Friday, October 18, 2013

Jaypee's New Title Release

Inline image 1

Oxorn-Foote Human Labor and Birth, Sixth Edition 


Date   2013
Format : Paperback, 782 pages
ISBN : 9351342875 / 9789351342878
Price Rs. 1595


Navin C Nanda :- Comprehensive Textbook of Echocardiography (2 Volumes Set) Price Rs. 9500
ISBN 9789350906347

Edition 1/e

Publish Year 2014

Pages 2314

Size 8.5" X 11"

Cover Type Hard Back

3/E, 2013
3/E, 2013
2/E, 2013
2/E, 2013
2/E, 2013

Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging Techniques
Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging Techniques

Shivlal M Rawlani :- Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging Techniques Price Rs. 295

ISBN 9789350908464

Edition 1/e

Publish Year 2014

Pages 196

Size 5.5" X 8.5"

Cover Type Paper Back

Shakti Kumar Gupta :- Emergency Medical Service Systems: A Global Perspective
Price Rs. 795 

Publish Year
6.75" X 9.5"
Cover Type
Hard Back
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Yeh 2013 9781607950400 504 Pages $130 This second edition of Cancer and the Heart covers the complex interactions of multiple diseases in patients who have cancer and who either have or are expected to acquire significant heart disease. This updated revision will facilitate personalized clinical management and provides a current and comprehensive reference for clinicians, investigators, and students. ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION John Malcolm Cruickshank 2013 9781607951681 520 Pages $34.95 With Essential Hypertension, author John M. Cruickshank hopes to “shine a little light” on this somewhat confused, but vital area of medicine, in particular the most appropriate ways to lower blood pressure in order to optimally reduce cardiovascular risk. This book provides concise definitions and descriptions of measurement, epidemiology, pathophysiology, and treatment, and describes genetic and environmental components of the development of hypertension. THE MODERN ROLE OF BETABLOCKERS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE John Malcolm Cruickshank 2010 9781607951087 281 Pages $34.95 This pocket manual is a valuable tool for medical students as well as cardiovascular practitioners and internists worldwide. It provides a concise and muchneeded update of cardiovascular betablocker use, particularly for hypertension and heart failure. COMING SOON: REALTIME 3D ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY FOR CONGENITAL HEART DISEASE Shuping X. Ge 2013 9781607951551 Approx. 300 Pages • Hardcover $125 RealTime 3D Echocardiography for Congenital Heart Disease is the first teaching text of its kind in its field. It will describe the new concepts, methodology, and application of this relatively new technology, while focusing on its history, approaches, study, and clinical application in a variety of congenital heart diseases from fetuses to adults. D To o Hall apply selec clini decis Mini clini ortho ramu sinus Clin basic proto so as DEN order now, p l’s Critical D ying their d ctions and o cal problem sions for opt imally Invas cians, inclu odontists. Th us/condyle u s, and minim ical Outline c oral patho ocol for dev s to limit the NTIS please visit w HALL Lisa A 2013 9781 424 Pa $79.95 Decisions in ecisionmak options, proc ms and provid timal outcom MINIMA Maria J. T 2013 9781607 252 Pages $179 sive Maxillof uding oral a he topics co unit, manage mally invasiv CLINIC Lewis R 2011 97816 752 pag $79.95 e of Oral Pa logy, oral ra eloping diffe e differential STRY www.pmph L’S CRITICA A. Harpenau, R 607950462 ages • Hardco 5 n Periodont king knowled cedures in v des new tech mes. ALLY INVASI Troulis & Leo 7950127 s • Hardcover ofacial Surge and maxillo overed inclu ement of m ve managem CAL OUTLIN R. Eversole 607950158 ges • Paperbac athology, 4th adiology, an ferential diag and ultimat Y AL DECISION Richard T. 