Friday, April 22, 2011

Cengage Learning Books list

If you want any book please write mail to

ISBN Author Title :  Category
9788131510544 Albrecht Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination Accounting
9788131512333 Bruns Financial Reporting and Management Accounting Accounting
9788131501474 Drury Management & Cost Accounting Accounting
9788131501481 Drury Management & Cost Accounting Student's Manual Accounting
9788131507742 Hansen Cost Management  Accounting
9788131502730 Hansen Management Accounting Accounting
9788131510803 Kumar Strategic Management Accounting: Theory and Practice  Accounting
9789812652669 Louderback Managerial Accounting Accounting
9788131512586 Needles Accounting for Decision Making Accounting
9788131512197 Needles Financial Accounting: A Case Based Approach Accounting
9788131501528 Saudagaran International Accounting Accounting
9788131502266 Stice Financial Accounting : Reporting And Analysis Accounting
9788131509043 Warren Financial Accounting : Concepts, Methods and Applications Accounting
9788131502426 Vanderbeck Principles of Cost Accounting Accounting
9788131512043 Baumol Contemporary Economics: Principles & Policy Economics
9788131511138 Baumol Macroeconomics: Theory and Applications Economics
9788131502341 Baumol Microeconomics : Principles & Policy with CD  Economics
9788131505663 Baldani An Introduction to Mathematical Economics Economics
9788131512562 Boyes Principles of Economics Economics
9788131503607 Carbaugh International Economics  Economics
9788131509142 Diebold Forecasting: Applications and Methods Economics
9788131503041 Froeb Managerial Economics : A Problem Solving Approach Economics
9788131503157 Henderson Health Economics and Policy Economics
9788131509784 Hirschey Managerial Economics: An Integrative Approach Economics
9788131502747 Hyman Public Finance Economics
9788131507452 Kaufman Labor Market Economics Economics
9788131505236 Landsburg Price Theory Economics
9788131505779 Mankiw Economics: Principles and Applications Economics
9788131501504 Mankiw Principles of Macroeconomics Economics
9788131502792 Mankiw Principles of Microeconomics Economics
9788131505878 Rice Mathematical Statistics & Data Analysis with CD Economics
9788131503874 Thomas Environmental Economics Economics
9788131509609 Wooldridge Econometrics with CD Economics
9788131502440 Yarbrough The World Economy: Trade and Finance  Economics
9788131512067 Alexander Global Financial Reporting and Analysis Finance
9788131504918 Brigham Financial Management : Text & Cases  Finance
9788131500026 Brigham Fundamentals of Financial Management Finance
9788131509920 Carkenord Seven Steps to Mastering Business
9788131505168 Chance Derivatives and Risk Management Basics Finance
9788131504161 Clark International Finance Management Finance
9788131509937 Dayal Earned Value Management Using Microsoft® Office Project: A Guide for Managing Any Size Project Effectively, w/CD
9788131504147 Ehrhardt Corporate Finance: A Focussed Approach Finance
9788131508862 Gibson Analysis of Financial Statements Finance
9788131505830 Hawawini Finance for Non-Finance Managers  Finance
9788131503850 Joehnk Personal Finance: A User's Approach Finance
9788131508961 Kodukula Project Valuation Using Real Options:
A Practitioner’s Guide
9788131509975 Koller Modern Corporate Risk Management:
A Blueprint for Positive Change and Effectiveness
9788131506509 Leach Finance for Entrepreneurs Finance
9788131502778 MacDonald Management of Banking Finance
9788131509791 Madura Financial Markets & Institutions Finance
9788131509654 Madura International Financial Management Finance
9788131512159 Mayo An Introduction to Investments Finance
9788131504871 Megginson/
Principles of Corporate Finance Finance
9788131508923 Mello Value Innovation Portfolio Management:
Achieving Double-Digit Growth Through Customer Value
9788131507506 NIA Life Insurance:
Principles & Practice
9788131507513 NIA General Insurance:
Principles & Practice
9788131507544 NIA Legal & Regulatory Aspects of Insurance Finance
9788131507537 NIA Elements of Actuarial Science Finance
9788131507568 NIA Life Insurance Underwriting Finance
9788131509487 NIA Practical Approach to General Insurance Underwriting Finance
9788131509494 NIA General Insurance Business
Operations and Decision Making
9788131507490 NIA Insurance Business Environment &
Insurance Company Operations
9788131507551 NIA Basics of Personal Financial Planning Finance
9788131507520 NIA Financial Management and
Insurance Accounting
9788131508947 Northrup Dynamics of Profit-Focused Accounting:
Attaining Sustained Value and Bottom-Line Improvement
9788131501511 Palepu Business Analysis and Valuation Finance
9788131503744 Reilly Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Finance
9788131501887 Stulz Risk Management and Derivatives Finance
9788131503300 Trieschmann Risk Management and Insurance Finance
9788131505144 Weaver Strategic Corporate Finance Finance
9788131505229 Aamodt Industrial/Organizational Psychology Management
9788131505526 Adler International Organizational Behavior Management
9788131500187 Belcourt Strategic Human Resource Planning Management
9788131500019 Berry Employee Selection Management
9788131501399 Bohlander/
Human Resource Management Management
9788131505113 Bouchoux Intellectual Property Rights Management
9788131508992 Bytheway FAST Creativity & Innovation: Rapidly Improving Processes, Product Development and Solving Complex Problems Management
9788131509951 Cogliandro Intelligent Innovation: Four Steps to Achieving a Competitive Edge Management
9788131504123 Cullen International Management: A Strategic Perspective Management
9788131502877 Cummings Organization Development and Change Management
9788131504277 Czinkota International Business Management
9788131509289 Daft Principles of Management Management
9788131504895 Daft Leadership Management
9788131506790 Daft Organization Theory, Change and Design Management
9788131505519 David International Supply Chain Management Management
9788131509531 DeNisi HRM: An Introduction Management
9788131500071 Dowling International Human Resource Management Management
9788131512401 Dubrin Leadership Principles Management
9788131510537 Dubrin Management : Concepts and Cases Management
9788131511190 Ferrell Business Ethics: A Case Perspective Management
9788131505465 Forsyth  Group Processes Management
9788131509593 Fisher Managing Human Resource Management
9788131507735 Gatewood Human Resource Selection Management
9788131500286 Goldstein Training in Organizations  Management
9788131506813 Gortner Organization Theory : A Public and Nonprofit Perspective Management
9788131505564 Greene Entrepreneurship  Management
9788131501863 Greiner The Contemporary Consultant Management
9788131512425 Griffin/
Introduction to Organizational Behavior Management
9788131510124 Griffin Management: Principles and Applications Management
9788131502044 Hellriegel Management : A Competency-Based Approach  Management
9788131509586 Hill An Integrated Approach to Strategic Management Management
9788131512098 Hill & Jones Essentials of Strategic Management Management
9788131509630 Hitt Strategy Management Management
9788131501276 Hodgetts Modern Human Relations at Work Management
9788131505106 Jennings Cases in Business Ethics Management
9788131505588 Jennings Cases in Business Ethics (Anna University) Management
9788131511244 Kreitner Management: Theory and Applications Management
9788131505632 Krizan Effective Business Communication Management
9788131510797 Kumar Legal Aspects of Business Management
9788131512845 Kumar Supplement to Legal Aspects of Business Management
9788131505618 Kuratko Entrepreneurship in the New Millennium Management
9788131504239 Leonard Supervisory Management Management
9788131504260 Longenecker Managing Small Business Management
9788131502365 Lussier Effective Leadership Management
9788131504222 Madura Fundamentals of Business Management
9788131500224 Matthews The Born Presenter.How to Create and Deliver Management
