Sunday, September 26, 2010

India’s Scientific Contribution to Europe and other World Civilizations Prior to Industrial Revolution

India's Scientific Contribution to Europe and other World Civilizations Prior to Industrial Revolution

Many eyebrows were raised at the title of this seminar. Deep rooted
disbelief that how can earlier civilizations can be contributors to
any "Science", as we understand it today? Science means rational,
logical, objective thinking, something which did not exist in the
earlier people in adequate quantity. The life of these earlier people
was governed by religion i.e. superstition, which is inherently,
devoid of "scientific temper" and 'free will", the hall mark and
pre-requisite of scientific development. Once this premise is accepted
without debate, then West as birth place of all Science is the forgone

Religion as anti science is 100% a modern western construct and we
need to understand this thoroughly well. Religion in this case is
Christian religion and Science means modern Western science. This
incompatibility of religion with science in the West automatically
gets grafted on non-Western religions and their relation with science.
Concept of Religion in West and East differs radically in many
respects. In the Western concept of religion, it must have a Prophet
and a Book and the followers must abide by the teaching of both. In
the eastern religion specially Hinduism, the concept of Dharma ,
incorporates no single Prophet or book and followers are free to
choose , accept or reject philosophy of life, which suits them best.
Buddhism and Jainism have setheir Prophets and books to follow but never
restricted their followers to express in Arts and Sciences of their
choice. Vatsyayana who wrote Kamasutra in 3rdcentury was never
criticized on religious grounds and there are many commentaries
written on him till 15th century. Padmasri was a Buddhist monk and
wrote a book on erotic and worldly pleasures titled Nagarasarvasva in
the 11thcentury. Many Jain monks authored mathematical and other
mundane scientific texts without any conflict with their religious
belief. Confucius philosophy as well as Buddhism in China never
opposed or restricted their followers from writing scientific
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are Abrahamic or Semitic religions
having continuity at some stage in its emergence, history, spread and
geography, at least in the early stages. In case of Indian
civilization same can be said about Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism
etc. This cultural mooring of Western and Eastern sciences is very
important to understand their contributions to sciences in West and
East. Thus contribution and role of Religion in the development of
science in the West and East are not the same. As statements like all
religions are same may be politically correct but are not true,
howsoever we desire so. Insisting universalization of science in early
period of human civilization equally distorts truth and introduces
blunders in the writing of the history of Science of non Western
cultures. It numbs all inquiry of cultural moorings and thus possible
epistemological differences in the creation of ideas or sciences in
different cultures. No wonder then that we try to analyze or explain
Aryabhata's writings in the Euclidian Hypothesis-Proof model.
Ayurveda, the Indian medical science, which is in practice for at
least two thousand years and was the main stream medicine in India
till Colonial rule, becomes 'alternative' medicine, which actually
should be reverse i.e. allopathic medicine is alternative to Ayurvedic
medicine. The same is true of how we calculate our time, chronology of
events in BC and AD. Many scholars nowadays prefer BP i.e. before
present. Archaeologist and Geologist use Bronze, Iron Age etc.
However, central point of this calculation also is the beginning of
Christianity. This labeling may appear simple or innocent, which it is
not. Very tacitly it introduces the hegemony of West over earlier
non-west civilizations. This in association with linear,
anthropomorphic model chosen to express human development, dubs
earlier period as period of infancy, incapable of being logical and
rational, which is prerequisite for scientific development.
Nowadays there is a trend of categorizing ideas or sciences of earlier
non-western civilizations with 'ethnic' label i.e. ethnic medicine,
ethnic mathematics, ethno botany, ethno zoology etc. Many scholars
have pursued this research enthusiastically and with great success.
