Sunday, April 10, 2011

UPKAR PRAKASHAN Pratiyogita Darpan, Agra Competitive Exam Books

2 Jan.—Sainik School Entrance Exam. (Class VI & IX)
2 Jan.—Indian Bank Probationary Officers Exam.
9 Jan.—Union Bank of India Recruitment Project 2010 for
Probationary Officer, Asstt. Manager (Marketing), Asstt. Manager
(Rural Development) etc.
9 Jan.—S.S.C. Stenographers (Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’) Re-examination,
9 Jan. —Oriental Bank of Commerce Clerical Cadre Recruitment
16 Jan.—Corporation Bank Officers Cadre Examination.
16 Jan.—Punjab and Sind Bank Probationary Officers Scale-I
16 Jan.—Clerical Recruitment Exam. in State Bank of India’s
Associate Banks.
23 Jan.—Madhya Bharat Gramin Bank Officers Scale-I Exam.
23 Jan.—I.D.B.I. Bank Executives Exam.
23 Jan.—Punjab & Sind Bank Specialist Officers Examination.
30 Jan.—Madhya Bharat Gramin Bank Office Assistants Exam.

30 Jan.—U.P. PCS Review Officer/Assistant Review Officer
etc. General Selection (Pre.) Exam., 2010.
30 Jan.—Madhya Pradesh Police Constable Recruitment
Exam. (Closing Date : 10 Jan., 2011)
30 Jan.—M.P. School Education Department, Principal Higher
Secondary School Recruitment Exam.
30 Jan.—UCO Bank Probationary Officer in JMGS-I Exam.
30 Jan.—GATE 2011 Online Exam.
(Papers : GG and TF, AE and MN)
30 Jan.—National Insurance Company Ltd. Administrative
Officer (Scale-I) Examination.
30 Jan.—Punjab and Sind Bank Clerical Cadre Exam.
6 Feb.—Reserve Bank of India Grade ‘B’ Officers Exam.
6 Feb.—Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam. (for
Clsss VI).
11 Feb. —Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Post Graduate
Teacher Preliminary Examination.
12 Feb. —Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan TGT & Librarian,
Primary Teacher Preliminary Exam.
13 Feb.—Central Bank of India Clerical Cadre Exam.
13 Feb.—Assam Gramin Vikas Bank Office Assistant Exam.
13 Feb.—UPSC Combined Defence Service Exam. (I), 2011.
13 Feb.—GATE 2011 Offline Exam. (Papers : AR, BT, CE, CH,
CS, ME, PH and PI, AG, CY, EC, EE, IN, MA, MT, XE and XL)
20 Feb.—Chhattisgarh Gramin Bank Officer Scale-I Exam.
20 Feb.—Baroda Rajasthan Gramin Bank Officer Scale I & Scale
II Examination.
20 Feb.—Assam Gramin Vikas Bank Officer Junior Management
Scale-I Exam.
20 Feb.—Madhya Pradesh State Services (Pre.) Exam., 2010.
27 Feb.—S.S.C. Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff Recruitment
Exam. (Closing Date : 31 Dec., 2010)
27 Feb.—Dena Bank Probationary Officers Exam.
27 Feb.—Chhattisgarh Gramin Bank Office Assistants Exam.
27 Feb.—Baroda Rajasthan Gramin Bank Office Assistants
27 Feb.—LIC Assistant Administrative Officer (Generalists/
Chartered Accountants/Company Secretary/Legal) Exam.
Feb.— Indian Air Force Airman Recruitment Test (Group ‘X’
Technical Trade).
6 March—Bank of India General Banking Officer Scale-I &
II Examination for North Eastern States.
(Online Closing Date : 3 Jan., 2011)
6 March—Rajasthan Gramin Bank Officers Recruitment
6 March—Dena Bank Clerical Cadre Exam.
(Online Closing Date : 3 Jan., 2011)
13 March—Bank of India Clerk Examination for North Eastern
States. (Online Closing Date : 3 Jan., 2011)
13 March—Rajasthan Gramin Bank Office Assistant (Multipurpose)
Examination. (Closing Date : 27 Dec., 2010)
13 March—Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas Bank Office Assistants
Exam., 2010.(Online Closing Date : 14 Jan., 2011)
March-April—Indian Navy Senior Secondary Recruitment
3 April—C.B.S.E. All India Pre-Medical and Pre-Dental Entrance
Exam., 2011. (Online Closing Date : 31 Dec., 2010)
8 April—Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan Post Graduate
Teacher Main Exam.
9 April—Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan TGT & Librarian, Primary
Teacher Main Examination.
10 April—I.I.T. Joint Entrance Exam., 2011.
April-May—Rajasthan Sub-Inspector Police Combined
Competitive Exam., 2010. (Closing Date : 31 Dec., 2010)
24 May—I.E.R.T. Entrance Exam., 2011 (Allahabad) (Engg./
Technology Diploma Course)(Closing Date : 19 April, 2011)
● Uttarakhand Police/PAC/Fireman Constable Recruitment Exam.
● Rajasthan Gram Sewak and Paden Sachiv Direct Recruitment Exam.
● Railway Recruitment Cell Group ‘D’ Examination. (Closing Date : 15 Feb., 2011)
● Rajasthan Police Constables Recruitment Test.
● Lecturer and Trained Graduate Teachers Selection Test in Uttar Pradesh Non-Government Inter College.
● CRPF Assistant Sub-Inspectors (Steno) and Head Constable (Ministerial) Recruitment Test.
● Bihar Assistant Prosecution Officer Preliminary Examination.
● Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation Driver, Conductor and Artisans (Grade II & III) Exam.
● Uttarakhand Subordinate Education (Trained Graduate Category) Services Assistant Teachers Exam.