9788131505472 Mello Strategic Human Resource Management Management
9788131505489 Morris Entrepreneurship and Innovations in Corporations Management
9788131509807 Nelson Organizational Behavior  Management
9788131504291 O'Rourke/ Bougler e-Technology and the Fourth Economy Management
9788131504321 O'Rourke/ Bougler Writing and Presenting a Business Plan Management
9788131504314 O'Rourke/ Collins Communication in a Virtual Organization Management
9788131504345 O'Rourke/ Collins Listening and Responding Management
9788131504284 O'Rourke/ Collins Managing Conflict and Workplace Relationships Management
9788131504338 O'Rourke/ Tuleja Intercultural Communication for Business Management
9788131504307 O'Rourke/ Yarbrough Leading Groups and Teams Management
9788131512296 Peng International Strategic Management Management
9788131508190 Peng International Business Management
9788131502211 Penrose Business Communication for Managers: An Advanced Approach Management
9788131508930 Poirier Business Process Management Applied: Creating the Value Managed Enterprise Management
9788131500156 Pierce Management and Organisational Behavior Management
9788131501146 Pitts Strategic Management : Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage Management
9788131509982 Rafinejad Innovation, Product Development and Commercialization: Case Studies and Key Practices for Market Leadership Management
9788131500217 Rochlin Hunter or Hunted? Technology Innovation and Competitive Strategy Management
9788131509999 Rudzki Straight to the Bottom Line®: An Executive's Roadmap to World Class Supply Management Management
9788131512036 Saks Performance Management through Training and Development Management
9788131508985 Saxena Enterprise Contract Management:
A Practical Guide to Successfully Implementing an ECM Solution
9788131502402 Schultz Theories of Personality Management
9788131510490 Seth & Rastogi Global Management Solutions: Demystified Management
9788131502419 Slocum Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior Management
9788131505120 Stim Intellectual Property Rights: Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights Management
9788131504352 Wallace Personality Development Management
9788131509814 Weiss Business Ethics: Concepts & Cases Management
9788131505342 Werner Human Resource Development: Foundation, Framework and Application Management
9788131502433 White The Management of Technology & Innovation : A Strategic Approach Management
9788131500361 Assael Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Action Marketing
9788131505182 Baran Customer Relationship Management Marketing
9788131505243 Blackwell Consumer Behaviour Marketing
9788131508701 Burrow Marketing Business 2000 Marketing
9788131510193 Churchill Marketing Research: A South Asian Perspective Marketing
9788131501634 Cullen Retailing : Environment & Operations Marketing
9788131501610 Czinkota International Marketing Marketing
9788131501177 Czinkota Marketing Management  Marketing
9788131511251 Drewniany Creative Advertising Marketing
9788131505540 Dunne Retail Management Marketing
9788131508077 Evans Marketing Management Marketing
9788131509135 Ferrell Strategic Marketing Marketing
9788131511114 Gillespie International Marketing Marketing
9788131508718 Greene Selling Business 2000 Marketing
9788131512227 Hanson e-Commerce and Web Marketing Marketing
9788131511169 Hair Sales Management Marketing
9788131505311 Hoffman Marketing of Services Marketing
9788131512838 Hoyer Consumer Behavior Marketing
9788131502051 Hutt Business Marketing Management:B2B Marketing
9788131502068 Ingram Sales Management : Analysis & Decision Making Marketing
9788131505434 Jain Marketing Strategy: Planning, Implementation and Control Marketing
9788131502938 Kurtz Principles of Marketing Marketing
9788131509821 Lamb Principles of Marketing Marketing
9788131512517 Lindquist  & Sirgy Consumer Behavior Marketing
9788131509128 O'Guinn Advertising Management with Integrated Brand Promotion Marketing
9788131512319 Pride & Ferrell Marketing: Planning, Implementation and Control Marketing
9788131507889 Roberts Internet Marketing Marketing
9788131502808 Rosenbloom Marketing Channels Marketing
9788131507872 Shao Marketing Research: A Decision Maker's Tool  Marketing
9788131503881 Shimp Advertising And Promotion : An IMC Approach Marketing
9788131506547 Sirgy Integrated Marketing Communications:
A Strategic Approach to IMC
9788131508695 Townsley Retail Business 2000 Marketing
9788131502815 Zikmund Essentials of Marketing Research Marketing
9788131505656 Zikmund Marketing Research Marketing
9788131510520 Albright Decision Making Using Microsoft Excel, w/CD Marketing
9788131510810 Albright Management Science: Modeling with Spreadsheets, with CD Marketing
9788131502860 Anderson An Introduction to Management Science with CD Marketing
9788131503089 Anderson Quantitative Methods for Business (with CD) Marketing
9788131502884 Anderson Statistics for Business and Economics with CD Marketing
9788131504086 Bell Decision Making Under Uncertainity Marketing
9788131512050 Carver Doing Data Analysis with SPSS Version 16 Marketing
9788131509036 Coyle A Logistic Approach to Supply Chain Management Marketing
9788131512128 Evans Operations Management Concepts, Techniques and Applications With  CD Marketing
9788131512012 Evans Quality Control and Management with CD Marketing
9788131505502 Evans Total Quality Management Marketing
9788131500484 Gaither Operations Management with 2 CDs Marketing
9788131503836 Evans An Introduction to Six Sigma & Process Improvement Marketing
9788131510315 Gido Project Management Marketing
9788131510339 Giordano Mathematical Modeling: Principles and Applications, with CD Marketing
9788131511398 Kachinske Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Marketing
9788131509685 Keller Statistics for Management with CD Marketing
9788131509777 Kloppenborg Contemporary Project Management with CD Marketing
9788131503232 Lattin Analyzing Multivariate Data Marketing
9788131510025 Landman Enterprise Project Management:
Best Practices for Implementing an EPM Solution
9788131501603 Metters Service Operations Management with CD Marketing
9788131505007 Monczka Purchasing: An Integrated Supply Chain Approach Marketing
9788131501566 Shapiro Modeling the Supply Chain  Marketing
9788131508848 Starr Production and Operations Management Marketing
9788131501900 Winston Operations Research : Applications & Algorithms (With CD) Marketing
9788131509012 Winston Probability Models Marketing
9788131505410 Wisner Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Marketing
9788131507797 Wisner Process Management Marketing
9788131500293 Zikmund Business Research Methods Marketing
9788131512791 Abidi &
English for Engineers MADE EASY Core Engineering
9788131509852 Biswal Integral Transforms Core Engineering
9788131510599 Haik Engineering Design Process Core Engineering
9788131508817 Kelly System Dynamics Core Engineering
9788131512807 Mani & Mishra Engineering Chemistry ( For JNTU) Core Engineering
9788131511770 Mani & Mishra Engineering Chemistry ( for UPTU) Core Engineering
9788131510834 McMurrey Handbook of Technical Writing Core Engineering
9788131512234 Moaveni Engineering Basics Core Engineering
9788131511930 Oberoi & Malik Engineering Chemistry MADE EASY Core Engineering
9788131506929 O'Neil/
A Textbook of Engineering Mathematics-I
(UP Technical University)
Core Engineering
9788131504246 O'Neil/Sengar A Textbook of Engineering Mathematics,
Volume II ( U P Technical University)
Core Engineering
9788131511893 O’Neil/ Sengar  A Textbook of Engineering Mathematics, Volume III (for UP Technical University) Core Engineering
9788131511787 Pandey & Chaturvedi Engineering Physics Vol. I (For UPTU) Core Engineering
9788131511381 Riordan Technical Communication Core Engineering
9788131511978 Sharma & Zadoo Basic Electronics for Engineers MADE EASY Core Engineering
9788131511961 Sehgal & Bihari Basic Electrical Engineering MADE EASY Core Engineering