However, the 'ethno' prefix automatically alienates these
contributions from main stream science development. 'Ethno' prefix
carries the baggage of backwardness, tribal, accidental, lacking
modern scientific analytical i.e. Newtonian-Cartesian model of
inquiry, which has inherited Greek logical, rational, objective
methodology to reach any conclusion. Obviously this denies the
originality or anteriority of ideas especially when chronology does
not favours Western or Greek contributions. The classical example is
of invention of Calculus. Madhava, an Indian mathematician of 14th
century, in his writings has everything required for the development
calculus, which is at least 200 years prior to Newton or Leibniz who
is credited for the invention of Calculus. This fact is known to
scholars for at least two hundred years now. How it reached Europe can
be a matter of further study, but why then Madhava should be denied
the credit of his origination? All possible arguments are advanced
with great logical and scholarly acrobatic exercise to deny this
credit to Madhava. This is a classical example of mind set of most of
the past and present history of science scholars and writers, who by
'training' believe that birth of great scientific ideas is 'natural '
in Greek and Western tradition and all search is to establish this
'presumed' hypothesis. As against this, it is 'presumed' that
non-Western civilizations lack this ability 'inherently' and on this
premise then even if proofs are available, they are given secondary
Renaissance means going back to roots. West believes to have their
roots in the pre-Christian Greek and then Roman culture and
philosophy. Plato, Pythagoras, Archimedes, Euclid and many other
contemporaries are the architects of this Civilization. Renaissance
was a cultural moment encompassing all facets of human creativity be
it arts, science, religion or philosophy. It is accepted that
renaissance is the turning point in the development of modern science
in west. Even arts both fine and performing and for that matter all
other branches of human activity tried to align themselves to this
change. Renaissance movement in the West is precursor to the
Industrial development. Opposition of Christianity to science from
Galileo, Bruno to cloning in modern times is well documented.
To appreciate contribution of sciences to Europe and rest of the World
by Eastern civilizations, in this case by India, requires one to
understand this complex religion-culture-science interdependency and
complementarity. Recent archaeological findings including marine
archaeology have unearthed many new materials at the ancient and
medieval Indian Ocean, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean Seaports.
India's contribution in Mathematical astronomy and Algebra is well
documented. There is huge research material available now in many
other areas. I will try to enumerate few below.
Siddhasara of Ravigupta is one of the early Ayurvedic text composed in
the middle of the 7th century (650 AD). Half a century earlier (600
AD) we have Vagbhata and half a century later (700 AD) we have
Madhava. Siddhasara's translations in Tibetan, Khotanese, Uighur,
Turkish, Arabic and Sinhalese are available and well studied.
H.W.Bailey published the complete Khotanese text in facsimile in 1938
and in transcription in 1945, which got reprinted in 1969. However,
the most extensive study on all Siddhasar manuscripts is done by R.E.
Emmerick. After publishing two articles in Bulletin of the School of
Oriental and African Studies in 1971 and 1974 respectively, he
published The Siddhasara of Ravigupta in two volumes in 1980 and 1982.
R.E.Emmerick also contributed an article titled 'Ravigupta's
Siddhasara in Arabic' in a volume edited jointly by H.R. Roemer and
A.Noth published by Brill in 1981. In a obituary written by Mauro
Maggi on R.E.Emmeric and published in December 2001 issue of East and
West (pp. 408-415) informs us that Emmerick was so much involved in
the study of Siddhasara text that he contributed at least forty
articles on Indian and Tibetan medicine. His paper 'Ravigupta's Place
in Indian Medical Tradition' read in the Second World Sanskrit
Conference held at Torino, Italy (9 to 15 June 1975) and published in
Indologica Taurinensia ( Vol III-IV, 1975-76, pp. 209-221) provides us
valuable information on Ravigupta and also informs us that
Madhavanidana is probably mentioned in Firdaws al-Hikma authored by a
Arabic scholar, Ali b. Sahl al-Tabari. Very recently Peter Zieme has
published an interesting article in 2007 issue of Asian Medicine (Vol.
3, pp.308-322) on Uighur Siddhasarafragments and enriched us with new
information on this text.