...... UGC-NET/JRF/SET Education
(Paper-III) (By : Dr. Shyam Anand) 1531 In Press
...... UGC-NET/JRF/SET Education
(Paper-II) (By : Dr. Shyam Anand) 1522 In Press
...... Union Bank of India Clerical
Cadre Recruitment Exam. 1519 250.00
...... Central Bank of India Clerical
Cadre Recruitment Exam. 1516 195.00
...... SSC Multi Tasking (Non-Technical)
Staff Recruitment Exam. 1515 225.00
......CAT Complete Course
(By : D. Mittal) 1501 490.00
......CSAT Data Interpretation &
Sufficiency (By : Haripal Rawat) 999 80.00
......CSAT-Civil Services Preliminary
Exam. Aptitude Test (Paper-II) 997 225.00
...... An Analytical Approach for
Comprehensive Reasoning 996 195.00
......CSAT-Logical Reasoning &
Analytical Ability 995 60.00
...... BSF Constables Recruitment Test
(Gen. Duty) 948 135.00
...... Personality Development & Promotion The
Road to Success (By : Sanjay Dosaj) 934 60.00
...... Job Interviews : The Riddle Solved
(By : Sanjay Dosaj) 881 50.00
...... CSIR-UGC NET/JRF General Sciences
(By : P.C. Mittal) 361 240.00
...... A Comprehensive Study of Data Interpretation,
Analysis and Sufficiency 943 65.00
...... United Bank Probationary
Clerk Exam. 921 170.00
...... Bank of India Probationary
Officers Exam. 463 245.00
......Food Corporation of India Assistant
Grade-III (Technical)
Recruitment Exam. 433 240.00
...... FCI Assistant Grade III Exam. 482 160.00
...... Airports Authority of India
Manager/Jr. Executive/Sr. Assistant
Examination (By : Ashish Dixit) 480 620.00
...... SSB (What? How? and Why?) 405 185.00
(By : J.B. Mall)
...... Science & Technology
(By : Vimal Kumar Singh) 396 210.00
......Gateway to...TTA 1699 475.00
(By : Ashish Dixit & Mayank Srivastava)
......BSNL Junior Accounts Officers
Examination 1684 230.00
......States of India 1683 125.00
......Chhattisgarh Science Quiz
Competition Test 1676 120.00
......SBI Management Executives
Examination 1671 320.00
......CSIR-CASE Section Officers & Executive
Assistants Preliminary Exam. 1670 195.00
......Management Aptitude Test (MAT) 1659 In Press
......Multidimensional Computer
Course (A book to know all about 1650 240.00
Personal Computer) (By : Dr. Alok Kumar)
......Marketing Knowledge 1645 80.00
(By : Dr. L. N. Koli & Prem Koli)
......Postal/Sorting Assistants
Recruitment Test 1638 112.00
......Common Proficiency Test for
C.A. Entrance Exam. 1580 425.00
......An Objective History of English Literature
Through Multiple–Choice Questions
(By : Dr. B. B. Jain) 1578 110.00
......Journalism and Mass
Communication (By : Hena Naqvi) 1567 145.00
......Tamil Nadu PSC Assistant &
Personal Clerk Examination 1562 130.00
.......Dictionary of Economics &
Commerce (By : Dr. Anupam Agarwal) 399 95.00
.......Objective Commerce 985 130.00
(For CA, ICWA, CS, MBA, M.Com. etc.)
(By : Vivek K. Gupta & Manoj Kaushik)

......UCO Bank Clerical Cadre Exam. 435 165.00
......Indian Bank Clerks Examination 348 185.00
......Bank of Baroda Clerical Cadre Exam. 1698 220.00
......PNB Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam. 1636 240.00
......Allahabad Bank Clerical Cadre
Recruitment Exam. 1689 235.00
......Corporation Bank Clerks
Recruitment Exam. 1675 210.00
......Bank of India Clerical Cadre Exam. 1668 199.00
......Bank Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam. 1641 240.00
......SBI Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam. 976 299.00
......SBI Clerical Cadre Examination
Solved Papers 1646 175.00
......Banks' Clerical Recruitment Tests 313 140.00
(By : Khanna & Verma)
......Bank Competitions (By : T.S. Jain) 315 225.00
......New Bank Recruitment Tests 316 199.00
(By : Dr. M.B. Lal & Bhatnagar)
......Gramin Bank Clerk/Cashier/Office
Assistant Recruitment Exam. 328 160.00
......Andhra Pradesh Grameena Vikas
Bank Office Assistants Exam. 1654 170.00
......Quicker Numerical Test 486 185.00
......Quicker Reasoning Test 475 75.00
4. BANK P.O.
......Associate Banks of State Bank Probationary
Officers Exam. 1690 360.00
......State Bank Probationary Officers Exam. 324 410.00
(By : T.S. Jain)
......State Bank P.O. Solved Papers 465 155.00
......Banks’ Probationary Officers Exam. 325 280.00
(By : T.S. Jain)
......Bank Assistant Manager (Marketing) 1634 345.00
......Bank of Baroda P. O. Exam. 1696 250.00
......Allahabad Bank Probationary Officers
Exam. (By : T. S. Jain) 1648 240.00
......Bank Agriculture Officer Exam. 1651 275.00
......R.B.I. Officers Grade ‘B’ Exam. 443 335.00
......Quantitative Aptitude Test 1613 215.00
(By : Dr. N. K. Singh)
......Air Force Recruitment Test [Group ‘X’
......(Technical) Trade] (By : Lal & Jain) 372 190.00
......Indian Air Force Airman [Group ‘X’
(Technical) Trades] (By : Jain & Goyal) 945 160.00
.......Indian Air Force Airman Selection Test 413 115.00
(For Group ‘Y’ Trades)
......Indian Air Force Airman Selection Test 1545 145.00
(For Group ‘Y’ Trades)
......Railway Psychological Test 941 130.00
......Railway Recruitment Board Exam. 377 130.00
(By : Dr. Lal & Jain)
......Railway Recruitment Board Exam. 333 105.00
(By : Khanna & Verma)
......RRB Traffic Apprentice Exam. 984 250.00
......RRB Commercial Apprentice Exam. 1540 260.00
......Railway Recruitment Board Exam.
