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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Your door and office nameplates says a lot! which can be in Wooden, plastic, stainless steel design

Your Door and Office Nameplates says a lot!

Having a dream home of ones own choice is still an achievement for many Indians and an equally good nameplate at the entrance only glorifies that achievement.Name is probably the first thing that one inquires about a person;a nameplate is like a prelude to the house,drawing the attention of the viewer or visitor at first sight.
A nameplate not only gives details about the owner of the house,but also reflects his personality.It is selected in accordance with the look and design of the house.With many development projects and constructions in process,nameplates are undergoing changes in reference to the recent,fascinating trends.


Traditionally,marble and granite are used in nameplates owing to their ability to withstand adverse climatic conditions.Moreover,they have a lustrous surface thereby making the print clearer and easily visible.
Rajesh Mishra,who works in a popular nameplate store in the city,says,these nameplates are slowly being replaced by wooden ceramic block plates.However,customers still prefer these plates when the size required is bigger than usual.

Environmental caution

Eco-friendly and handmade silver coated wooden nameplates do not pose a threat to the environment.Marble and granite,when cut into pieces to give the desired shapes,adds harmful dust particles to the atmosphere.The process of cutting the marble also causes noise pollution, says, Rajesh. Besides adding beauty,these nameplate also help to keep the environment free of dust.


The strength of the plates depends on the methodology used in their preparation.Ceramic tiles which are used as fillers for wooden frames are prepared in the conventional potters kiln at a high temperature,hence are not brittle and come with a variation.Bright colours which are visible from a distance are preferred.Metal oxides used in colouring these plates reduce the chances of the colour getting faded.
Mangal Prasad,owner of a nameplate shop says,Halogen lights is commonly used to light the nameplates.Lighting is done keeping in mind the colour on the plate,making it sober or vibrant depending upon the dcor of the house.Radium infused nameplates will soon be available in the markets.
Printing on the nameplates is computerised; the font and the calligraphy depend on the demand of the customers.In case of wooden nameplates,it is done manually and a glass screen is further added to the plate to make it look attractive,adds Mangal.


Silver coated or curved pieces of rock stones are popular these days but they are demanded only by a small group of consumers.They look more sober but lack popularity because of their high prices.
Instead,the wooden framed nameplate,made from a high quality plywood and ceramic fillers are more popular these days.They are cost effective and environment friendly.These nameplates made from ceramic tiles are available in around twelve colours,giving the customers a wide range of choice.Wooden nameplates is made of maple,teak or sandal wood.The choice of the material determines the price of the plate.Sandalwood nameplates are confined to higher income groups,while the maple and teak,on the other hand,are popular amongst people of all income groups, says Anil Pandey who works at a popular store.While building or planning a house,one has various factors in mind,ranging from its interiors to the garden.The nameplate too deserves attention,especially when the market is offering options and variety.

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