Siddhasara text had widespread influence on Central Asian, Persian
and Arabic medical knowledge. Emmerick informs us that Persian and
Arabic scholars held Siddhasara in high esteem. Rhazes, a Persian
scholar of 9th/10thcentury wrote a 20 part medical encyclopedia, Kitab
al Hawi , which has incorporated many passages from Siddhasaraalong
with Greek, Syriac and early Islamic sources. Faraj Ben Salim a Jewish
physician translated Kitab al Hawi into Latin in the 13th century,
titled Liber Continens. This text becomes so popular in Latin world
that it was reprinted five times till 16th century. Influence of
Siddhasar on the development of Western medicine awaits scholarly
Many Sanskrit medical texts got translated to Persian around 6th
century at Gundishpore,Iran and later into Arabic in the 9th/10th
century in Baghdad, Iraq. During the same period Astronomical and
Mathematical Sanskrit texts were getting translated into Persian first
and then into Arabic. One such minor Indian text concerned only with
poisons authored by Shanaq got translated to Persian by a physician
called Mankah in the 9th century. Abu Hatim translated it from Persian
to Arabic during the same time and called it Kitab al-Shanaq.
Shanaq's text on poisons was used extensively by ibn Wahashiya in
composing his much acclaimed 'Book on Poison'. Along with Greek source
ibn wahshia also informs us of other Indian authors like Tammashah and
Bahlindad whos books he used while composing his book on poisons. Ibn
Wahashia wrote many other books but his book on poisons remained as
referral work for many centuries. Ibn ai-Nadim author of Fihrist knew
Shanaq and he informs us about Shanaq's works on conduct of life, the
management of war and on cultural studies. Another scholar ibn abi
Usaibi'a tells us about Shanaq's works on stars,lapidary and one on
veterinary science. Unfortunately we do not have his original Sanskrit
or Arabic translations of these works. As far as Shanaq's text on
poisons is concerned, he follows Sushruta. Martin Levey translated
ibn Wahshiya's Book on Poisons and published it in the Transactions of
the American Philosophical Society, New Series, Vol. 56, No. 7, 1966,
Recent Archaeological findings have forced us to rethink our early
assumptions of origin of many material objects like silk, cotton,
tick, pottery, spices, perfumery, beads, diamonds and botanical
products. Obviously their place in respective cultures, trade and
manufacturing technology and skills unfolds a new scenario of cultural
China had monopoly on silk till this date. Recent paper titled 'New
evidence for Early Silk in the Indus Civilization' published in the
2009 issue of Archaeometry , Vol.50., will compel us to change this
perception of origin of silk. Earliest export of silk from china dates
back to early second century BC during the reign of Han Emperor Wu-ti,
though archaeologist in China have found isolated find from the
Liangzhou Neolithic site of Qianshanyang dating back to 2570 BC.
Archaeologists were puzzled with silk found in sites at Mediterranean,
Egypt, Central Asia and also at a late prehistoric Celtc site in
Germany dating back to 700 BC, much earlier to Wu-ti trade
relationship with the West began. It was taken for granted as export
from China without having given thought to the possibility of silk
production indigenously or from regions other than China. In India
itself A.N.Gulati in 1961 wrote an article 'A note on the early
history of silk in India' in a publication of Deccan College, Poona
titled Technical Reports on archaeological remains,pp.51-59 producing
evidence of silk from a bead thread from Nevasa, Maharashtra, dating
back to 1500 BC. The new archaeological evidence of Silk from the
Indus civilization sites at Harappa and Chanhu-daro pushes back the
silk production outside China at least by a millennium earlier.
Authors of the paper in Archaeometry have concluded,
"The discoveries described here demonstrate that silk was being used
over a wide region of South Asia for more than 2000 years before the
introduction of domesticated silk from China. Earlier models that
attribute the origins of silk and sericulture exclusively to China
need to be re-examined and revised."(p.8)
Indian and Greeko- Roman trade contacts are well documented. Writings
of travelers and geographers , ranging from 1 /2nd century BC to 3/
4th Century AD, like Natural History of Pliny, Strabo and Geography of
Claudius Ptolemy,Periplus of the erythraean Sea by an anonymous author
all have been describing India and Indian products elaborately.