Goods Guard/Assistant Station Master 983 230.00
......R.R.B. Ticket Collector/Commercial Clerk 457 235.00
......Railway Gangman/Trackman, Khalasi,
Helper-II (Group ‘D’) 979 115.00
......Railway Assistant Loco Pilot Exam. 453 250.00
......R.R.B. Supervisor (P. Way)/Electrical Signal
......Maintainer Grade II Exam. 418 245.00
......RRB Exam. (Technical Cadre) 955 295.00
......Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) 971 340.00
[Station Controller/Train Operator, Section
Engineer, Jr. Engi., Jr. Station Controller]
......Special Class Railway Apprentice Exam. 459 465.00
......Objective Mechanical Engineering 953 105.00
......Objective Electrical Engineering 956 85.00
......Objective Electronic Engineering 964 80.00
......Objective Civil Engineering 965 95.00
......Obj. Telecommunication Engineering 975 115.00
......Objective Automobile Engineering 981 85.00
.......RRB/ITI/Diploma Welder Trade Theory 1535 45.00
......The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. Administrative
Officers Examination (Generalists) 1674 215.00
......L.I.C./G.I.C./O.I.C. Assistant
Administrative Officers (AAO) Exam. 959 340.00
......L.I.C. Apprentice Development
Officers Recruitment Exam. 1550 310.00
......L.I.C. Sales/Financial Executives Test 1666 195.00
......L.I.C. Housing Finance Ltd. Executive
Assistant Recruitment Exam. 928 175.00
......L.I.C. Assistant Recruitment Exam. 1629 225.00
......Sainik School Entrance Exam. (Class VI) 330 135.00
(By : Dr. Lal & Jain)
......Sainik School Digest (Class VI) 331 150.00
(By : J. N. Sharma & T.S. Jain)
......Sainik School Solved Papers (Class VI) 1662 55.00
......Sainik School Exam. (Combined) Class IX 450 285.00
......Sainik School Entrance Exam. Solved Papers
(Class IX) 1685 60.00
......U. P. Sainik School Entrance Exam. 309 160.00
(Class VII) (By : J. N. Sharma)
......Rashtriya Indian Military College 386 130.00
(By : Dr. Lal & Sharma)
......Rashtriya Indian Military College Entrance
Exam. (By : J. N. Sharma & Rajesh Sharma) 876 210.00
......Rashtriya Military School Common Entrance
Test (For Class VI) (By : J. N. Sharma) 1632 165.00
......Direct Entry for Sailors (Indian Navy) 385 155.00
(By : Dr. Lal & Jain)
......Indian Navy M.E.R. (Direct Entry for Sailors)957 120.00
......Indian Navy SSR Sailors Recruitment Test 496 135.00
......Clerk's Exam. (Storekeeper & General Duty) 382 90.00
......N. E. R. Exam. (By : Dr. M. B. Lal) 381 55.00
......M. E. R. Exam. (Technical) 380 85.00
......Artificer Apprentice Recruitment Test
(Indian Navy) 438 90.00
......Dockyard Apprentice Recruitment Exam. 937 75.00
(By : Dr. Lal & Jain)
......Indian Coast Guard Yantriks Test 1000 70.00
......Indian Coast Guard Navik Recruitment
Exam. (General Duty) 893 140.00
......Indian Airlines Cabin Crew Exam. 920 175.00
......Indian Ordnance Factories Group ‘C’ & 1513 120.00
‘D’ Exam. (For LDC, Stenographer,
Storekeeper & Fireman)
......Ordnance & Ordnance Equipment Factories Trade
Apprentices Training Selection Test 321 130.00
......Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Exam. 301 105.00
(By : Dr. Lal & Jain)
......Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance Digest 302 130.00
(By : J. N. Sharma & T. S. Jain)
......Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance
Exam. (Class IX) 982 190.00
......Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance 891 145.00
(Class IX) (By : J.N. Sharma & Rajesh Kumar)
......Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance 1667 199.00
Exam. (Class IX)
......Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Entrance
Test Solved Papers (Class IX) 1678 40.00
......Rajeev Gandhi Navodaya Vidyalaya/
Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Abhinav 883 78.00
Vidyalaya Entrance Exam. (For Class VI)
......Rajeev Gandhi Navodaya Vidyalaya
Entrance Examination (For Class IX) 417 85.00
......Madhya Pradesh Excellence Schools
Admission Test (Class IX) 897 170.00
......State Entrance Exam. ‘Mathematics’ (UP/Utta.)
(B. Tech./B.Pharm/B. Arch)
(By : Dr. N. K. Singh) 312 390.00
......State Entrance Exam. Mathematics 462 205.00
(UP/Utta.) (B. Tech./B. Arch)
......State Entrance Exam. Physics (UP/Utta.) 461 145.00
(B. Tech./B. Pharm)
......State Entrance Exam. Chemistry 460 150.00
(UP/Utta.) (B. Tech./B. Pharm)
......State Entrance Exam. (Comb. Guide) 344 525.00
(UP/Utta.) (B. Tech/B. Arch)
......State Entrance Examination
(U.P./Utta.) (B. Pharm.) Biology Group 455 395.00
......P. W. B. Engineering Entrance Test 369 160.00
......CBSE AIEEE Physics
(By : Dr. H. P. Sharma & Yash Srivastava) 1595 275.00
......CBSE AIEEE Chemistry
(By : A Team of Experts) 1596 345.00
......CBSE AIEEE Mathematics
(By : Dr. N.K. Singh) 1597 360.00
......CBSE All India Engineering Entrance Exam.
