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Sunday, December 16, 2012

What about a memorial to the Vikrant?

What about a memorial to the Vikrant?

ALL political parties and religious groups in city are busy trying to get prime real estate to build memorials to their leaders.

The Shiv Sena is fighting to protect its late leader Bal Thackeray’s temporary cremation platform into a permanent structure. The Republican Part of India is busy with Indu Mill and Dr Ambedkar’s memorial and some are struggling towards a Shivaji statue in Arabian Sea.

Yet the Maharashtra government has forgotten that it had taken responsibility for preserving our IN flagship, the IMS Vikrant, when it was decommissioned, promising to restore it for the role it had played in the 1971 war against Bangladesh. Its fighter planes had strafed Chittagong and other Bangladesh ports and paralysed the country, forcing it to cede victory to India in two weeks flat.

Today this ship is struggling to survive in Mumbai harbour and the Navy said it has no money to do anything about this sorry state of affairs. Surely it is the responsibility of the state to restore this ship, dock it on dry land and in a suitable space, and preserve it as a national museum.

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