Emperor Justinian who reigned around 533 AD had composed a list of
about 54 dutiable articles entering Alexandria. This includes many
products like hair, drugs and animals from India by name and even
eunuchs. Recent archaeological findings also have endorsed contacts
with Mesopotamia going back to third millennium BC. India is known to
have been exporting spices, diamonds, cotton, silk etc for the last
5000 years now. Indian tick wood was favorite and most suitable for
ship building. This has been confirmed by study of wood found in many
shipwrecks from Indonesia, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean ports. A
recent paper titled ' A ninth-century AD Arab or Indian shipwreck in
Indonesia; first evidence for direct trade with China' by Michael
Flecker published in World Archaeology Vol.32, No.3,
Shipwrecks(Feb.2001),pp. 335-354 States,
" This is the first clear archaeological evidence to support
historical records which imply that there was direct trade between the
western Indian Ocean and China during the later part of the first
millennium AD"(p.335)
Trade is never restricted only to the material exchanges. Along with
culture, scientific information also migrates. Indian influence in
South East Asian countries is well known. Excellent example of this
migration is seen in the Angkor Wat temple in Cambodia. Measurements
of the temple are related to Hindu religious symbolism and
mathematical Astronomy. An article in the Science Vol.193, No.4250, 23
July, 1976 titled 'Astronomy and Cosmology at Angkor Wat' explains
this elaborately,
" It is not surprising that Angkor Wat integrates astronomy, the
calendar, and religion since the priest-architects who constructed the
temple conceived of all three as a unity."(p.281)
In an exhaustive article by Grant Parker titled ' Ex Oriente Luxuria:
Indian commodities and Roman Experience' published in the Journal of
the economic and Social History of the Orient, 2002, Vol.45, No.1, pp
40-95, has thrown light on many dark corners of this trade. While
commenting on meager Indian craft goods found in Roman world, his
following observations are interesting,
"A second class of evidence is provided by a number of marble heads
now in Rome. These reveal an unmistakable mixture of Indian and Roman
styles: these have a cirrus knot on the top, creating the effect of an
Indian hairstyle on top of what are otherwise unexceptional marble
heads from the Severan age.27 It is tempting to link these hairstyles
with the 'Indian hair' (capilli Indici) mentioned by Marcian; the
available evidence leaves the matter undecided (Schneider 1986)"(p.54)
In the same paper on p.64 Grand Parker informs us more on documentary
and inscriptional evidence found in the West,
"Secondly, there are a number of documentary sources. The so-called
Muziris papyrus (P.Vind. G40822 of the mid-second century AD, now in
Vienna), was not published till the 1980s (Harrauera nd Sijpesteijn1
985). This presupposes a contract that had been concluded between two
parties concerning the transport of goods from Muziris (probably
modern Cranganore) to Myos Hormos on the north-eastern coast of the
Red Sea (probably Abu Sha'ar), in particular a loan to be paid back on
the return voyage: the papyrus itself sets out the consequences of
non-repayment. Whereas the Periplus suggests that traders would mix
low-cost everyday items within its cargo of predominantly luxury
goods, the Muziris papyrus is limited to expensive articles………………. In
addition, a number of inscriptions survive testifying to the kind of
trade mentioned by Pliny. Annius Plocamus' freedman left two
inscriptions at the Wadi Menih on the Berenike-Koptos road, both of
them dating to the year AD 6: 'I, Lysas, freedman of Publius Annius
Plocamus, came here on July 2nd (July 5th), AD 6.'44 Excavations at
Quseir al-Qadim (probably Leukos Limen) beginning in the late 1970s
turned up two ostraka inscribed in the southern India's Tamil-Brahmi
script. These, which contain the namesKanan and Catan, have been dated
to the first century AD. Amidst a find of pottery that can be dated to
AD 60-70, the Berenike excavation has also produced two ostraka
inscribed in Tamil- Brahmi (Mahadevan 1996)."(Pp.64-65)
Surprisingly we see this 'legal trade document tradition' continued
till 12th century. A huge collection of documents was unearthed in
Egypt from the Cairo Genizah. They catalogue the social, cultural and
religious lives of Jews around the Mediterranean basin. They have
documents related to Jews from India, involved in the Mediterrian
trade. S.D.Goiten worked extensively on these documents and published
many articles- ' From the Mediterranean to India: Documents on the
trade to India, South Arabia, and East Africa from the Eleventh and
Twelfth Centuries' published inSpeculam, XXIX(1954),181-197, 'From
Eden to India, specimens of the Correspondance of Indian Traders of
the Twelfth Century, published in Journal of the Economic and Social
history of the Orient,Vol.23,no1/2(April.,1980),pp 43-66 and
'Portrait of a Medieval Indian trader: Three Letters from the Cairo
Geniza' published in Bulletin of the school of Oriental and African
studies Vol.50, No.3(1987), pp. 449-464. These articles give us
valuable information on Indian trade activity in the 11th and 12th
century in the Mediterranean Basin.