'Mathematics' (By : Dr. N. K. Singh) 1576 315.00
......AIEEE Solved Papers (B.E./B.Tech.) 933 135.00
.......IIT/IIIT/Engineering MCQs in 878 135.00
Mathematics (By : Dr. A. Kumar)
......True or False and Fill in the Blanks
in Science 314 85.00
......Tips in Science (Medi., Engi., Pharmacy) 499 55.00
......Assertion and Reason in Science ( ,, ,, ,, ) 498 65.00
......Practice Sets Medical Entrance Test 371 110.00
......Quicker Numerical Physics 345 250.00
(Medical & Engineering)
......Practice Work Book (For Medical Entrance) 483 180.00
......M.C.Q. in Physics 388 95.00
......M.C.Q. in Chemistry 431 95.00
......M.C.Q. in Zoology 334 72.00
......M.C.Q. in Botany 337 78.00
......Comprehensive Botany 391 102.00
......C.P.M.T. Botany–AT A GLANCE 403 95.00
......C.P.M.T. Zoology–AT A GLANCE 402 70.00
......C.P.M.T. Physics–AT A GLANCE 401 75.00
......C.P.M.T. Chemistry–AT A GLANCE 400 75.00
......C.P.M.T. (Combined Guide)–AT A GLANCE 419 360.00
......CBSE Biology–AT A GLANCE 406 115.00
......CBSE Chemistry–AT A GLANCE 407 105.00
......CBSE Physics–AT A GLANCE 408 102.00
......CBSE (Combined Guide)–AT A GLANCE 422 335.00
......CBSE All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance
Exam. Solved Papers (Pre & Mains) 927 95.00
......M.P. PMT Solved Papers 950 60.00
......M.P. PMT Physics–AT A GLANCE 409 160.00
......M.P. PMT Chemistry–AT A GLANCE 410 98.00
......M.P. PMT Zoology–AT A GLANCE 411 115.00
......M.P. PMT Botany–AT A GLANCE 412 98.00
......M.P. PMT (Combined Guide)–AT A GLANCE 436 440.00
......Chhattisgarh PMT Combined Guide
—AT A GLANCE 962 455.00
......M.P. PET Chemistry 430 98.00
......M.P. PET Physics 429 160.00
......M.P. PET Mathematics 428 135.00
......M.P. PET (Combined) Guide 427 399.00
......Chhattisgarh PET Guide (Combined) 963 430.00
......Jharkhand Combined Entrance Competitive
Exam. (JCECE) Medical Group 972 250.00
......Uttarakhand PMT (Combined)
–AT A GLANCE 969 325.00
......M. P. Gen. Nursing & Pre-Nursing 478 475.00
Selection Test
......General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) 991 160.00
......SSC Tax Assistant Solved Papers 1574 60.00
......SSC Statistical Investigator (Grade IV)
Exam. (For Paper-I) 1548 180.00
......SSC Statistical Investigators
Grade III & Compiler Exam. (Paper-I) 1616 160.00
......SSC Stenographers (Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’) Exam. 423 190.00
Higher Secondary Level
......SSC Combined Higher Secondary 493 210.00
Level (10+2) Exam. (By : Dr. Lal & Jain)
......SSC Combined Higher Secondary 492 290.00
Level (10+2) Exam. (By : Dr. Singh & Sharma)
......SSC Combined Preliminary Exam. 1507 80.00
(Matric Level) Solved Papers
Graduate Level
......SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam.
(For Tier I & II) (By : Dr. Sharma & Singh) 490 325.00
......SSC Combined Graduate Level Exam. 489 255.00
(For Tier I & II) (By : Dr. Lal & Jain)
......SSC Combined Preliminary Exam. 1505 150.00
(Graduate Level) Solved Papers
Hindi Translator
......Senior/Junior Hindi Translators Exam. 398 240.00
Section Officers
......SSC Section Officers Exam. (Audit) 397 215.00
......SSC Section Officers (Audit) Exam.
Solved Papers 1572 55.00
......SSC Section Officers (Commercial Audit) 474 285.00
......SSC Section Officers (Commercial Audit)
Exam. Solved Papers 1571 75.00
Delhi SSSB
......Delhi SSSB Combined (Pre.) Examination 376 205.00
(Matric Level Group ‘C’)
......Delhi Subordinate Services Selection 882 112.00
Board Junior Engineer (Electrical/Civil)
......Delhi SSSB Grade II/Assistant Jail
Superintendent Preliminary Exam. 1559 175.00
Delhi Development Authority
......DDA Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrical/Mechanical)
Recruitment Exam. 327 245.00
......DDA Lower Division Clerk-cum-Typist
Recruitment Exam. 326 155.00
......BSF Police Sub-Inspector 437 175.00
......CRPF Sub-Inspector Exam. 922 225.00
......CRPF Sub-Inspector (Radio Operator/ 1509 98.00
Crypto/Technical) Paper-I
......CRPF Sub-Inspector (Radio Operator/ 1510 180.00
Crypto) Mathematics (Paper-II)
......CRPF Sub-Inspector (Radio Operator) 1511 85.00
Physics (Paper-II)
......SSC CISF Assistant Sub-Inspector
(Executive) Exam. 323 170.00
......SSC CPO's Sub-Inspectors Exam. (BSF/ CISF/
CRPF/ ITBP/SSB) (By : Dr. Lal & Jain) 951 310.00
......SSC CPO Sub-Inspectors Solved Papers 1579 120.00
......UPSC CPF Assistant Commandant 966 240.00
......Andhra Pradesh Stipendiary Cadet
Trainee S.I./R.S.I. of Police General 1565 120.00
Studies (Paper-IV)
......Andhra Pradesh SCT S.I./R.S.I. of 1564 110.00
Police Reasoning Tests (Paper-III)
......Andhra Pradesh SCT S.I./R.S.I. of
Police Arithmetic (Paper-III) 1563 175.00
......Delhi Police Sub-Inspector
(Executive) Recruitment Test 1583 230.00
......Delhi Police Sub-Inspector (Executive)
Solved Papers 1692 30.00
......CRPF Constable Recruitment Exam. 938 105.00
(By : Dr. Lal & Jain)
......CISF Constable Recruitment Test (G.D.) 1514 120.00
......ITBPF Constables Recruitment (G.D.) 1637 110.00
......CBI Constable Recruitment Exam. 961 45.00
......RPF/RPSF Constables Exam. 880 99.00
......Sashastra Seema Bal Constable
Recruitment Test (General Duty) 899 125.00
......M.B.A. Admission Tests 424 420.00
......J.E.E. Hotel Management Exam. 378 295.00
......MCA Test (By : Anil Kumar Garg) 473 610.00
......MCA Mathematics (By : Anil Kumar Garg) 370 455.00
......U.P. MCA Test
(By : Dr. Lal, Jain & Srivastava) 488 225.00
......MCA Test (By : A Team of Experts) 926 440.00
......BBA/BBM Entrance Exam. 479 325.00
......BCA/BIT Entrance Test 362 370.00
......LL.B. Entrance Examination 935 195.00
......Rajasthan Management Admission
Test (RMAT) 1621 310.00
......Madhya Pradesh Management
Entrance Test (MET) 1663 240.00
.......CAT Solved Papers 877 90.00
......CAT Solved Papers and Mock
Test Papers 1658 195.00
......Management Aptitude Test (MAT)