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Th designed to multidisci ryngologists ion and orth asive manag ON integrates th jective of pr g patient resp ON z ents and pra r in diagnos his text is o help you ma iplinary grou s, plastic su hognathic su gement of th he clinical ap roviding stu ponses and c actitioners in sis, treatmen organized by ake ontarge up of exper urgeons, and urgery of the he maxillary pproaches to udents with a clinical sign n nt y et rt d e y o s PETERSON’S PRINCIPLES of ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Michael Miloro, GE Ghali, Peter Larsen, Peter Waite 2011 9781607951117 2000 Pages • Hardcover $499 Peterson's Principles of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 3rd Edition, encompasses a wide range of topics making it a unique text among the medical and dental specialties. The book encompasses all aspects of the field, as well as expanded scope of practice, and now includes extended sections on pediatric anesthesia and patient management, and aesthetic surgery, making it the most comprehensive textbook available in the specialty. RAHN'S TEXTBOOK OF COMPLETE DENTURES, 6thEDITION Arthur O. Rahn, John R. Ivanhoe, Kevin D. Plummer 2009 9781607950257 446 Pages • Hardcover $89.95 Textbook of Complete Dentures, 6th Edition presents various aspects of the basic principles of complete denture prosthodontics. The text is techniqueoriented and relates the basic sciences of anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology, and psychology with the art and mechanics involved in complete denture construction. This wellillustrated book will provide the essential information to successfully treat complete denture patients in any dental practice environment. INGLE’S ENDODONTICS, 6thEDITION John Ingle, Leif K. Bakland, J. Craig Baumgartner 2008 9781550093339 1555 Pages • Hardcover $169 Ingle's Endodontics, 6th Edition continues to be the standard against which all other endodontic texts are measured, which is why it has been referred to as the “Bible of Endodontics” for over 40 years. With over 75 contributing authors from all over the world and 40 chapters, it is the first endodontic textbook specifically prepared for the world's endodontic specialists and graduate students in advanced endodontic programs worldwide. COMING SOON: ESTHETICS IN DENTISTRY, 3rd EDITION (2 VOLS.) Ronald E. Goldstein January 2014 9781607951568 Paperback $250 Esthetics in Dentistry, originally published in 1976, was the first interdisciplinary textbook devoted to helping patients look and feel their best. 37 years later, this 3rd edition is completely updated in virtually every aspect of understanding and treating a patient who has the need or desire to improve his or her appearance. The text begins by explaining in detail exactly why the subject of esthetic or cosmetic dentistry is such a vital part of the profession. COMING SOON: ETHICAL DECISION MAKING IN DENTISTRY Suzanne W. StuckiMcCormick October 2013 9781607951766 195 Pages • Paperback $39.95 Ethical Decisions in Dentistry takes the reader from ethics in dental education to creating ethical protocols and public policy. This concise volume covers ethics issues in the education of dentists, in licensure and licensing examinations, in solo and group private practice, and in esthetic dentistry. Ethical Decisions in Dentistry is a valuable text for teaching ethics in dental schools, but also serves as a refresher course for practicing dentists at any stage of their professional lives. DERMATOLOGY To order now, please visit EVIDENCEBASED DERMATOLOGY, 2nd EDITION Howards Maibach & Farzam Garouhi 2012 9781607950394 1138 Pages $250 Evidence Based Dermatology, 2nd Edition introduces and encourages the concept of evidencebased patient care in dermatology. Authored by over 130 expert contributors from 15 countries and incorporating a text with all new four color design and images, this new edition explores disease mechanisms and treatments in greater depth and detail in order to provide more insight for the reader. MANUAL OF SKIN SURGERY: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO DERMATOLOGIC PROCEDURES, 2nd EDITION David J. Leffell, & Marc D. Brown 2011 9781607951582 202 Pages $89.95 Manual of Skin Surgery: A Practical Guide to Dermatologic Procedures, 2nd Edition offers a clear, stepbystep introduction to the fundamentals of dermatologic surgery from anatomy and diagnosis to preoperative preparation and assessment, operative technique, and postoperative care. EMERGENCY MEDICINE To order now, please visit DISASTER PREPAREDNESS FOR HEALTHCARE FACILITIES Daniel Kollek 9781607951698 2013 582 Pages  $99.95 Whether you are a physician, nurse, paramedic, or healthcare facility administrator, Disaster Preparedness for HealthCare Facilities is a must have for addressing the readiness and preparedness for disasters, both natural and manmade; from the standpoint of healthcare facility preplanning to response when disasters occur. PREHOSPITAL CARE—PEARLS & PITFALLS Peter T. Pons & Vincent J. Markovchick 2012 9781607951711 648 Pages $49.95 Prehospital