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Friday, January 18, 2013

No surrogacy visas for gay couples,singles in India

No surrogacy visas for gay couples,singles


In a first-of-its-kind step towards regulating the practice of surrogacy in India, the Union home ministry has issued stringent guidelines for visas being issued to foreigners seeking to rent a womb in the country.The diktat indicates that gay couples and single foreigners will no longer be eligible to have an Indian surrogate bear their child as only a foreign man and woman who have been married for a period of two years will be granted visas.
Stating that the Union ministry of home affairs had noticed that some foreign nationals visited India for surrogacy on tourist visas,which wasn't appropriate, the ministry decided in a little known circular sent out to foreign embassies in July 2012 that such foreigners would be eligible to enter India only on medical visas,and only if they fulfilled certain criteria.The circular was notified by the Foreign Regional Registration Office in Mumbai on December 17,2012 and was subsequently sent out to fertility clinics.
It comes even as a legislation to regulate fertility clinics,the Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Regulation Bill 2010,awaits tabling in Parliament.


Foreigners coming to India to have a surrogate child must be on a medical visa Only heterosexual couples married at least for a period of two years can be eligible for a visa for this purpose The home country's foreign ministry or embassy must issue letter to couples certifying that they recognize surrogacy There should be official assurance that the child/children will be allowed to enter the home country as a biological child of the couple The procedure must be done at an Assisted Reproductive Technology clinic recognized by the Indian Council of Medical Research

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