Solved Papers 1693 155.00
15. N.D.A./C.D.S.
......National Defence Academy Exam. 1594 420.00
(By : Dr. H. P. Sharma & Yash Srivastava)
......N.D.A. Exam. (By : Jain & Gupta) 306 280.00
......N.D.A. Exam. (By : Editorial Board CSV) 319 420.00
......N.D.A. Mathematics 497 150.00
(By : Dr. Pandey & Sanjay Gupta)
......Practice Work Book—NDA Exam. 346 170.00
......N.D.A. Solved Papers 432 185.00
......Combined Defence Services Exam. 305 240.00
......C.D.S. Mathematics 318 180.00
......Combined Defence Services Solved Paper 946 185.00
......Madhya Pradesh Pre-Polytechnic Test 392 245.00
......Uttar Pradesh Polytechnic Entrance Exam. 393 270.00
......Uttar Pradesh Polytechnic Solved Papers
(Diploma Engineering) 1687 65.00
......Uttarakhand Polytechnic Combined
Entrance Exam. 491 245.00
......Pract. Work Book (UP Polytechnic Pharmacy) 484 90.00
......Bihar Polytechnic Combined Entrance Test 477 280.00
......Bihar Polytechnic Combined Entrance
Examination Solved Papers 1661 35.00
......Delhi Polytechnics Common Entrance
Test (For 10th Based Diploma Courses) 1656 255.00
......Jharkhand Polytechnic Combined
Entrance Examination 980 275.00
......All India Pre-Veterinary Test (PVT) 421 280.00
......EPFO Social Security Assistant
Recruitment Exam. 307 150.00
......EPFO Assistant Provident Fund
Commissioners Exam. 471 165.00
......ESIC Insurance Inspectors/
Manager Grade-II/Superintendent 1593 160.00
Recruitment Exam.
......ESIC Lower Division Clerk and
Stenographers Recruitment Exam. 444 135.00
......Tourism & Travel Management 466 202.00
......I.B. Assistant Central Intelligence Officer
(Executive) Grade-II Exam. 485 140.00
......Intelligence Bureau Assistant Central
Intelligence Officer (Grade II/Wireless 1512 175.00
Telegraphy) Exam.
......SIB Security Assistant (Executive)
Recruitment Exam. 919 78.00
......National Talent Search Exam. (Class X) 338 250.00
......State Level National Means-cum-Merit
Scholarship Exam. (For Students 1660 180.00
Studying in IX Class)
......National Talent Search Exam.
(For Class VIII) (By : Dr. Lal & Jain) 1557 225.00
......National Talent Search Exam. (Class VIII)
(Editorial Board : Pratiyogita Darpan) 1575 250.00
......State Level National Means-cum-Merit
Scholarship Exam. (Class VIII Students) 1635 215.00
......M. P. National Means-cum-Merit
Scholarship Exam. (Class VIII Students) 1633 215.00
......Science Talent Search Exam. (Class VIII) 439 98.00
......Syllabus for Civil Services Exam.* 311 45.00
......UP PCS Syllabus* 339 35.00
......MP PSC Syllabus* 340 30.00
......General Knowledge, Current Affairs 349 25.00
......Objective General Knowledge 350 26.00
......Ever Latest General Knowledge 351 120.00
......Multi Dimensional Junior
General Knowledge (By : J.N. Sharma) 1538 50.00
......General Knowledge Digest 936 75.00
(Editorial Board : Pratiyogita Darpan)
......Modern General Knowledge 990 160.00
......Compendium General Knowledge 360 145.00
......General Knowledge Overview with
Current Affairs 958 40.00
......Uttar Pradesh General Knowledge 939 105.00
......Uttarakhand General Knowledge 947 40.00
......Chhattisgarh General Knowledge 960 45.00
......Haryana General Knowledge 352 50.00
(By : Dr. C. L. Khanna)
......Delhi General Knowledge
(By : Dr. C.L. Khanna) 308 45.00
......Jharkhand General Knowledge 898 60.00
......West Bengal General Knowledge
Digest (By : Dr. S. N. Pandey) 1581 50.00
......Tamil Nadu General Knowledge 367 72.00
(By : Ganesa Subramaniam)
......Agriculture General Knowledge 884 85.00
(By : Dr. O.P. Rajput)
......Computer General Awareness 1630 40.00
......MCQs on Computer (By : Dr. Alok Kumar) 1664 80.00
......Business General Awareness 1682 60.00
(By : Dr. L.N. Koli)
......New Pattern Test of Objective English* 353 130.00
......The Technique of Comprehension
& Precis Writing* 355 85.00
......Modern Techniques of English
Translation* 375 110.00
......Learn to Write Correct English* (E-H) 394 215.00