Care—Pearls and Pitfalls, is a unique, stimulating, and easytoread text. It provides practical information applicable to the prehospital setting and helps emergency care providers to manage the myriad of emergency and nonemergency situations that he or she will encounter. AIRWAY MANAGEMENT IN EMERGENCIES, 2nd EDITION George Kovacs & J. Adam Law 2011, Revised for 2013 9781607951049 472 Pages $89.95 Written by international experts in a style that is concise, practical, and to the point, Airway Management in Emergencies covers all the core knowledge and accompanying management protocols necessary to assess, oxygenate, intubate, and monitor patients requiring emergency airway management. Each chapteris supported by evidencebased algorithms, synoptic tips, and realworld case studies showing how to resolve any airway scenario you would likely encounter in clinical practice. GASTROENTEROLOGY To order now, visit COMING SOON: NUTRITION IN PEDIATRICS, 5th EDITION Ronald E. Kleinman Christopher P. Duggan, John B. Watkins, Berthold Koletzko, and W. Allan Walker July 2014 9781607951803 Hardcover $175 *4th Edition Cover Shown Among the pediatric texts available, none deals with the physiologic or pathophysiologic basis of nutrition in pediatric health and disease in children quite like Nutrition in Pediatrics 5th Edition. This new edition includes expanded and updated chapters on nutrition and international health, including protein energy malnutrition and community nutrition, basic concepts in the development of nutritional requirements of infants and children. COMING SOON: WALKER’S PEDIATRIC GI DISEASE, 6th EDITION (2 VOLS.) Ronald E. Kleinman, Olivier Goulet, Giorgina MieliVergani, Ian R. Sanderson, Philip M. Sherman, Benjamin L. Shneider July 2014 9781607951810 Hardcover $275 *5thEdition Cover Shown The sixth edition of Walker’s Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disease is has been revised to include the most current information, including revised chapters on normal anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathology, disease states with diagnosis and treatment, and genetic and molecular biology. This text fully covers the training syllabus necessary for pediatric gastroenterologists throughout the world. COMING SOON: PEDIATRIC GASTROINTESTINAL ENDOSCOPY, 2nd EDITION Harland S. Winter, M. Stephen Murphy, Jean Francois Mougenot, Samy Cadranel July 2014 9781607951070 250 Pages • Hardcover $175 The second edition of the Atlas of Pediatric Gastrointestinal Endoscopy will continue to focus on practical diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy in children. The combination of pediatric endoscopic images and color illustrations with this updated guide to pediatric gastrointestinal endoscopy makes this volume a unique and definitive reference resource for pediatric gastroenterologists and pediatric surgeons. 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Cameron & 607950271 ges • Hardcov erb atlas focu lassic work t trointestinal ed with anat in other atla ITABLE BOW k 2nd edition, table bowel se, this illu tors of IBS. IN INFLAMM Stephen B. Ha Y IN INFLAM Stephen B. Ha ommodate n n Irritable B ase comprise g increasing d. RGERY, 2nd MING IN 201 Corinne Sand er used on surg to include la surgical pro omical wate ses. WEL SYNDRO is a current l syndrome ustrated refer MATORY BOW anauer MMATORY BO anauer new chapter Bowel Diseas es the definit attention a d EDITION, V 14) done gery of the bi aparoscopic ocedures. Wr ercolor paint OME, 2nd EDI and concise (IBS). 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Shah 2013 9781607951605 580 Pages • Paperback $34.95 Casebased, evidencebased, and clinically relevant EvidenceBased Clinical Reasoning in Medicine dissects many of the most controversial medical issues and landmark clinical trials that influence the practice of medicine, and helps students as they prepare for their endofrotation NBME shelf examination. Each chapter includes “Bottom Line” and “Take Home Point” sections that help the student process the key points in each chapter. BIOSTATISTICS: THE BARE ESSENTIALS, 3rd EDITION Geoffrey Norman & David Streiner 2007 9781550093476 408 Pages • Paperback $59.95 9781550094008 (with SPSS) $99.95 This third edition of Biostatistics: The Bare Essentials translates biostatistics in the health sciences literature with clarity and irreverence. Students and practitioners alike applaud Biostatistics: The Bare Essentials as the practical guide that exposes