9788131511923 Singh & Kumar Engineering Physics MADE EASY Core Engineering
9788131509258 Shultz Engineering Chemistry Core Engineering
9788131510926 Chen Theory of Beam-Columns, Volume 1:
In-Plane Behavior and Design
Civil Engineering
9788131510940 Chen Theory of Beam-Columns, Volume 2:
Space Behavior and Design
Civil Engineering
9788131510933 Chen Plasticity for Structural Engineers Civil Engineering
9788131510957 Chen Limit Analysis and Soil Plasticity Civil Engineering
9788131510971 Chen Plasticity in Reinforced Concrete Civil Engineering
9788131508978 Das Earth Anchors Civil Engineering
9788131512258 Das Textbook of Geotechnical Engineering Civil Engineering
9788131500507 Das Principles of Geotechnical Engineering  Civil Engineering
9788131502020 Das Principles of Foundation Engineering Civil Engineering
9788131510964 Das Theoretical Foundation Engineering Civil Engineering
9788131508237 Dotson Dimensional Metrology Civil Engineering
9788131510001 Egan Architectural Acoustics Civil Engineering
9788131512104 Elliot Soil and Water Engineering Civil Engineering
9788131507605 Gorr Learning and Using GIS, w/CD Civil Engineering
9788131511121 Harris Engineering Ethics Civil Engineering
9788131503997 Korte The GIS Book Civil Engineering
9788131511145 MacLaughlin Structural Steel Design Civil Engineering
9788131502396 Qi Gang Engineering Design Communication & Modeling with CD Civil Engineering
9788131510018 Reynolds Unit Operations and Process in Environmental Engineering Civil Engineering
9788131510919 Rojas Construction Productivity: A Practical Guide for Building and Electrical Contractors
Civil Engineering
9788131508749 Segui Design of Steel Structures Civil Engineering
9788131510674 Shanmugasundaram Basic Civil Engineering ( Anna University) Civil Engineering
9788131508954 Sheldon Lean Materials Planning and Execution:
A Guide to Internal and External Supply Management Excellence
Civil Engineering
9788131504109 Vesilind Solid Waste Engineering  Civil Engineering
9788131501351 Agrawal Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131509159 Alavala Principles of Industrial Instrumentation and Control Systems Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131501795 Ambardar Digital Signal Processing: A Modern Introduction Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131501788 Antonakos The Intel Family of Microprocessors: Hardware and Software Principles and Applications withCD Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131502006 Ayala The 8051 Microcontroller with CD Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131511053 Ayala & Gadre The 8051 Microcontroller & Embedded Systems using Assembly and C with CD Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131501801 Ayala The 8086 Microprocessor :Programming & Interfacing the PC with CD Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131505274 Barnett Embedded C Programming & the Microchip PIC  Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131508794 Bartelt Industrial Electronics: Circuits Instruments and Control Techniques Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131507728 Bartelt Process Control Systems and Instrumentation Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131509562 Bignell Digital Electronics: Logic and Systems, with CD Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131503072 Blake Electronic Communication Systems Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131503065 Blake Wireless Communication Technology Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131505861 Carlson Circuits  Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131510032 Chartrand Advanced Digital System: Experiments
and Concepts with CPLDs , w/CD
Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131510100 Chartrand Digital Fundamentals: Experiments and Concepts with CPLDs, w/CD Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131510117 Chartrand Satellite Communication Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131510568 Chow Discrete-Time Control Problems Using MATLAB® Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131511008 Chow Feedback Control Problems using MATLAB® Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131506530 Ciampa Wireless Communications Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131507803 Cox Linear Electronics: Circuits and Devices  Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131504185 Cristi  Modern Digital Signal Processing Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131506851 Diffenderfer Electronic Devices : Systems & Applications Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131508664 DiPaola Introduction to Low Voltage Systems Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131511022 Djaferis Automatic Control: The Power of Feedback Using MATLAB® Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131508244 Dueck Digital Design Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131503027 Dunning Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers  Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131506837 Elahi Data, Network, & Internet Communications Technology Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131510049 El-Sharkawi Fundamentals of Electric Drives Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131510650 Faulk Industrial Instrumentation Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131512340 Fiore Op Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits: Concepts and Apllications Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131508824 Fenical Control Systems Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131509890 Ghoshal Embedded Systems & Robots: Projects Using the 8051 Microcontroller Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131503621 Glover Power System Analysis and Design with CD Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131504192 Gokhale Introduction to Telecommunications Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131510872 Gopalan Signals and Systems Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131508770 Hayes Communication Link: Data, Voice and Cabling Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131512241 Huang Embedded System Design Using C8051 Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131506912 Huang PIC Microcontroller : An Introduction to Software & Hardware Interfacing; W/CD Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131501948 Hwang Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design with VHDL with CD Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131509050 Ingle  Digital Signal Processing: A MATLAB Based Approach Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131501184 Jacob Power Electronics : Principles and Applications Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131504178 Kilian Modern Control Technology: Components and Systems Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131507766 Kronenburger Analog and Digital Signal Processing, w/CD Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131508763 Lee Digital Logic Design : Using Verilog State Machines and Synthesis for FPGs Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131501320 Louden Compiler Construction : Principles and Practice Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131509883 Majhi Advanced Control Theory: A Relay Feedback Approach Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131508282 Meade Circuits and Networks Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131508275 Meade Electronic Devices and Circuits Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131505892 Miller Introduction to Data & Network Communications Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131505595 Mullet Introduction to Wireless Telecommunications Systems and Networks Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131512005 NJATC Basics of Instrumentation Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131508855 NJATC/Stan Fundamental of DC Theory Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131511091 NJATC Introduction to Semiconductors Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131501245 Proakis Contemporary Communication Systems using Matlab Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131503133 Rashid Microelectronic Circuits: Analysis and Design Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131510865 Reid Digital Electronics with CD Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131507711 Robbins Circuits Analysis: Principles & Application Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131508480 Routt Microprocessors: Architecture, Programming,