Nicole Bovin and D.Q.Fuller in their recent paper titled 'Shell
Middens, Ships and seeds: Exploring Coastal Subsistence. Maritime
trade and the Dispersal of Domesticates in and Around the Ancient
Arabian Peninsula' published in J World Prehist (2002) 22:113-180
informs us about agriculture, animals of Indian origin and pepper,
which is going to confirm earlier observations and pre-date the
Indian history of trade with west.
"Around 1200 BC, the first pepper appears in the Egyptian record,
positively identified from the dried fruits in the nostrils of the
mummy of Ramses II (Plu 1985). This is the first indication of
possible contact between Egypt and India, though by what route remains
unclear. While its royal association attests to the rarity and high
value of this spice at this period, it also can be taken to suggest
the possible early beginnings of direct South Asian to Red Sea spice
trade."(pp. 153-154)
"It is in the context of the intensifying trade between Gujarat and
Arabia at the start of the second millennium BC that we should
probably consider the beginnings of contact between Africa and South
Asia. The evidence of African crops, which are unambiguously in
Gujarat and Baluchistan in this period, suggests that Gujarat maritime
contacts were no longer only with Oman and Dilman but also extended
further westwards around Arabia towards Yemen and Africa. At present
count, some 33 archaeological sites in South Asia dating from the
Middle Bronze Age (c. 2000 BC) through the Iron Age (to c. 300 BC)
have evidence for crops of African origin for which botanical identity
is acceptable (Table 3;data augmented from Fuller 2003a; with
Chanchala 2002; Cooke et al. 2005; Saraswat 2004, 2005; Saraswat and
Pokharia 2003). In almost all instances, these crops co-occur with
native Indian millets and pulses, and can be seen as additions to an
existing system of summer monsoon agriculture (Fuller and Madella
2001; Weber 1998, 342–344). Only in the case of Pirak was Sorghum,
together with rice (plausibly japonica rice) and Panicum miliaceum
(one of the Chinese millets), added to the established Indus
repertoire of winter crops."(Pp.155-159)
"The other domesticate which moved between the Indian subcontinent and
Africa, probably via Arabian maritime links, was the South
Asia-derived zebu cattle (Bos indicus).That zebu cattle spread from
South Asia to Arabia and Africa is not in doubt, and a maritime route
is suggested by genetic data. Marshall (1989) speculated that this
could have occurred in the second millennium BC as a counter flow to
African crops that moved to Asia. Genetic data show a pattern of
inter-regional introgression in which eastern and southern Africa,
together with the Arabian peninsula near Africa, show a genetic cline,
especially in Y-chromosome data, that indicates much higher zebu bull
input than is the case for Mesopotamia and more northerly areas
(Hanotte et al. 2002; Zeder 2006). Nevertheless, there was also
clearly overland movement of zebu cattle from the Indus through Iran
towards the Near East (Kumar et al. 2003)," (pp.159)
Usually spices and diamonds are labeled or discussed as exotic
products, which is not true. Grant parker in his Ex Oriente Luxuria
gives some interesting uses of pepper,
"The earliest Greek works to mention pepper are the gynecological
treatises attributed to Hippocrates: at one point the author glosses
the spice as an 'Indian drug' (On women's diseases 1.81 indikou
pharmakou). Its typical use in these medical texts is for disorders of
the eyes, mixed into an ointment. Theophrastus' work On Odours makes
it clear that pepper was among the spices known and used in the later
4th/early 3rd centuries. Though he uses the loanword in naming it
(peperi), he makes no explicit mention of its Indian origin, in which
respect he differs from the Hippocratic text. Theophrastus' treatise
is in fact central to any analysis of the social meaning of spices in
the ancient world: it makes clear that they were used for
perfume-powders (aromata), cosmetics, incense (thumiamata), and
antidotes to poison (theriaca). But it is in three very different
texts of the first century AD that we have the most extensive evidence
for the use of spices. These begin with the army physic\cian
Dioscorides, whose Materia medica (c. AD 65), written in Greek,