them to every statistical test they may encounter, with careful conceptual explanations and a minimum of algebra. CRANIAL NERVES: FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION, 3rd EDITION Linda WilsonPauwels, Patricia A. Stewart, Elizabeth J. Akesson, Sian D. Spacey 2010 9781607950318 460 Pages • Paperback $59.95 Cranial Nerves: Function & Dysfunction, 3rd Edition presents problembased learning cases and clinical testing in a visual format through pertinent information and fullcolor functional drawings, including colorcoded pathways/modalities from the periphery of the body to the brain (sensory input) and from the brain to the periphery (motor output).Cranial Nerves is perfect for students studying neuroanatomy and gross anatomy for the first time. PDQ STATISTICS, 3rdEDITION David Streiner & Geoffrey Norman 2003 9781550092073 230 pages • Paperback $41.95 PDQ Statistics, 3rd Edition offers an expert overview of all major statistical methods, giving the reader a thorough understanding of statistics and how they are used in research articles. The book covers the major categories variable and descriptive statistics, parametric statistics, nonparametric statistics, and multivariate statistics. The attractive design and humorous writing style makes the subject matter accessible and engaging. COMING SOON: BIOSTATISTICS: THE BARE ESSENTIALS, 4rd EDITION Geoffrey Norman & David Streiner 2014 9781607953780 Paperback $79.95 New for 2014, Biostatistics: The Bare Essentials, 4th Edition, includes updated information on robust estimators of the mean, the problems of multiple hypothesis testing, bootstrapping and resampling and nonparametric stats. In addition, an entirely new chapter titled Measures of Impact, discusses measures of incidence and prevalence, risk, morbidity and fatality rates, and more. OBSTETRICS To order now, please visit COMING SOON: OBSTETRIC MEDICINE: MANAGEMENT OF MEDICAL DISORDERS IN PREGNANCY, 6th EDITION Wayne R. Cohen & Phyllis August October 2013 9781607950981 800 Pages • Hardcover $150 Obstetric Medicine: Management of Medical Disorders in Pregnancy, 6th Edition (previously titled Complications in Pregnancy) has a distinguished legacy as the first major American textbook specifically to address complications of pregnancy. This edition concentrates on practical issues of clinical management and addresses both common and uncommon medical and surgical problems encountered during pregnancy. O To o Hepa canc surgi chem The treat canc thera Cuta as w havi ONC order now, pl atobiliary C cer. Topics c ical and non motherapy fo third edition tments that d cer therapy. T apy, as well aneous Lymp well as histop ing a cutane COL lease visit w COMI Yuman 2013 97816 Approx $159 1stEditio Cancer offers covered inclu nsurgical a or tumors. ADVANC Gildy V. 2012 978160 1552 Pag $279 n of Advanc didn’t exist The text also as the conse CUTA John C 2012 97816 264 Pa $99.95 phoma discu pathology, m ous lymphom LOG www.pmphu ING SOON n Fong & JiaH 6079509165 x. 530 Pages • on cover shown s an expert ude benign l ablative tech CED THERA Babiera, Rom 7950943 ges • Hardcove ced Therapy even a shor o offers a co equences of t ANEOUS LYM C. Hall & Bria 607951704 ages • Hardcov usses the ne molecular ge ma. GY N: HEPATOBI Hong Dong Paperback n overview of liver tumors hniques for APY OF BREA man J. Skorac er of Breast D rt time ago, mprehensive the disease a MPHOMA an J. Hall ver ew classifica enetics, and ILIARY CAN f the latest r s, metastatic liver tumor AST DISEASE cki, Francisco Disease captu , given the e look at all and its treatm ations of cut d treatment NCER, 2nd EDI research and liver cancer s, liver rese E, 3rd EDITIO J. Esteva ures where w everincreas aspects of b ment. taneous lym options and ITION d treatment o r, metastatic ection inc ON we are now sing pace of breast cancer phoma, its e d medicine f options for h neuroendoc cluding lapa in our abilit f the evoluti r pathology, epidemiolog for patients hepatobiliary crine tumors aroscopy and ty to provide ion of breas biology, and gy, diagnosis suspected o y s, d e st d s, of To order now, please visit MANUAL OF PEDIATRIC NUTRITION Kendrin Sonnenville & Christopher Duggan 2013 9781607951746 650 pages • Paperback $79.95 The 5th edition of the Manual of Pediatric Nutrition puts forth the growing knowledge base of nutrient requirements, the evaluation of what constitutes a healthy diet, and the increased awareness of the importance of diet in infancy and childhood on