and Systems Featuring 8085
Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131500439 Roth Fundamentals of Logic Design Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131505748 Roth Principles of Digital Systems Design using VHDL Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131507810 Sarma & Pathak Electric Machines Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131501719 Schilling Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB with CD Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131509326 Schilling Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB with CD (J N Technical University) Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131510636 Shaffer Fundamentals of Power Electronics with MATLAB®, w/CD Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131500347 Singh Digital Signal Processing Implementation Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131511800 Sivanagaraju, Kishore & Rao Electrical Circuit Analysis Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131505557 Sonka Digital Image Processing and Computer Vision Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131503546 Stanley Electronic Communications: Principles & Systems Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131501818 Stanley Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Technology with CD Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131502983 Stanley Technical Analysis and Applications with MATLAB with CD Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131510056 Sterling Introduction to Fiber Optics Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131510070 Strum Contemporary Linear System Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131502990 Stuller An Introduction to Signals and Systems Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131501955 Uyemura Chip Design for Submicron VLSI: CMOS Layout & Simulation Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131501085 Uyemura A First Course in Digital Systems Design Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131501771 Valvano Embedded Microcomputer Systems: A Real Time Interfacing (with CD)  Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131509753 Van Valkenburgh Basic Electrical Engineering Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131509746 Van Valkenburgh Solid State Electronics Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131501337 White Digital Signal Processing : A Filtering Approach Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131500583 Yarbrough Digital Logic Applications and Design Electrical and Electronics and Communication Engineering
9788131512326 Abbaschian Principles of Physical Metallurgy Mechanical Engineering
9788131512555 Askeland Materials Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering
9788131503218 Askeland The Science & Engineering of Materials with CD Mechanical Engineering
9788131509227 Balachandran Fundamental of Vibrations Mechanical Engineering
9788131507957 Boresi & Schmidt Engineering Mechanics : Statics & Dynamics Mechanical Engineering
9788131510391 Braga Mechatronics Sourcebook Mechanical Engineering
9788131509876 Dixit Finite Elements Methods for Engineers Mechanical Engineering
9788131512579 Duff Engineering Design and Visualization Mechanical Engineering
9788131509913 Engineer Progressive Manufacturing:
Managing Uncertainty While Blazing a Trail to Success
Mechanical Engineering
9788131509845 Fryman Quality Management:
A Process Improvement Approach
Mechanical Engineering
9788131512463 Garber Principles of Traffic and Highway Engineering Mechanical Engineering
9788131510582 Gardner Simulations of Machines using MATLAB and SIMULINK Mechanical Engineering
9788131509272 Gere Strength of Materials Mechanical Engineering
9788131509906 Harbola Engineering Mechanics Mechanical Engineering
9788131510896 Hobbs LEAN Manufacturing Implementation: A Complete Execution Manual for Any Size Manufacturer
Mechanical Engineering
9788131505533 Hoffman Jig and Fixture Design Mechanical Engineering
9788131510063 Keramas Robot Technology Fundamentals Mechanical Engineering
9788131510612 Krar Machine Tool and Manufacturing Technology Mechanical Engineering
9788131500385 Kreith Principles of Heat Transfer Mechanical Engineering
9788131502174 Logan First Course in the Finite Element Method Mechanical Engineering
9788131501702 Macia Modeling & Control of Dynamic Systems Mechanical Engineering
9788131510094 Mattson CNC Programming Principles and Applications Mechanical Engineering
9788131510902 McKay Practical Production Control: A Survival Guide for Planners and Schedulers Mechanical Engineering
9788131512487 Potter Fluid Mechanics Mechanical Engineering
9788131502389 Potter Thermal Sciences:An Introduction to Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Heat Transfer W/CD Mechanical Engineering
9788131506998 Pytel Mechanics of Materials, w/CD Mechanical Engineering
9788131501191 Shetty Mechatronics System Design Mechanical Engineering
9788131512265 Soutas - Little Engineering Mechanics Mechanical Engineering
9788131512364 Thomas Process Technology: Principles, Operations and Maintenance Mechanical Engineering
9788131509944 Trent Strategic Supply Management: Creating the
Next Source of Competitive Advantage 
Mechanical Engineering
9788131508787 Wentzell Machine Design Mechanical Engineering
9788131510384 Wise Applied Robotics: An Introduction - I with CD Mechanical Engineering
9788131510087 Wise Applied Robotics: An Introduction - II Mechanical Engineering
9788131511015 Wickert An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
9788131506653 Afyouni Database Security and Auditing Computer Science
9788131505915 Aksoy Introduction to Information Technology Computer Science
9788131509517 Ali Data Mining Methods and Techniques Computer Science
9788131509623 Allert Visual C++ Programming Computer Science
9788131502594 Andrews A+Guide to Managing & Maintaining Your PC with CD Computer Science
9788131507759 Basta Computer Security : Concepts, Issues & Implementation Computer Science
9788131506677 Barnett Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR , w/CD Computer Science
9788131502457 Barile Protecting Your PC with CD Computer Science
9788131505717 Barnes Knowledge Management Systems Computer Science
9788131509463 Ben Mencham Software Quality Computer Science
9788131505212 Berman Algorithms Computer Science
9788131512166 Brady Problem-Solving Cases using MSAccess and Excel Computer Science
9788131505625 Bronson ANSI C Programming Computer Science
9788131501405 Bronson A First Book of C++ from Here to There Computer Science
9788131510841 Bulusu Oracle PL/SQL Programming with CD Computer Science
9788131508657 Burd Information Systems Architecture Computer Science
9788131510858 Burden Numerical Analysis: Theory & Applications Computer Science
9788131510285 Cannon CCNA Study Guide Computer Science
9788131507476 Carswell Parallel Operating Systems, w/DVD Computer Science
9788131509111 Carswell Virtual PC 2007 and Virtual Server 2005 Computer Science
9788131502280 Chapman Matlab Programming for Engineers Computer Science
9788131505823 Cheney Numerical Methods and Applications Computer Science
9788131502624 Cooney RFID+The Complete Review of Radio Frequency Identification Computer Science