......Correct English How to Write It* (E-E) 448 195.00
......Learn to Write Correct English
(Eng.-Bangla)* 481 230.00
......The Art of Sentence Arrangement*
(Eng.-Eng.) (By : Ajay K. Singh) 918 45.00
......Sentence Arrangement* (Eng.-Hindi) 924 35.00
......Correct Your Common Errors in English* 434 215.00
......Objective English* 942 60.00
......Hand Book of English Verb Patterns and
Sentence Structure* 1589 110.00
......Corporate English & Personality 416 75.00
Dynamics* (Useful for Management, Engineering,
Computer Professionals etc.) (By : Sunil Ranjan)
......The Art of Speaking English*
(By : Haripal Rawat) 917 76.00
......A Comprehensive Book on English
Grammar (Eng.-Hindi)* (By : Dr. B. B. Jain) 1502 230.00
......Compendium General English* 1534 210.00
(Eng.–Eng.) (By : Dr. B.B. Jain)
......Verbs for Fluency Building 1609 70.00
(Eng.–Hindi) (By : M. S. Shekhawat)
......Adjectives for Fluency Building 1608 80.00
(Eng.–Hindi) (By : M. S. Shekhawat)
......Nouns for Fluency Building 1607 55.00
(Eng.–Hindi) (By : M. S. Shekhawat)
......Word Bank for Spoken English 1606 130.00
(Eng.–Hindi) (By : M. S. Shekhawat)
......Functional Words for Fluency Building 1604 62.00
(Eng.–Hindi) (By : M. S. Shekhawat)
......Arithmetic for Competitive Exams* 357 120.00
(By : Jain & Sharma)
......O.A.R. Objective Arithmetic Review* 358 65.00
......Quicker Objective Arithmetic* 447 199.00
(By : Dr. Lal & Jain)
......I.A.S. Objective Mathematics 464 565.00
......Objective Instant Arithmetic 374 185.00
(By : Dr. M.B. Lal & P.K. Goswami)
......Complete Arithmetic 389 150.00
(By : Editorial Board Pratiyogita Darpan)
......High Speed System of Basic Arithmetic 890 35.00
......Vedic Mathematics Sutra (Dr. Alok Kumar) 895 35.00
......Mathematical Formulae (Dr. N. K. Singh) 1642 75.00
......Handbook of Mathematics 1669 199.00
(Mathematical Definitions, Formulae
and Theorems) (By : Dr. Alok Kumar)
......Practice Work Book Physics 923 80.00
......Practice Work Book Mathematics 384 140.00
......Practice Work Book Botany 1504 72.00
......New Paradigm Reasoning Tests* 341 110.00
(By : Editorial Board Pratiyogita Darpan)
......Upkar's Mental Ability Test* 310 45.00
......A Fresh Approach to Reasoning Tests* 373 175.00
(By : Dr. Lal & Maurya)
.......Reasoning Test (Verbal & Non-Verbal) 1539 115.00
......Multi Dimensional Reasoning 1624 265.00
(Verbal & Non-Verbal)
......Non-Verbal Reasoning 1623 80.00
......Verbal Reasoning 1622 180.00
......Hindi-English Essays & Letters* 3 65.00
......Hindi-English Essays* 4 50.00
......Modern Essays* 387 105.00
.......English Essays* 1541 90.00
......Top Letters* 364 90.00
......Business Letters* 365 85.00
......Letter-Writing—An Art* (By : B. L. Rawat) 978 65.00
......Interview & Group Discussions* 368 85.00
......Personality Development and Interview
Techniques 952 75.00
(For Armed Forces Test & Other Exams.)
......Group Discussion on Current Topics 988 175.00
(Useful for S.S.B. & Other Equivalent Services)
(By : Major (Retd.) P. N. Joshi)
.......S.S.B. Interviews 916 125.00
[By : Major P.N. Joshi (Retd.)]
......Techniques for Success in Interview
and Group Discussion (Dr. L. M. Prasad) 1673 75.00
......The Art of Effective Interviews &
Magnetic Personality (By : Sanjay Dosaj) 929 80.00
......Interview Dynamics and You
A Super Brand (By : Sanjay Dosaj) 1691 70.00
.....U. P. B.Ed. Entrance Exam. (Arts Group) 992 260.00
......U. P. B.Ed. Entrance Exam. (Science Group) 993 285.00
......U. P. B.Ed. Exam. (Commerce Group) 356 260.00
......Uttarakhand B.Ed. Exam. (Arts Group) 390 265.00
......Uttarakhand B.Ed. Exam. (Science Group) 383 285.00
......Uttarakhand B.Ed. Exam.(Commerce ) 366 260.00
......U.P./Uttarakhand B.Ed. Solved Papers 1527 85.00
......Delhi B.Ed. Entrance Exam. 930 165.00
......IGNOU B.Ed. Entrance Exam. 1619 290.00
.......Rajasthan B.Ed. Entrance Test 1536 260.00
.......Maharashtra CET B.Ed. Exam. 415 140.00