illustrates the pharmacological uses. Secondly, Apicius, who lived
under Augustus and Tiberius, composed a series of gourmet recipes, to
whose corpus texts continued to be added until late antiquity. Of 478
recipes there contained, almost all require some kind of spicing; so
did certain preparations of wine."(p.43)
However, in India we know that most of the spices are also used in
Ayurvedic preparations. Similarly use of diamond as tool in cutting
other diamond or hard object and in the technology of engraving is
known to Indians since antiquity and is even practiced today in
Gujarat. Leonard Gorelick and A.John Gwinnett in their paper titled
'Diamonds from India to Rome and Beyond' published in American Journal
of archaeology, Vol. 91, No.4 (1988) pp. 547-552 informs us,
"The technological history of diamonds as tools in the ancient world
is even more obscure than their use as gem-stones. Our experimental
evidence for the use of diamonds in Arikamedu in southeast India, ca.
250 B.C.- A.D. 300, is the earliest thus far reported. Wheeler found a
bead workshop in Arikamedu, as well as strong evidence for trade with
Rome. The Romans are very likely to have learned to use diamond
splinters as drills in Arikamedu. Pliny states that diamond splinters
"are much sought after by engravers of gems" (HN 37.15.61). Further
literary evidence, both Sanskrit and Roman, adds weight to our
finding. Additional references, although meager, help trace the
continued use of diamonds as en-graving tools after the fall of Rome
through the Sassanian and Islamic periods. Evidence is lacking for the
European Middle Ages, but documentation for Europe re-emerges in
Europe in the 15th century A.C. Diamonds are still used in the modern
industrial world, in modern crafts, as well as in the remote bead
making village of Cambay, India. Here a diamond-hafted bow drill is
still currently in use for drilling beads. Beads from Cambay, in fact,
provided the initial clues in interpreting our sub-sequent
experimental evidence. "(p.547)
Excavations in the last quarter of twentieth century at Quseir
al-Qadim (preliminary reports published by American Research Center in
Egypt, Cairo in 1979) and at Egypt's Red Sea port Berenike
(preliminary report started appearing since 1995, published by
Leiden:Research School CNWS) has revealed many new objects,
confirming our early findings of Indian trade with Greco-Roman world.
Using textile products of Indian origin and Indian teak found in the
Excavation at Berenike, Grant Parker wrote another very interesting
article titled ' Topographies of Test: Indian Textile and
Mediterranean Contexts in Ars Orientalis, Vol. 34, 2004, pp. 19-37 (
almost all articles in this volume are on Indian Ocean trade). His
findings not only confirm the observations of earlier writers but also
inform us the high degree of technology reached in Indian subcontinent
in cultivating and manufacturing these goods for local consumption as
well as for export. Parker writes in the article,
"The desirability and novelty value of this product are immediately
apparent. This cotton or "tree wool" also featured among the accounts
of the historians and scholars accompanying Alexander on his campaign
to the east in 327-325B .C. For example, the naval commander Nearchusi
s quoted in Strabo's Geography ( 15.1.20 C6g3) on the use of cotton in
garments; Strabo mentions silk in the same breath. Finally, the
Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, a ship captain's manual from the
mid-first century A.D. written in Greek, makes several references to
the transport of cot-ton on the monsoon route. Both cloth (chapters
48, 49, 5i) and garments (chapters 48, 51, 59) occur among goods
brought into Egypt, whereas exports from Egypt to Arabia, India, and
the East African coast include various kinds of garments (e.g.,
chapters 6, 24, 56).11 At a port called "Ganges" i n the Ganga delta
it was possible to acquire high-quality cotton, in the form of
garments: "On [the Ganges] there is a port of trade [emporion] sharing
the same name as the river, Ganges, through which malabathron,
Gangetic nard, pearls, and cotton garments of the very fin-est
quality, the so-called Gangetic, are transported" (chapter 63). It is
typical of the Periplus that various objects are linked in the context