9788131511220 Crews Working with Visual Logic: A User's Guide Computer Science
9788131507841 Dawson Programming with Python: A User's Book, w/CD Computer Science
9788131502464 Diaz Introduction to Unix/Linux with DVD Computer Science
9788131508435 Doyle Programming in C# Computer Science
9788131501153 Drozdek Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ Computer Science
9788131506554 Drozdek Data Sructures  and Algorithms in Java Computer Science
9788131510575 Drozdek Elements of Data Compression Computer Science
9788131502150 Ericcson SQL Server 2005 for Developers with CD Computer Science
9788131509579 Farrell Java for Beginners Computer Science
9788131507865 Farrell OOP Using Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Computer Science
9788131505175 Farrell Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ Computer Science
9788131502631 Farrell Programming Logic and Design, Comprehensive Edition  Computer Science
9788131510377 Ferland Discrete Mathematical Structures Computer Science
9788131501764 Flynn Operating Systems  Computer Science
9788131508534 Flynt Programming with PERL Computer Science
9788131511183 Forouzan Basics of Computer Science Computer Science
9788131506783 Forouzan Computer Science : A Structured Programming Approach Using C(for Anna University) Computer Science
9788131507629 Forouzan Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C (for UP Technical University) Computer Science
9788131507612 Forouzan/
Gilberg / Aspangi / Jani
Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C (for Pune University) Computer Science
9788131500941 Forouzan Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C Computer Science
9788131503638 Forouzan Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C  Computer Science
9788131505885 Forouzan Computer Science : A Structured Programming Approach Using C (for Pune University) Computer Science
9788131501122 Forouzan Computer Science: A Structured Approach Using C++ Computer Science
9788131512685 Forouzan C Programming & Data Structures (for JNTU),w/CD Computer Science
9788131503256 Forouzan UNIX and Shell Programming Computer Science
9788131503515 Frenzel Management of Information Technology Computer Science
9788131503645 Gallo Computer Communications & Networking Technologies  Computer Science
9788131501672 Giarratano Expert Systems: Principles and Programming with CD Computer Science
9788131504925 Gilberg Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach using C++  Computer Science
9788131503140 Gilberg Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C  Computer Science
9788131500415 Gillies Software Quality : Theory & Practice Computer Science
9788131512302 Goetsch Engineering Graphics Computer Science
9788131505151 Gosselin JavaScript Computer Science
9788131502181 Graham Foundations of Software Testing Computer Science
9788131507704 Graves Guide to Server and Server+ Computer Science
9788131508800 Graves Handbook of Networking Computer Science
9788131508886 Grembi Developing Secure Software Computer Science
9788131508831 Hashimoto Visual Design : A Digital Approach; w/CD Computer Science
9788131510605 Herniter Programming in MATLAB Computer Science
9788131503959 Hagan Neural Network Design, w/CD Computer Science
9788131501214 Haggard Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Computer Science
9788131510643 Hailperin Operating Systems and Middle Ware Computer Science
9788131502648 Herbert Linux TCP/IP Networking for Embedded Systems  Computer Science
9788131502082 Johnson  An Introduction to Java Programming and OOAD W/CD Computer Science
9788131507582 Kalata Web Application Using ASP.NET2.0 Computer Science
9788131502358 Kaplan Introduction to Scientific Computation & Programming  Computer Science
9788131512722 Kassem  Software Engineering Computer Science
9788131502471 Konchady Text Mining Application Programming with CD Computer Science
9788131502488 Krawetz  Introduction to Network Security with CD Computer Science
9788131509371 Lecky-Thompson Web Programming Computer Science
9788131503737 Louden Programming Languages : Principles and Practice Computer Science
9788131509319 Louden Programming Languages : Principles and Practice (J N Technical University) Computer Science
9788131509838 Malik C++ Programming Language Computer Science
9788131505724 Malik Discrete Mathematics Computer Science
9788131501061 Malik Data Structures Using C++ Computer Science
9788131510353 Malik Java Programming, w/CD Computer Science
9788131502655 Malik Practical Windows Administration Scripting with CD Computer Science
9788131509265 Malik Programming with Java: Guided Learning with Early Objects Computer Science
9788131508725 McAndrew Introduction to Digital Image
Processing with MATLAB
Computer Science
9788131507643 Meloni PHP 6 Computer Science
9788131505601 Miers Local Area Networks Computer Science
9788131505700 Mohler Designing Interactive Web Sites Computer Science
9788131509678 Monk Enterprise Resource Planning Computer Science
9788131509234 Morley Fundamental of Computers Computer Science
9788131504208 Mughal Java Actually Computer Science
9788131506707 Nagler Learning C++ Computer Science
9788131501870 Napier Creating a Winning E-Business Computer Science
9788131507773 Nelson Computer Forensics and Investigations w/DVD Computer Science
9788131511374 Olsen Human-Computer Interaction Computer Science
9788131501740 Oz Management Information Systems  Computer Science
9788131506868 Palmer Guide to Operating Systems Security Computer Science
9788131502129 Palmer Guide to Operating Systems with 2CDs Computer Science
9788131512449 Palmer Microsoft Window Server 2008 Computer Science
9788131509692 Pratt Database Management Systems Computer Science
9788131507834 Proot Adobe Pagemaker 7.0 Computer Science
9788131502686 Rajan Oracle 10g Database Administrator II Backup/Recovery & Network Admn with 2 CDs Computer Science
9788131508671 Reis Assembly Language and Computer Architure  Using C++ and JAVA, w/CD Computer Science
9788131503652 Reynolds Ethics in Information Technology Computer Science
9788131509968 Rico ROI of Software Process Improvement: Metrics for Project Managers and Software Engineers Computer Science
9788131509708 Rob Database System Concepts Computer Science
9788131510629 Roosta Foundations of Programming Languages: Design and Implementation Computer Science
9788131510988 Santha Discrete Mathematics with Combinatorics and Graph Theory
Computer Science
9788131502693 Satzinger Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process Computer Science
9788131505328 Satzinger Systems Analysis and Design Computer Science
9788131504000 Schilling Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers using MATLAB and C  Computer Science
9788131505335 Schneider e-Commerce: Strategy, Technology and Implementation Computer Science
9788131509074 Schwalbe Project Management in IT, w/CD Computer Science
9788131509456 Seila Applied Simulation Modeling, w/CD Computer Science
9788131504079 Seames Computer Numerical Control: Concepts & Programming, w/CD Computer Science
9788131502525 Shah Hacking Web Services, with CD Computer Science
9788131508145 Sheldon Class A ERP Implementation: Integrating Lean and Six Sigma Computer Science
9788131507681 Shelly Adobe Photoshop CS3, w/CD Computer Science
9788131503324 Shelly Business Data Communications: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Computer Science
9788131505809 Shelly Introduction to Computers Computer Science
9788131505496 Shelly Systems Analysis & Design Methods Computer Science
9788131503829 Shelly Structured Cobol Programming Computer Science
9788131502709 Sherrod Ultimate 3D Game Engine Design & Architecture with CD Computer Science
9788131512715 Shirley Computer Graphics Computer Science
9788131511046 Shukla Theory of Computation  Computer Science
9788131503614 Shuman Multimedia in Action With CD Computer Science
9788131507483 Simpson Ethical Hacking and Network Defence, w/CD Computer Science
