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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Let the booze flow: Bars will remain open till 5am State excise dept relaxes rule for Christmas and New Year’s Eve

Let the booze flow: Bars will remain open till 5am
State excise dept relaxes rule for Christmas and New Year’s Eve
You can drink and party a bit longer on Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
Unlike other years, wine and beer shops in the city will operate till 1am instead of 10.30pm. “The state government has taken a decision to relax in some respects the time period for liquor sale and liquor distribution outlets on December 24, 25, and 31,” Sanjay Mukherjee, state excise commissioner, said.
Permit rooms, clubs and beer bars will stay open till 5am instead of the usual 1.30am only on these days. Country liquor shops will remain open till 1am.
“We will also take stringent steps against illicit liquor sale,” he said. Apart from flying squads, the department has completed “border mapping” covering almost all roads at state borders. Department staff would be posted to prevent smuggling of liquor.
Mukherjee also called on people to take single-day permits from liquor outlets for consumption, transport, and possession of liquor. People hosting banquets must seek a “premises permit” by paying Rs8,500 for foreign liquor and Rs750 for wine. With tighter enforcement, the department expects the revenues to be more than Rs900 crore. Last December,the figure was Rs796 crore.

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