of a particular port. The designation of quality, diaphorotatai, has
connotations of distinctiveness as well as value."(pp.20-21)
Hindu mathematical and other scientific manuals started migrating to
Iran and Iraq from 6th to 10th century. Hundreds of them got
translated to Persian and Arabic languages. The process of Latin
translation of these Arabic and Persian texts started from 11th
century onwards. Indian mathematics and other sciences reached Europe
through this translation industry. Trade played a vital role in this
migration. However, it is least studied and its contribution is
totally neglected. In the same volume of Ars Orientalis (Vol. 34,
2004) Carol Bier wrote an article titled ' Patterns in Time and Space:
Technologies of Transfer and the Cultural Transmission of
Mathematical Knowledge across the Indian Ocean.' And in his own words,
"This article explores the potential role of textiles in the transfer
of mathematical knowledge from the Indian subcontinent to the central
Islamic lands and west-ward to an emerging modern Europe through an
inquiry into prospective technologies of textile manufacture and
pattern-making. Ikat textiles of the ninth and tenth centuries, found
in Egypt but presumed to be from Yemen, serve as a means to explore
possibilities of numeration and treatment of the spatial dimension. An
initial attempt is made to separate patterning from the technology of
textile production in an effort to treat the mathematical
possibilities that patterning offers for the application of
mathematical knowledge. This article proposes an ontology of pattern,
distinct from the category of a textile itself, which raises
significant questions pertaining to the transmission of mathematical
knowledge in relation to expanded trade routes in the eighth through
tenth centuries, coincident with Islamic developments in the
understanding of two-dimensional space"(p.173)
Agriculture and Horticulture are other important activities in any
culture or civilization. Newer techniques of Archaeobotany are giving
us new tools in dating. Mehergarh, Baluchistan excavations have
placed barley and wheat cultivations in Indian subcontinent around
7000 to 5500 BC. Recent findings of the Archaeobotanical samples
collected from Neolithic site Jhusi, at the confluence of Ganga and
Yamuna rivers in Allahabad U.P. are presented jointly by Anil K.
Pokharia, J.N.Pal and Alka Srivastava in an article titled ' Plant
macro-remains from Neolithic Jhusi in Ganga Plain: evidence for
grain-based agriculture', in the Vol.97,No. 4, 25 august 2009 issue of
Current Science. We already have the dates of cultivated rice from
Kunal, Hariyana in the range of 3000 to 2500 BC. Rice grains
collected at Jhusi have given us dates in the range of 7100 to 5932
BC. These are probably the earliest dates of rise grains in at least
Indian subcontinent. Their findings of viticulture or horticulture are
more revealing,
"Remains of grape-vine have provided unequivocal evidence of
viticulture from pre-Harappan and Harappan times 23,36,37,40. Before
the factual evidences from archaeological sites, information on the
grape and its cultivation was based on the literary and ancient
sculptures. Grapes were known through the accounts of Charak and
Susruta in their early medical treaties (5th century BC), and there
was almost no information of their cultivation, prior to the Muslim
conquest of the country 41.The evidence of grape-vine on Indian
sculptures has come from Sanchi and Bharhut stupas in Madhya Pradesh,
datable to 2nd–3rd century AD 42. Smith 43 and Marshall et al.44,
however, regarded the vine as a characteristic motif of Hellenistic
art. According to Watt 45, viticulture in India never at any period
was regarded to have attained the proportions it assumed in the Greek
and Roman ages of Europe. Now, in view of the factually evidenced
viticulture since the Neolithic and Harappan times, all these opinions
stand untenable."(p.569)
Sugarcane cultivation is indigenous to India. We have extensive
literary evidence for this. We have testimony of Greeks in this
regard. They described sugarcane as 'reeds that make honey without the
agency of bees' Megasthenes goes a step forward and even tries to
explain why sugarcane is sweet? Surprisingly there is no trace of
sugarcane in any archaeological excavations in the subcontinent.