adult health. This manual, which is perfect forpediatricians, dietitians, fellows, and students, covers the basics of nutrition assessment, nutritional requirements, and feeding guidelines for healthier infants, children, and adolescents. PEDIATRIC ANESTHESIA Bruno Bissonnette 2011 9781607950936 2200 Pages • Hardcover $379 No longer merely a subspecialty, pediatric anesthesia is now a professional entity in its own right, Pediatric Anesthesia: Basic Principles—State of the Art—Future contains the contributions of 220 international experts, and is the only textbook of its kind to feature such a strong international representation of the very best authorities in the field. The book covers every aspect of this developing field and is an ideal reference text. PEDIATRICS PLASTIC SURGERY To order now, please visit THE ART & CRAFT OF FACIAL REJUVENATION Wayne Larrabbe & Holger Gassner September 2013 9781607950387 152 Pages $175.00 When searching for a complete guide to facial reconstructive surgery, look no further than The Art and Craft of Facial Rejuvenation. The heart of this text is its presentation; easy to read descriptions of each procedure coupled with detailed intraoperative photography and illustrations depict all important maneuvers and cover every step of the operation. Each procedure has proven in the authors’ hands to generate the most reliably excellent results, enabling the experienced surgeon to accurately reproduce each technique. ADVANCED THERAPY IN FACIAL PLASTIC & RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY J. Regan Thomas 9781607950110 2010 818 pages $250.00 This book features 67 chapters covering the full spectrum of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery – each written by a nationally recognized facial plastic surgeon detailing their own clinical techniques and practices, ensuring that the student and clinician will have a thorough grasp of the field. Chapters are generously illustrated with superb clinical and surgical photos and numerous detailed case study photos. This text will be of great value to both experienced surgeons and as a teaching tool for residentlevel physicians. THOMAS PROCEDURES IN FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY SERIES: Rhinoplasty Perkins 9781607951520 • 2012 • 200 pages • Hardcover • $125.00 THOMAS PROCEDURES IN FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY: Facelift Regan J. Thomas 9781607951544 • 2011 • 86 pages • Hardcover • $125.00 THOMAS PROCEDURES IN FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY SERIES: Aesthetic Surgery of the Forehead & Upper Third of the Face Sclafani 9781607951537 • 2012 • 200 pages • Hardcover • $125.00 THOMAS PROCEDURES IN FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY: Blepharoplasty Papel 9781607951513 • 2012 • 134 pages • Hardcover • $125.00 THOMAS PROCEDURES IN FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY: NonInvasive Cosmetic Procedures Koch 9781607951506 • 2012 • 112 pages • Hardcover • $125.00 THOMAS PROCEDURES IN FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY: Facial Soft Tissue Reconstruction Branham 9781607951490 • 2011 • 172 pages • Hardcover • $125.00 THOMAS PROCEDURES IN FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY: Aesthetic Otoplasty Adamson 9781607951292 • 2011 • 163 pages • Hardcover • $125.00 A seven volume series covering the full spectrum of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery each written by a nationally recognized facial plastic surgeon detailing their own clinical techniques and practices. Each volume is generously illustrated with superb clinical and case study photos. Written for both experienced surgeons and useful as a teaching tool for resident level physicians. PULMONARY To order now, please visit INTERSTITIAL LUNG DISEASE 5th EDITION Marvin I. Schwarz & Talmadge E. King, Jr. January 2011 9781607950240 1200 Pages $149.00 Interstitial Lung Disease, Fifth Edition is a complete review of interstitial lung diseases and includes clinical, pathologic, radiologic, and physiologic evaluation of the patient with ILD. It provides the basic pathobiology and a complete description of individual diseases such assarcoidosis, asbestosis, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, druginduced lung disease, connective tissue disease, and pulmonary vasculitis – to name but a few. This new edition also features an examination of potential future therapies for interstitial lung disease. RADIOLOGY & PATHOLOGY To