Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Know the ABC of Yoga...!!!!!

Know the ABC of Yoga

· Meditation:  Meditation or dhyana makes the mind calm, and improves our mental faculties - thoughts, emotions, and memory etc. Harmony and balance is restored in the various psycho-physiological functions of the body. This brings in a feeling of love, compassion, friendship, sharing, and other positive changes in our attitude and behavior.
Beginners often confine yoga to an hour's practice of asana and prayanama generally done in the morning, and forget its relevance for the rest of the day. But as we continue our regular practice for a few months, our awareness about the environment, and ourselves increases, and we learn to apply the skills learnt from yogic practices throughout the day. Then yoga becomes a way of life, not a mere practice. If you undertake yoga in this spirit, you will find that yoga not only gives you relief from your problems, but also opens up new ways of enjoying your life. The Animal-man transcends to Man-man, Super-man and finally the Divine-man.

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