawton
Policy Issues in the Early Years by Linda Miller
Self-esteem by David Miller
Literacy and Education, 2e by Kate Pahl
PB: £ 19.99
HB: £ 60.00
PB: £ 21.99
HB: £ 65.00
PB: £ 18.99
HB: £ 60.00
PB: £ 22.99
HB: £ 65.00
PB: £ 22.99
HB: £ 65.00
PB: £ 23.99
HB: £ 70.00
Ethical Practice in Early Childhood by Ioanna Palaiologou
The Literature Review, 2e by Diana Ridley
How to Manage Behaviour in Further Education, 2e by Dave Vizard
Developing Number Knowledge by Robert J Wright
Creating Culturally Considerate Schools by Kim L Anderson
How Do We Know They're Getting Better? by John Barell
PB: £ 21.99
HB: £ 65.00
PB: £ 19.99
HB: £ 60.00
PB: £ 22.99
HB: £ 65.00
PB: £ 22.99
HB: £ 65.00
PB: $ 31.95
PB: $ 39.95
Closing the Teaching Gap by Donald B Bartalo
Project-Based Learning by William N Bender
Strategic Reading Groups by Jennifer Berne
Off the Clock by Fred Bramante
The Complete Guide to RTI by Dolores Burton
Opening the Door to Coaching Conversations by Linda Gross Cheliotes
PB: $ 36.95
PB: $ 36.95
PB: $ 27.95
PB: $ 33.95
PB: $ 36.95
PB: $ 31.95
Empowering Family-Teacher Partnerships by Mick Coleman
Opening the Common Core by Carol Corbett Burris
Digital Learning for All, Now by Jonathan P Costa
Going Google by Jared Covili
Aligning Your Curriculum to the Common Core State Standards by Joe Crawford
How to Teach Students Who Don't Look Like You by Bonnie M Davis
PB: $ 78.00
PB: $ 34.95
PB: $ 34.95
PB: $ 41.95
PB: $ 39.95
PB: $ 38.95
Creating Standards-Based Integrated Curriculum, 3e by Susan M Drake
Leading the Common Core State Standards by Cheryl A Dunkle
Unlocking Group Potential to Improve Schools by Robert J Garmston
Getting to the Core of English Language Arts, Grades 6-12 by Vicky Giouroukakis
Mapping Comprehensive Units to the ELA Common Core Standards, K-5 by Kathy Tuchman Glass
Your Science Classroom by M Jenice Goldsto
PB: $ 36.95
PB: $ 34.95
PB: $ 36.95
PB: $ 38.95
PB: $ 41.95
PB: $ 90.00
Becoming an Academic Writer by Patricia Goodson
Assessing 21st Century Skills by Laura Greenstein
The Data Toolkit by Robert T Hess
School Climate 2.0 by Sameer Hinduja
The Common Core Mathematics Standards by Ted H Hull
A Guide to Mathematics Leadership by Don S Balka
PB: $ 35.00
PB: $ 39.95
PB: $ 28.95
PB: $ 29.95
PB: $ 31.95
PB: $ 31.95
How to Use Value-Added Analysis to Improve Student Learning by Kate Kennedy
Motivating Defiant and Disruptive Students to Learn by Rich Korb
More High School Graduates by Ben Levin
Transforming Teaching and Learning Through Data-Driven Decision Making by Ellen B Mandinach
The School Leader's Guide to Restorative School Discipline by Luanna H Meyer
The Teacher's Guide to Restorative Classroom Discipline by Luanna H Meyer
PB: $ 31.95
PB: $ 34.95
PB: $ 33.95
PB: $ 36.95
PB: $ 34.95
PB: $ 36.95
How to Build an Instructional Coaching Program for Maximum Capacity by Nina Jones Morel
Planting the Seeds of Algebra, PreK-2 by Monica Neagoy
95 Strategies for Remodeling Instruction by Laura E Pinto
Feedback by Jane E Pollock
From Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom by Marc Prensky
Culturally Proficient Practice by Reyes L Quezada
PB: $ 36.95
PB: $ 38.95
PB: $ 34.95
PB: $ 19.95
PB: $ 36.95
PB: $ 36.95
Integrating the Performing Arts in Grades K-5 by Rekha S Rajan
Be a CHANGEMASTER by Karla Reiss