Lallanji Gopal has written an excellent paper titled 'Sugar-making in
Ancient India' published in Journal of the Economic and Social History
of the Orient Vol. 7, No. 1, 1964, pp. 57-72. He gives us literary
evidence of highly advanced stage of cultivation it had reached,
"Advanced knowledge of sugarcane cultivation is clear from the
classification of the plants into several types, differing according
to their qualities 2). Caraka 3) mentions two varieties paundraka and
vamsaka. The Amarakosa 4), though by name mentioning only the pundra
and kantara types, implies many others also in the word adayah.
Ksirasvamin, the commentator, names some of these. But Susruta gives
by far the most elaborate list. He mentions twelve varieties:
paundraka 5) , bhiruka, vamsaka, sataporaka, tapaseksu, kasteksu,
sucipatraka, naipala, dirghapatra, nilapora and kosakrt 6)."(p.59)
Panchatantra and the game of Chess are Indian contributions which
reached East and West, as early as 3rd to 6thcentury AD. I have dealt
with Panchatantra in my paper 'History of migration of Panchatantra
and what it can teach us' presented last year in the conference titled
Subhashita, Panchatantra andGnomic Literature in Ancient and Medieval
India held at Thane under the auspices of Institute for Oriental
Study, Thane on Saturday, 27 Dec. 2008 at Thane
Similarly there is large research material available on Chess. The
White collection in the Cleveland public library is the largest
library in the world dedicated to Chess.
Dominance and universalization of modern science gives a hegemonic
status to West. Colonization of rest of the world by Western countries
since 16th century added to this hegemony. 'Orientalism' is the final
outcome of this process. Study of Indian civilization i.e. Indology is
no exception to this 'academic exercise'. Poor financial recourses
and inadequate research training facilities in the non West world in
the post Colonial period, enhances this dependency on West. No
civilization or culture for that matter can claim exclusivity.
However, though Indian trade with West was always bilateral, when it
comes to influence or anteriority of ideas, pointer is unidirectional,
always in the direction of Mesopotamia or Greece.
Transmission of Indian sciences to Europe prior to Industrial
revolution is not easy to understand. Trade, as seen by us earlier,
has played a major role in this transmission. Extensive literary and
archaeological material is available now for this study. However,
Indian trade was not restricted to the West only. Buddhism had reached
China and Central Asia few centuries prior to the beginning of
Christian era. Indian trade and culture had also reached South East
Asian countries since the beginning of Christian era. Hundreds of
philosophical, religious and scientific text from Sanskrit got
translated to Chinese, Khotanese, Uighur, Tibetan and South Eastern
languages. Trade route of West to China passed through Central Asia.
We have seen that many Chinese and Central Asian texts original and
translated both, reached Western civilizations through this trade
route. As a matter of fact Sanskrit-Persian/Arabic –Latin transmission
started much later than Sanskrit-Chinese-Central Asian-Greek/Latin
transmission. Last route of transmission is after 16th century
through missionary and Colonial administrators' writings. A collective
and comprehensive study of all these inter disciplinary sciences
including paleo and archaeobotany, archaeozoology and genomic studies
will help us reach conclusions with least bias.
Vijay Bedekar
Institute for Oriental Study, Thane
Saturday, 26 December 2009, Thane.

The annual seminar of the Institute on the topic India's Scientific
Contribution to Europe and other worldCivilizations prior to
Industrialcivilization was conducted on Saturday,26 Dec.2009. About 10
scholars presented papers in the conference. This was the
27thconference conducted under the auspices of the Institute for
Oriental Study,Thane since 1982. The book of abstract of present
seminar will be uploaded on the web site

28.states, 1618 languages, 6400 castes, 9 religions, 6 ethinc group, 29 festivals,
1 country, proud to be an indian. 

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