9788131507674 Simpson Virtual Machines Computer Science
9788131505939 Singla Enterprise Resource Planning Computer Science
9788131502532 Siewert Real Time Embedded Systems and Components with CD Computer Science
9788131508497 Sinn Software Security Computer Science
9788131505137 Sipser Theory of Computation Computer Science
9788131500170 Sklar The Web Warrior Guide to Web Programming Computer Science
9788131509616 Sklar Textbook of Web Design Computer Science
9788131512470 Smith-Atakan Human-Computer Interaction: Basics and Practice Computer Science
9788131503201 Stair Principles of Information Systems  Computer Science
9788131505199 Stuart Operating Systems: Principles, Design and Applications Computer Science
9788131512708 Sung Interactive Computer Graphics: Concepts & Applications Computer Science
9788131506899 Snyder Network Security Computer Science
9788131505960 Tittel TCP/IP Computer Science
9788131502136 Tomsho Guide to Networking Essentials with CD Computer Science
9788131501344 Umanath Data Modeling and Database Design Computer Science
9788131503676 Wang An Introduction to Web Design and Programming Computer Science
9788131502549 Watkins Introduction to 3D Graphics & Animation Using Maya with CD Computer Science
9788131506820 Wells The Complete Guide to Linux System Administration, w/4CD Computer Science
9788131508459 Weaver Network Defence Computer Science
9788131509296 Weaver Network Infrastructure Security Computer Science
9788131502143 Wiener Modern Software Development Using C#.Net Computer Science
9788131505571 White Data Communications and Networking Computer Science
9788131509524 Whitman Principles & Practice of Information Security Computer Science
9788131510292 Whitman Firewalls and Network Security Computer Science
9788131508473 Whitman Information Security: Incident Response and Disaster Recovery Computer Science
9788131500118 Wigglesworth Java Programming Advanced Topics
(with 2 CD'S) 
Computer Science
9788131509005 Zak Visual Basic 2008 Computer Science
9788131510827 Berg A Textbook of Botany Bioscience
9788131501047 Barnes Invertebrate Zoology Bioscience
9788131505090 Barnum Biotechnology  Bioscience
9788131502839 Campbell Biochemistry Bioscience
9788131509548 Cummings Human Genetics Bioscience
9788131512548 Farrell Biochemistry: A Lab Manual Bioscience
9788131508565 Ingraham Microbiology: An Introduction Bioscience
9788131502112 Pagano Principles of Biostatistics with CD Bioscience
9788131508510 Russell Plant and Animal Physiology Bioscience
9788131508527 Russell Cell and Molecular Biology Bioscience
9788131501658 Salisbury Plant Physiology Bioscience
9788131504031 Setubal Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology Bioscience
9788131502846 Starr Biology: Concepts and Applications Bioscience
9788131500033 Tizard Immunology: An Introduction Bioscience
9788131512388 Tortora & Amitrano Anatomy and Physiology: A Lab Manual Bioscience
9788131508572 Dave & Katewa Text Book of Environmental Studies Environmental Science
9788131511992 Dave & Katewa Textbook of Environment & Ecology
(for UPTU)
Environmental Science
9788131512203 Dave & Katewa Textbook of Environmental Studies (for JNTU) Environmental Science
9788131512210 Dave & Katewa Environmental Science & Engineering (for ANNA University) Environmental Science
9788131512692 Dave & Katewa Environmental Studies (Mumbai University) Environmental Science
9788131503188 Miller Environmental Science Environmental Science
9788131504253 Miller Environmental Science                     
(Anna University)
Environmental Science
9788131509801 Miller People and Environment  Environmental Science
9788131509098 Miller Textbook of Ecology Environmental Science
9788131500200 Odum Fundamentals of Ecology Environmental Science
9788131509364 Plaster Soil Science Environmental Science
9788131508503 Russell Ecology Environmental Science
9788131501979 Ball Physical Chemistry Chemistry
9788131509470 Brown Understanding Organic Chemistry  Chemistry
9788131507575 Bettelheim General, Organic & Biochemistry Chemistry
9788131512661 Bettelheim General, Organic & Biochemistry:A Lab Manual Chemistry
9788131512418 Ebbing Fundamentals of Chemistry Chemistry
9788131508442 Kotz General Chemistry Chemistry
9788131502372 McMurry Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Chemistry
9788131506660 McMurry Introduction to Organic Chemistry Chemistry
9788131505205 Oxtoby Modern Chemistry Chemistry
9788131512432 Pavia Organic Chemistry: A Lab Manual Chemistry
9788131505762 Pavia Spectroscopy Chemistry
9788131507599 Rodgers Inorganic and Solid-State Chemistry Chemistry
9788131500514 Skoog Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry Chemistry
9788131505427 Skoog Instrumental Analysis Chemistry
9788131512531 Slowinski General Chemistry: A Lab Manual Chemistry
9788131512074 Williamson Lab Manual for General Chemistry Chemistry
9788131510131 Zumdahl Chemistry: Concepts and Applications Chemistry
9788131504659 Croom Principles of Topology Mathematics
9788131504888 Devore Probability and Statistics for Engineers Mathematics
9788131510377 Ferland Discrete Mathematical Structures Mathematics
9788131512371 Larson Textbook of Calculus Mathematics
9788131512524 Larson Linear Algebra: An Introduction Mathematics
9788131511107 Mendenhall Probability and Statistics Mathematics
9788131503102 O'Neil Advanced Engineering Mathematics Mathematics
9788131504062 Pinsky Introduction to Fourier Analysis and Wavelets Mathematics
9788131510988 Santha Discrete Mathematics with Combinatorics and Graph Theory
9788131512821 Scheinerman Introduction to Discrete Mathematics Mathematics
9788131503454 Stewart Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals Mathematics
9788131509715 Stewart Calculus with Early Transcendentals Functions Mathematics
9788131501726 Strang Linear Algebra and Its Applications Mathematics
9789812548795 Tan Applied Calculus for the Managerial, Life and Social Sciences Mathematics
9788131509241 Zill Differential Equations Mathematics
9788131500521 Ashcroft Solid State Physics Physics
9788131506875 Cardinale Optoelectronics : Introductory Theory & Experiments Physics
9788131503942 Casella Statistical Inference Physics
9788131501115 Fowles Analytical Mechanics Physics
9788131507964 Serway Physics: A Calculus Based Approach Vol-I, with CD Physics
9788131507971 Serway Physics: A Calculus Based Approach Vol-II, with CD Physics
9788131508640 Serway Physics: A Calculus Based Approach with CD(Combined Version) Physics
9788131503447 Serway Modern Physics Physics
9788131503171 Serway Physics for Scientist & Engineers with Modern Physics Vol-2 Physics
9788131505953 Thornton Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems Physics
9788131505984 Thornton Modern Physics Physics
9788131506714 Wei Solid State Physics Physics
9788131503263 Dielman Applied Regression Analysis Statistics
9788131508688 Williams Probability, Statistics and Random Processes for Engineers Statistics
9788131510889 Haviland Cultural Anthropology Anthropology
9788131506592 Haviland Introduction to Anthropology Anthropology
9788131506639 Corey Group Counseling Counseling
9788131507667 Heppner Counseling Research Counseling
9788131506646 Kottler Couseling : Theories and Practices Counseling
9788131500842 Patterson The Counseling Process Counseling
9788131508466 Fromkin Language: Nature, Psychology, and Grammatical Aspects Linguistics
9788131509555 Abrams A Handbook of Literary Terms Literature
9788131504512 Arden A Mid Summernight’s Dream Literature
9788131504543 Arden Antony and Cleopatra Literature
9788131504567 Arden As You Like It Literature
9788131504536 Arden King Henry IV Part I Literature
9788131504604 Arden Macbeth Literature
9788131504574 Arden Othello Literature
9788131504611 Arden Romeo and Juliet Literature
9788131504550 Arden The Tempest  Literature
9788131506608 Adler Communication: Goals and Approaches Mass Communication
9788131506523 Alten Audio in Media : Principles, Technology and Production Mass Communication
