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Monday, November 26, 2012

A British school has hired proofreaders to check the spelling and grammar of its teachers

School hires proofreaders for teachers

    ABritish school has hired proofreaders to check the spelling and grammar of its teachers. Teachers at Northgate High School in Ipswich, east England, will have to ensure their spelling and grammar is spot on when typing reports after the education facility enlisted people to ‘check and amend electronic reports to ensure that they are well written before being released to parents’. While the idea has come under fire, David Hutton, head of the school, believes it can’t do any harm to have someone do a “final quality check” before school reports are published. He told a newspaper, “Between them they produce thousands of well-written comments that keep parents informed about the children’s progress. Making a final quality check prior to publication indicates the high level of professionalism we strive to achieve.”

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