Curriculum Theory, 2e by Michael Stephen Schiro
Putting FACES on the Data by Lyn Sharratt
ELL Shadowing as a Catalyst for Change by Ivannia Soto
The New School Management by Wandering Around by William A Streshly
PB: $ 34.95
PB: $ 36.95
PB: $ 47.00
PB: $ 36.95
PB: $ 33.95
PB: $ 35.95
'Sit and Get' Won't Grow Dendrites, 2e by Marcia L Tate
Social Studies Worksheets Don't Grow Dendrites by Marcia L Tate
Learnership by Cathy A Toll
Blended Learning in Grades 4-12 by Catlin R Tucker
Cyber Savvy by Nancy Willard
Improving Formative Assessment Practice to Empower Student Learning by E Caroline Wylie
PB: $ 34.95
PB: $ 36.95
PB: $ 34.95
PB: $ 39.95
PB: $ 30.95
PB: $ 31.95
Autism and Understanding by Walter Solomon
How Successful Schools Work by Rona Tutt
Managing the Cycle of Meltdowns for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder by Geoff Colvin
Promoting positive behavior by Sharon Paley
The Behaviour Management Toolkit by Chris Parry-Mitchell
Teaching Play to Children with Autism, 2e by Nicky Phillips
PB: £ 23.99
HB: £ 70.00
PB: £ 20.99
HB: £ 65.00
PB: $ 34.95
PB: £ 14.00
HB: £ 50.00
PB: £ 30.00
HB: £ 90.00
PB: £ 27.99
Research Skills for Medical Students by Ann K Allen
Counseling Children and Adolescents in Schools by Sandy Magnuson
Personal Development in Counselling and Psychotherapy by Sofie Bager-Charleson
Critical Issues in Clinical and Health Psychology by Poul Rohleder
Family Resource Management, 2e by Tami James Moore
Methods of Family Research, 3e byTheodore N
PB: £ 20.99
HB: £ 65.00
PB: $ 32.00
PB: £ 18.99
HB: £ 60.00
PB: £ 24.99
HB: £ 75.00
HB: $ 90.00
PB: $ 69.00
Introduction to Sociology by George Ritzer
The SAGE Handbook of Social Anthropology by Richard Fardon
Family Policy and the American Safety Net by Janet Zollinger Giele
Home, School, and Community Collaboration, 2e by Kathy B Grant
Key Concepts in Childhood Studies, 2e by Allison James
American Multicultural Studies by Sherrow O Pinder
PB: $ 79.00
HB: £ 275.00
PB: $ 25.00
PB: $ 78.00
PB: £ 19.99
HB: £ 60.00
PB: $ 46.00
A Student's Guide to Methodology, 3e by Peter Clough
Adventures in Social Research by Earl Babbie
SAGE Secondary Data Analysis by John Goodwin
SAGE Visual Methods by Jason Hughes
Qualitative Research in Education by Liz Atkins
Qualitative Inquiry in Everyday Life by Svend Brinkmann
PB: £ 24.99
HB: £ 75.00
PB: $ 64.00
HB: £ 600.00
HB: £ 600.00
PB: £ 21.99
HB: £ 65.00
PB: £ 24.99
HB: £ 75.00
Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics, 3e by Neil J Salkind
Issues for Debate in American Public Policy by CQ Researcher
Principles and Practice of American Politics by Samuel Kernell
American Democracy in Peril by William E Hudson
American Foreign Policy Since World War II, 19e by Steven W Hook
Public Policy by Michael E Kraft
PB: $ 70.00
PB: $ 40.00
PB: $ 58.00
PB: $ 45.00
PB: $ 59.00
PB: $ 88.00
Budgeting and Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations by Lynne A Weikart
Coaching and Mentoring by Simon Western
Making Sense of Management by Mats Alvesson
Marketing Strategy by Mark E Hill
Organizational Ethics, 2e by Craig E Johnson
Inter/Cultural Communication by Anastacia Kurylo
PB: $ 63.00
PB: £ 27.99
HB: £ 85.00
PB: £ 26.99
HB: £ 75.00
PB: $ 90.00
PB: $ 59.00
PB: $ 67.00

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