9788131506516 Anokwa Mass Communication : Concept Case Approach Mass Communication
9788131501917 Albarran Management of Electronic Media Mass Communication
9788131501924 Baran Mass Communication Theory: Foundations, Ferment and Future   Mass Communication
9788131505946 Day Media Communication Ethics Mass Communication
9788131506622 Eastman Electronic Media : Programming Strategies and Practices Mass Communication
9788131505977 Littlejohn Communication Theory Mass Communication
9788131512357 Rich News Writing and Reporting Mass Communication
9788131505755 Wimmer Mass Media Research: Processes, Approaches and Applications Mass Communication
9788131505083 Zettl Handbook of Television Production Radio/ TV/ Film
9788131505991 Jaffe Public Speaking Public Speaking
9788131507650 Hurley Introduction to Logic Philosophy
9788131505816 Velasquez Philosophy Philosophy
9788131507018 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Adam Smith Philosophy
9788131507025 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Addams Philosophy
9788131507032 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Aristotle Philosophy
9788131507056 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Bentham Philosophy
9788131507063 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Berkeley Philosophy
9788131507070 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Brentano Philosophy
9788131507087 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Brouwer Philosophy
9788131507094 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Carnap Philosophy
9788131507100 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Chomsky Philosophy
9788131507117 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Davidson Philosophy
9788131507124 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Dennett Philosophy
9788131507131 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Derrida Philosophy
9788131507148 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Descartes Philosophy
9788131507155 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Dostoevsky Philosophy
9788131507162 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Eco Philosophy
9788131507179 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Foucault Philosophy
9788131507186 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Freud Philosophy
9788131507193 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Gandhi Philosophy
9788131507209 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Goldman Philosophy
9788131507223 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Hegel Philosophy
9788131507230 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On James Philosophy
9788131507247 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Jesus Philosophy
9788131507254 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Jung Philosophy
9788131507261 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Kripke Philosophy
9788131507278 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Krishnamurti Philosophy
9788131507285 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Locke Philosophy
9788131507292 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On MacIntyre Philosophy
9788131507308 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Marx Philosophy
9788131507315 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Mill Philosophy
9788131507322 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Millikan Philosophy
9788131507339 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Moore Philosophy
9788131507346 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Nietzsche Philosophy
9788131507353 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Nozick Philosophy
9788131507360 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Russell Philosophy
9788131507377 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Santayana Philosophy
9788131507384 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Shankara Philosophy
9788131507391 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Shantaraksita Philosophy
9788131507407 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Socrates Philosophy
9788131507414 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On The Buddha Philosophy
9788131507438 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Whitehead Philosophy
9788131507445 Wadsworth Philosophers Series On Wollstonecraft Philosophy
9788131501382 Barlow Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach with CD Philosophy
9788131511213 Baumeister Fundamentals of Social Psychology Philosophy
9788131503867 Brannon Introduction to Health Psychology Philosophy
9788131502853 Coon Introduction to Psychology Philosophy
9788131511206 DeLamater Textbook of Social Psychology Philosophy
9788131511077 Galotti Cognitive Psychology: Perception, Attention & Memory Philosophy
9788131511084 Gelso Counseling Psychology: Practices, Issues and Intervention Philosophy
9788131507698 Goldstein Psychology of Sensation & Perception Philosophy
9788131502099 Kaplan Psychological Testing Philosophy
9788131502105 McBurney Research Methods  Philosophy
9788131501825 Muchinsky Psychology Applied to Work  Philosophy
9788131502945 Shaffer Developmental Psychology Philosophy
9788131504048 Schafer Stress Management Philosophy
9788131508220 Sigelman Human Development Philosophy
9788131500835 Smith Atkinson and Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology  Philosophy
9788131509029 Sternberg Applied Cognitive Psychology:Perceiving, Learning and Remembering  Philosophy
9788131501962 Weiten Psychology Applied to Modern Life : Adjustment in 21st Century Philosophy
9788131506578 Adler Invitation to Social Research Sociology
9788131506615 Anderson Understanding Sociology Sociology
9788131509104 Babbie Research Methods in Sociology Sociology
9789812548757 Turner The Structure of Sociological Theory Sociology
9788131503591 Gray Psychopathology Social Work
9788131505441 Cameron Dressing Long Hair I Beauty Education
9788131505786 Cameron Dressing Long Hair : Book II Beauty Education
9788131508909 Delamar The Complete Make-Up Artist Beauty Education
9788131508428 Nordman Beauty Therapy Beauty Education
9788131504055 Baker Principles of Hotel Front Office Operations Hospitality, Travel and Tourism
9788131505908 Chon Welcome to Hospitality: An Introduction Hospitality, Travel and Tourism
9788131504093 Ismail Front Office: Operations and Management Hospitality, Travel and Tourism
9788131502167 Julyan Sales and Service for the Wine Professional Hospitality, Travel and Tourism
9788131504024 Lee-Ross HRM in Tourism & Hospitality Hospitality, Travel and Tourism
9788131502198 Mancini Access Introduction to Travel and Tourism Hospitality, Travel and Tourism
9788131502204 Michael Best Impressions in Hospitality Hospitality, Travel and Tourism
9788131504369 Milady Standard: Text Book on Cosmetology Hospitality, Travel and Tourism
9788131502495 Morrison Hospitality and Travel Marketing Hospitality, Travel and Tourism
9788131504130 Shone Successful Event Management Hospitality, Travel and Tourism
9788131504215 Shiring Introduction to Catering: Ingredients for Success Hospitality, Travel and Tourism
9788131503812 Chang Clinical Application of Mechanical Ventilation Healthcare
9788131503522 Daniels Contemporary Medical-Surgical Nursing, with CD Healthcare
9788131503485 Delaune Fundamentals of Nursing: Standards and Practice Healthcare
9788131508251 Feldstein Economics of Health Care Healthcare
9788131503492 Frisch Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing  Healthcare
9788131510360 Hales Guide to Health & Wellness Healthcare
9788131508558 Hoeger Guide to Physical Fitness and Wellness Healthcare
9788131508213 Kelly Leadership and Management in Nursing Healthcare
9788131503478 Littleton  Maternity Nursing Care Healthcare
9788131508206 McLean Financial Management in Health Care Service Healthcare
9788131507858 Pickar A Ratio Proportion Approach to Dosage Calculation Healthcare
9788131503508 Potts Pediatric Nursing Healthcare