.......Chhattisgarh Pre-B. Ed. Examination 1655 255.00
......Raj. B.Ed. Teachers Aptitude Test 446 25.00
......M.P. B.Ed. Teaching Aptitude 426 40.00
......Teacher’s Attitude and Aptitude Test 970 52.00
......CSIR-UGC General Sciences
[Paper-I (Part-A)] (By : Dr. M. P. Sinha) 1652 220.00
......CSIR-UGC Chemical Sciences 1588 620.00
(Paper I & II)
(By : Dr. Hemant Kulshrestha & Dr. Ajay Taneja)
......CSIR-UGC Physical Sciences 500 680.00
(For Paper I & II) (By : Dr. Surekha Tomar)
......CSIR-UGC Physical Sciences
(Paper I & II) (By : Dr. M. P. Sinha) 452 475.00
......CSIR-UGC Physical Sciences (Paper I & II)
(By : Anshul Gupta) 1551 195.00
......CSIR-UGC Life Sciences (Paper I & II) 317 475.00
(By : Kumar Pushkar & Dr. A.P. Singh)
......CSIR-UGC Mathematical Sciences 1587 480.00
(Paper I & II) (By : Dr. A. Kumar)
......UGC Teaching & Research Aptitude
(General Paper-I)
(By : Dr. Lal, Jain & Dr. K.C. Vashistha) 420 235.00
......UGC Teaching & Research Aptitude
(General Paper-I) 1553 265.00
(Editorial Board : Pratiyogita Darpan)
......UGC Practice Work Book Teaching &
Research Aptitude (General Paper-I) 1552 70.00
......UGC Geography (By : Rajeev R. Shrivastava) 336 185.00
......UGC Obj. Geography (Paper II) 320 175.00
(By : Vishwambhar Prasad Sati)
......UGC English (Paper-II) (By : Surya Pal Yadav) 925 165.00
......UGC English Litt. (Paper II) (Dr. B. B. Jain) 940 90.00
......UGC 'English' (Paper-III) (Dr. B. B. Jain) 1544 115.00
......UGC English (Paper-II & III) (Dr. B.B. Jain) 1549 199.00
......UGC ‘Hindi’ (Paper II & III) 567 280.00
(By : Dr. Jagdish Saran)
......UGC ‘Hindi’ (Paper II) (By : O.N. Verma) 1114 180.00
......UGC ‘Hindi’ (Paper II) (By : Dr. K. Ganesh) 730 105.00
......UGC ‘Hindi’ (Paper III) (By : Dr. K. Ganesh) 737 125.00
......UGC ‘Hindi’(Paper II & III) (Dr. K. Ganesh) 763 215.00
......UGC ‘Hindi’ (Paper-II) (Dr. Dileep Pandey) 1257 140.00
......UGC ‘Hindi’ (Paper-III) (Dr. Dileep Pandey) 699 125.00
......UGC ‘Hindi’ (Paper-II & III) 1420 255.00
(By : Dr. Dileep Pandey)
......UGC ‘Sanskrit’ (Paper-II) 509 155.00
(By : Dr. Mithilesh Pandey)
......UGC ‘Sanskrit’ (Paper-III) 556 210.00
(By : Dr. Mithilesh Pandey)
......UGC ‘Sanskrit’ (Paper-II) 574 105.00
(By : Dharmendra Kumar Dwivedi)
......UGC Psychology (Paper-II) (Amit Abraham) 322 120.00
......UGC Commerce (Paper II) 968 195.00
(By : Sunetra Batabyal & Dr. O.P. Sharma)
......UGC Commerce (Paper-II) (Dr. L. N. Koli) 888 360.00
......UGC Commerce (Paper-III) (Dr. L.N. Koli) 359 525.00
......UGC Management (Paper-II) 1653 425.00
(By : Dr. L. N. Koli & Prem Koli)
......UGC History (Paper-III) 1611 160.00
(By : Dr. Anil Kumar Verma)
.......UGC Computer Science and Applications
(Paper II & III) 894 390.00
......UGC Physical Education (Paper II & III)
(By : Dr. Shyam Anand) 931 360.00
......N.V.S. Teachers Recruit. Test (For PGTs) 989 215.00
......N.V.S. TGT Recruit. Exam. (For Paper-I) 967 205.00
......N.V.S. TGT ‘English’ (For Paper-II) 1503 160.00
......N.V.S. TGT Mathematics (Paper-II) 1614 190.00
......K.V.S. Post Graduate Teachers Preliminary
Examination 494 280.00
......K.V.S. Trained Graduate Teachers
Preliminary Exam. 885 265.00
......K.V.S. Primary Teachers Preliminary Exam. 986 190.00
......Delhi SSSB Assistant Teacher (Primary)
Preliminary Exam. 1586 280.00
......Delhi SSSB Primary Teacher Preliminary
Examination 1686 210.00
......Success in Civil Services Exam.
(By : Dr. Vijay Agarwal) 1647 90.00
......I.A.S. Objective Mathematics 464 565.00
......Civil Services Pre. Exam. Indian History
(From Earliest Times to 1964 A.D.) 892 270.00
(By : Dr. K. K. Sharma)
......CSPE Chemistry 1530 248.00
(By : Dr. Hemant Kulshrestha & Dr. Ajay Taneja)
......CSPE Commerce (By : Dr. L. N. Koli) 354 395.00
......CPSE Physics (By : Dr. M.P. Sinha) 1590 255.00
......CSPE Physics Solved Papers 1612 70.00
......UPSC Civil Services Preliminary Exam.
