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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Homer Simpson, the famous fictional character of the TV-series, The Simpsons, cast his ballot for Republican candidate Mitt Romney in an online clip promoting the new season of the show

The Simpsons pick Romney

Washington: Homer Simpson, the famous fictional character of the TV-series, The Simpsons, cast his ballot for Republican candidate Mitt Romney in an online clip promoting the new season of the show, which starts on September 30. However, Simpson’s endorsement is not one that Romney would seem to appreciate.
“Barack Obama, I don’t know,” the New York Daily News quoted Simpson, as telling himself in the voting booth during the clip, as he debates who to vote for. “I already got one wife telling me to eat healthy. And, plus, he promised me death panels and grandpa is still alive,” he adds. Apparently, Simpson was referring to first lady Michelle Obama’s healthy eating initiatives and the bogus panels that opponents of Obamacare came up with to scare away supporters, the report said. Simpson then considers Romney, the report said. “Mitt Romney? I hear he wears magic underpants. I expect the leader of the free world to go commando. Plus, his horse totally choked at the Olympics. On the other hand, he did invent Obamacare,” says Simpson. Simpson was referring to the fact that Romney’s horse, which was actually Ann Romney’s, had performed poorly at the London Olympics earlier this year, while the Republican’s health care reform in Massachusetts was the template for Obama’s ‘Obamacare’.
Romney has finally released his tax returns for 20 years along with the tax details of the much anticipated year of 2011, in a bid to silence Democratic claims that he paid no tax in some years due to loopholes on his investment income.

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