9788131503539 Rizzo Fundamentals of Anatomy Physiology Healthcare
9788131508893 Scutchfield Public Health Practice Healthcare
9788131504901 Sherwood Principles of Human Physiology Healthcare
9788131507469 Shortell Organization Design and Behavior in Health Care Services Healthcare
9788131501054 Stein NCLEX - RN Review with CD Healthcare
9788131508756 Williams Introduction to Health Care Services Healthcare
9788131506974 Cher Why Take Action Healthcare
9788131506936 Fry Get Organized Healthcare
9788131506943 Fry How to Study Healthcare
9788131506950 Fry Your First Resume Healthcare
9788131506967 Solomon The Race Healthcare
9788131512593 Cengage Learning India Physics for AIEEE  2010 AIEEE
9788131512616 Cengage Learning India Chemistry for AIEEE 2010 AIEEE
9788131512609 Cengage Learning India Mathematics for AIEEE 2010 AIEEE
9788131510681 Cengage Learning India Online Mock Tests for AIEEE (5 Tests) AIEEE
9788131510698 Cengage Learning India Online Mock Tests for AIEEE (10 Tests) AIEEE
9788131510704 Cengage Learning India Online Mock Tests for AIEEE (20 Tests) AIEEE
9788131510711 Cengage Learning India Online Mock Tests for AIEEE (25 Tests) AIEEE
9788131510728 Cengage Learning India interactive Books- Chemistry for AIEEE  AIEEE
9788131510735 Cengage Learning India interactive Books- Physics for AIEEE  AIEEE
9788131510742 Cengage Learning India interactive Books- Mathematics for AIEEE  AIEEE
9788131510759 Cengage Learning India interactive Chapters from Chemistry for AIEEE  AIEEE
9788131510766 Cengage Learning India interactive Chapters from Physics for AIEEE  AIEEE
9788131510773 Cengage Learning India interactive Chapters from  Mathematics for AIEEE  AIEEE
9788131511572 Sharma Physics for IIT JEE 2010: Electricity and Magnetism AIEEE
9788131512180 Sharma Physics for IIT JEE 2010: Mechanics I AIEEE
9788131511541 Sharma Physics for IIT JEE 2010: Mechanics II AIEEE
9788131511558 Sharma Physics for IIT JEE 2010: Optics & Modern Physics AIEEE
9788131511596 Tewani Mathematics for IIT JEE 2010: Algebra AIEEE
9788131512173 Tewani Mathematics for IIT JEE 2010: Calculus AIEEE
9788131511619 Tewani Mathematics for IIT JEE 2010: Trigonometry AIEEE
9788131512746 O'Brien General Knowledge Manual 2010 Civil Services Examinations
9788131512814 O'Brien Concise General Knowledge Manual 2010 Civil Services Examinations
9788131506684 Arden  Business Concepts: For English Practice BUSINESS ENGLISH
9788131506721 Bowen Build Your Business Grammar BUSINESS ENGLISH
9788131506745 Flower American Business Vocabulary BUSINESS ENGLISH
9788131506691 Flower Build Your Business Vocabulary BUSINESS ENGLISH
9788131506752 Goodale The Language of Meeting BUSINESS ENGLISH
9788131506769 Milne Business Language Practice BUSINESS ENGLISH
9788131506738 Mawer Business Games BUSINESS ENGLISH
9788131506776 Vetrano Let's Talk Business BUSINESS ENGLISH
9788131505267 Rideout Heinle's Basic Newbury House Dictionary of American English DICTIONARIES
9788131505250 Rideout Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English with CD DICTIONARIES
9788131505687 Huizenga The Picture Dictionary DICTIONARIES
9788131505670 O'Sullivan The Picture Dictionary for Children DICTIONARIES
9788131506493 Heinle Cengage
K-8 Reading Library Complete Pack K8 READING LIBRARY
9788131506424 Heinle Cengage
K-8 Reading Library Level 1 K8 READING LIBRARY
9788131506431 Heinle Cengage
K-8 Reading Library Level 2 K8 READING LIBRARY
9788131506448 Heinle Cengage
K-8 Reading Library Level 3 K8 READING LIBRARY
9788131506455 Heinle Cengage
K-8 Reading Library Level 4 K8 READING LIBRARY
9788131506462 Heinle Cengage
K-8 Reading Library Level 5 K8 READING LIBRARY
9788131506479 Heinle Cengage
K-8 Reading Library Level 6 K8 READING LIBRARY
9788131506486 Heinle Cengage
K-8 Reading Library Level 7 K8 READING LIBRARY
9788131502235 Anderson Technical Communication: A Reader-Centered Approach COMMUNICATION
9788131511350 Kaur Everyday English: A Course on Communicative English (Level-1),w/CD COMMUNICATION
9788131511367 Kaur Everyday English: A Course on Communicative English (Level-2), w/CD COMMUNICATION
9788131502303 Hallows IELTS Express Upper Intermediate Course book with 2 CDs IELTS
9788131502297 Hallows IELTS Express Intermediate Coursebook with 2CDs IELTS
9788131505922 Harrison IELTS Practice Tests with Key and with 3CDs IELTS
9788131501092 Rogers The Complete Guide to TOEFL iBT Test with CD TOEFL 
9788131502907 Rogers The Complete Guide to the TOEFL iBT Edition with DVD & CD TOEFL 
9788131502891 Rogers Audio Scripts and Answer Key to accompany The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test iBT Edition with DVD, & CD  TOEFL 
9788131502921 Rogers Audio Scripts and Answer Keys  to accompany The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test iBT Edition with DVD TOEFL 
9788131502914 Rogers Audio Scripts and Answer Key to accompany The Complete Guide to the TOEFL Test iBT Edition  TOEFL 
9788131505694 Rogers Complete Guide to The TOEIC Test, with DVD TOEIC
9788131503782 Johannsen English for Humanities, with CD PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH SERIES
9788131503799 Milner English for Health Science with CD PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH SERIES
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9788131503768 Williams English for Science & Engineering with CD PROFESSIONAL ENGLISH SERIES
9788131504666 Adams/Crawford/Finnie/Gormley Outlook Level 1 (TEXTBOOK+WORKBOOK+AUDIOCD) OUTLOOK 1- 4
9788131504673 Adams/Crawford/Finnie/Gormley Outlook Level 2  (TEXTBOOK+WORKBOOK+AUDIOCD) OUTLOOK 1- 4
9788131504680 Adams/Crawford/Finnie/Gormley Outlook Level 3 (TEXTBOOK+WORKBOOK+AUDIOCD) OUTLOOK 1- 4
9788131504697 Adams/Crawford/Finnie/Gormley Outlook Level 4  (TEXTBOOK+WORKBOOK+AUDIOCD) OUTLOOK 1- 4
9788131504703 Susan Stempleski/
Nancy Douglas/
James Morgan/
Andy Curtis/Queens University
World Link Intro : Developing English Fluency
9788131504727 Susan Stempleski/
Nancy Douglas/
James Morgan/
Andy Curtis/Queens University
World Link Book 1 - Developing English Fluency
9788131504741 Susan Stempleski/
Nancy Douglas/
James Morgan/
Andy Curtis/Queens University
World Link Book 2 - Developing English Fluency
9788131504765 Susan Stempleski/
Nancy Douglas/
James Morgan/
Andy Curtis/Queens University
World Link Book 3 - Developing English Fluency
9788131504710 Susan Stempleski/
Nancy Douglas/
James Morgan/
Andy Curtis/Queens University
World Link Intro Book :Developing English Fluency
World Link Book 1 - Developing English Fluency
World Link Book 2 - Developing English Fluency
World Link Book 3 Developing English Fluency
9788131504789 Stempleski/Douglas/Morgan/Johannsen/Curtis World Pass Upper Intermediate(Textbook+Workbook+Audio CD+CNN® Video on DVD WORLD PASS 1- 2
World Pass Advanced (Textbook+Workbook+Audio CD+CNN® Video on DVD WORLD PASS 1- 2
9788131504802 Chamot/ de Diaz/Baker-Gonzalez Up Close Book 1(Textbook+Student Audio CD+Workbook) UP CLOSE 1 - 4
9788131504819 Chamot/ de Diaz/Baker-Gonzalez Up Close Book 2(Textbook+Student Audio CD+Workbook) UP CLOSE 1 - 4
9788131504826 Chamot/ de Diaz/Baker-Gonzalez Up Close Book 3(Textbook+Student Audio CD+Workbook) UP CLOSE 1 - 4
9788131504833 Chamot/ de Diaz/Baker-Gonzalez Up Close Book 4(Textbook+Student Audio CD+Workbook) UP CLOSE 1 - 4
9788131504864 Edward J. McBride Downtown Book 1: (TEXTBOOK+WORKBOOK+AUDIO CD) DOWNTOWN 1 -4
9788131504932 Edward J. McBride Downtown Book 2: (TEXTBOOK+WORKBOOK+AUDIO CD) DOWNTOWN 1 -4
9788131504949 Edward J. McBride Downtown Book 3: (TEXTBOOK+WORKBOOK+AUDIO CD) DOWNTOWN 1 -4
9788131504956 Edward J. McBride Downtown Book 4: (TEXTBOOK+WORKBOOK+AUDIO CD)

9788131504963 Foley/Neblett English in Action Level 1(TEXT+WORKBOOK WITH AUDIO  CDs) ENGLISH IN ACTION 1- 4
9788131504970 Foley/Neblett English in Action Level 2(TEXT+WORKBOOK WITH AUDIO CDs) ENGLISH IN ACTION 1- 4
9788131504987 Foley/Neblett English in Action Level 3(TEXT+WORKBOOK WITH AUDIO CDs) ENGLISH IN ACTION 1- 4
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