General Studies (Solved Papers) 887 95.00
(Editorial Board : Pratiyogita Darpan)
......M.P. P.S.C. Chemistry 1532 240.00
......M.P. P.S.C. Objective Mathematics 468 499.00
......U.P. P.C.S. Objective Mathematics 467 510.00
......U.P. P.C.S. (Pre) Indian History
(From Earliest Times to 1964 A.D.) 896 215.00
(By : Dr. K. K. Sharma)
......Uttarakhand P.C.S. Mathematics 944 520.00
......RAS/RTS Objective Mathematics 469 520.00
......RAS/RTS Chemistry 1568 250.00
......Jharkhand P.S.C. Mathematics 949 440.00
......Jharkhand P.S.C. Indian History 1520 215.00
......UGC-NET/JRF Public Administration 902 15.00
......UGC-NET/JRF Geography 904 15.00
......UGC-NET/JRF Hindi 907 15.00
......UGC-NET/JRF Law 912 15.00
......UGC-NET/JRF Music 913 15.00
......UGC-NET/JRF Physical Education 1524 15.00
......UGC-NET Library & Information Science1525 15.00
......L. S.-1–Indian Penal Code, 1860 414 45.00
......L. S.-2–The Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1973 (By : Abhinav Misra) 404 65.00
.......L. S.-3–Indian Evidence Act,
1872 (By : Abhinav Misra) 1546 45.00
......L. S.-4–Transfer of Property Act, 1882 1573 40.00
......L. S.-5–The Indian Contract Act, 1872 932 50.00
......Law Series-7–Jurisprudence 1620 38.00
......Law Series-8–The Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908 (By : Abhinav Misra) 1600 50.00
......Law Series-10–Hindu-Muslim Law 1601 45.00
......L. S.-13–U.P. Police Regulations and Police
Act, 1861 (By : Dr. Shatrughan Tripathi) 1591 45.00
......L. S.-15–Civil Acts 1592 48.00
(The Specific Relief Act, 1963; The Indian
Partnership Act, 1932; The Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996; The Limitation Act, 1963)
......Uttar Pradesh Assistant Prosecution
Officer (Pre.) Exam. 1599 225.00
......Delhi Assistant Public Prosecutors
Recruitment Test 1615 205.00
......Delhi Judicial Service Pre. Exam. 1640 325.00
......Tis Hazari Courts LDC & Stenographer
Recruitment Exam. 1631 95.00
......Jharkhand Civil Judge Junior Division
(Munsif) Pre. Exam. 1617 250.00
......West Bengal PSC Judicial Service
Preliminary Exam. 1627 370.00
......Haryana Civil Judge (Junior Division)
Preliminary Examination 329 360.00
......Orissa PSC Civil Judge Preliminary Exam.1697 370.00
.......Civil Judge & Public Prosecutor Exam.
Solved Papers 1528 99.00
......High Court Restorers Recruitment Test 1556 76.00
......Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) 1665 210.00
(For Under-Graduate Programme)
......Gateway to......GATE (Electronics and
Telecommunication Engg.) 454 599.00
(By : Ashish Dixit & Balwinder Singh)
......GATE Solved Papers (Electronics and
Communication Engineering) 1679 85.00
......GATE Physics (By : Dr. Surekha Tomar) 1569 550.00
......GATE Physics Solved Papers 1570 70.00
......GATE Chemistry (Compulsory Paper)
(For Life Sciences Group) 1639 145.00
(By : Dr. Hemant Kulshrestha & Dr. Ajay Taneja)
......GATE Biochemistry (For Life Sciences Group)
(By : Kumar Pushkar) 1628 95.00
......GATE Botany (For Life Sciences Group)
(By : Kumar Pushkar) 1643 130.00
......GATE Mathematics (By : Dr. N. K. Singh) 1644 235.00
......Gateway to....................PSUs (for E & T, E & C,
Electrical, E & I) (By : Ashish Dixit) 1657 735.00
......Gateway to....................JTO (for E & T, E & C,
Electrical, E & I, C.S., I.T.) (By : Ashish Dixit) 1625 599.00
......Gateway to........DRDO (for E & T, E & C,
E & I Engg.) (By : Ashish Dixit) 1672 570.00
......Gateway to........IES (for E & T, E & C, E & E,
E & I Engg.) (By : Ashish Dixit) 1677 635.00
......Gateway to........ISRO (For E & T, Electronics &
Communication, Electronics & Instrumentation
Engg.) (By : Ashish Dixit) 1694 565.00
......A Treasury of Synonyms and
Antonyms* (By : Radharaman Agarwal) 1598 150.00
......Enrich Your English Vocabulary*
(Synonyms & Antonyms) 1585 110.00
(By : Radharaman Agarwal)
......Dynamics of Achieving Goals* 458 115.00
(By : Radharaman Agarwal)
......Learning To Build A Bright Future* 1558 110.00
(By : Radharaman Agarwal)
.......Power of Teams* (By : R. Agarwal) 1537 95.00
......Great Personalities* 1533 160.00
(By : Prof. R.P. Chaturvedi)
......5000 Inspiring Quotations* 1529 130.00
(By : Radharaman Agarwal)
......2828 Inspiring Quotations and Proverbs*
(With Author Index) (Radharaman Agarwal)1577 125.00
......How To Add New Dimensions To Your
Personality* 1521 65.00
......Life Science Quiz* 495 60.00
......General Science* 303 105.00
......Power Tips for Life Management* 1526 35.00
(By : Vaikunth Sharma)
......Successful Career Thought* 335 50.00
......The Art of Public Speaking* 395 60.00
......The World of Idioms and Phrases* 442 70.00
......The World of Synonyms and Antonyms* 441 60.00
......The World of Proverbs* 440 50.00
......The World of Inspiring Quotations* 449 80.00
......The World of Idioms and Phrases (E-E)* 472 60.00
......The World of Pre-Suffs and Roots* 363 70.00
......Speak English Fluently* 456 90.00
......Secrets of Life* 451 45.00
......Wit and Humour* (Radharaman Agarwal) 1523 30.00
Note : Books marked with this sign (*) will not be returnable.
.....Series-1 Indian Economy 790 225.00
.....Series-2 Geography 793 190.00
(India & World)
.....Series-3 Indian History 798 110.00
.....Series-4 Indian Polity & Governance 797 165.00
.....Series-6 General Science (Vol. 1) 814 99.00
(Physics & Chemistry)
.....Series-6 General Science (Vol. 2) 818 70.00
.....Series-7 Current Events Round-up 819 70.00
(Vol. 1)
.....Series-12 Indian National Movement
& Constitutional Development 812 90.00
.....Series-15 Indian History
–Ancient India 804 110.00
.....Series-16 Indian History
–Medieval India 806 120.00
.....Series-17 Indian History
–Modern India 802 110.00
.....Series-22 Political Science 821 180.00
.....Series-23 Public Administration 824 165.00
.....Series-24 Commerce 805 199.00

........Panorama Year Book 2010 800 240.00
(Volume 2)
........Panorama Year Book 2011 801 230.00
(Volume 1)
97. Competition Science Vision
Special Extra Issues
.....Physics 871 165.00
.....Chemistry 872 175.00
.....Zoology 873 115.00
.....Botany 874 115.00


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