Saturday, September 25, 2010

National Park for Birds, USA

The national parks of the U.S. abound with large and small animals of many types. Although less famous than the large animals like buffalo and bear, the small animals are numerous and are usually fun to observe and extremely interesting.

 Western Gull, Channel Islands National Park

 White Pelican, Grand Teton National Park

 Great Blue Herons, Grand Teton National Park

 Bald Eagle, Grand Teton National Park

 Clark's Nutcracker, Crater Lake National Park

 Canada Geese, Cuyahoga Valley National Park

 Brown Pelicans, Channel Islands National Park

 Raven, Crater Lake National Park

 Trumpeter Swans, Yellowstone National Park

 Duck, Olympic National Park

 Great Blue Heron, Everglades National Park

 Brown Pelican, Biscayne National Park

 Great Egret, Everglades National Park

 Grouse, Olympic National Park


 Anhinga, Everglades National Park

 Cactus Wren, Saguaro National Park


 Terns, Dry Tortugas National Park

 Bird on a Perch, Mt. Rainier National Park

 Ruddy Turnstones, Dry Tortugas National Park

 Cormorants & Anahingas, Biscayne National Park

 Raven, Petrified Forest National Park

 Soaring Ravens, Grand Canyon National Park


 Anhinga, Sandpipers, Biscayne National Park


 Gull, Voyageurs National Park

 Pelicans, Dry Tortugas National Park

 Turkey Vulture, Everglades National Park

 Gulls, Biscayne National Park

 Wood Stork, Everglades National Park

 White Ibis, Everglades National Park

 Purple Gallinule, Everglades National Park

 Néné (Hawaiian Goose), Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

 Common Loon, Voyageurs National Park

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