order now, please visit IMAGE GUIDED RADIATION THERAPY: A CLINICAL PERSPECTIVE Dr. Arno J. Mundt & John C. Roeske May 2011 9781607950424 672 Pages • Hardcover $175 Image Guided Radiation Therapy covers nearly every aspect of radiation treatment, planning and delivery in radiation therapy and explains both the “why” and the “how,” pertaining to the art and the science of IGRT. Within each section, traditional overview chapters are paired with case studies of actual treated patients, focusing on imageguided target delineation and imageguided treatment delivery. MOLECULAR IMAGING: PRINCIPLES & PRACTICE Ralph Weissleder, Bryan Ross, Alnawaz Rehemtulla, & Sanjiv Gambhir July 2010 9781607950059 1380 pages • Hardcover $189.00 The field of molecular imaging has expanded greatly in a relatively short period of time due to advances in chemistry, engineering, and biomedical applications. Molecular Imaging: Principles and Practice, was designed specifically to fill the need for an authoritative text book encompassing the multidisciplinary nature of the study of molecular imaging. SURGERY To order now, please visit COMING SOON: ATLAS OF GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY 2nd EDITION, VOL. 2 John L. Cameron & Corinne Sandone 2013 9781607950271 Approx. 742 Pages • Hardcover $349.95 In 2006 the first edition of this superb atlas on surgery of the biliary tract, pancreas and liver was published. Dr. Cameron has revisited and updated the classic work to include laparoscopic techniques and to demonstrate new procedures and the current status of gastrointestinal surgical procedures. Written for the experienced surgeon, this 2volume series is beautifully illustrated with anatomical watercolor paintings by coauthor Corinne Sandone that elevate the work to a level not seen in other atlases. SURGERY: EVIDENCE BASED PRACTICE Stephen M. Cohn & Steven T. Brower 2012 9781607951094 1014 Pages • Hardcover $175.00 A guide to “when to” and “what to” rather than “how to,” Surgery: Evidence Based Practice provides evidencebased surgical reviews to provide credible answers to ageold surgical management questions. The management issues presented are oriented toward interventions and use evidencebased techniques to assess the safety and efficacy of new treatments and rehabilitative or preventativeinterventions. VASCULAR SURGERY To order now, please visit CONTEMPOARAY VASCULAR SURGERY James S.T. Yao, William H. Pearce December 2011 9781607951667 448 Pages • Hardcover $125.00 Contemporary Vascular Surgery covers significant new contributions and controversies relevant to the continuing evolution of vascular care.The text will cover changes in the management of extracranial cerebrovascular disease, new treatment options for lower extremity arterial occlusive disease, novel techniques in hemodialysis access management, as well as recent cuttingedge developments in aortic stent graft repair in the chest and abdomen. COMING SOON: CURRENT VASCULAR SURGERY 2013 Mark K. Eskandari, William H. Pearce, & James S.T. Yao 9781607951841 600 Pages • Hardcover $150.00 This volume cover the full spectrum of vascular surgery including changes in management of extracranial cerebrovascular disease, new treatment options for lower extremity arterial occlusive disease, hemodialysis, novel techniques for complex venous disease, and recent cuttingedge developments in aortic stent graft repair in the chest and abdomen. TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE To order now, please visit HEAT SENSITIVE MOXIBUSTION Chen Rixin 2013 9787117157582 Paperback $49.95 Heat Sensitive Moxibustion dramatically raises the effectiveness of conventional moxa treatments. Utilizing heatsensitized acupoints, heatsensitized moxibustion is incredibly practical and can be used at home to treat common ailments, but is effective enough that experienced practitioners will want to add it to their clinical repertoire. FORMULA WISDOM FROM FAMOUS PHYSICIANS Huang Huang 2013 9787117159227 Paperback $79.95 This book is compiled based on investigational questionnaires completed by renowned Traditional Chinese Medicine physicians, in hopes to enlighten TCM students and future practitioners on the most essential Chinese medicinal formulas. CHINESE INTERNAL MEDICINE (International Standard Library of Chinese Medicine) Xie Jianqun 2013 9787117172554 Paperback $99.95 Over 30 international Chinese medical experts and authors have come together in the creation of this complete 20 volume series of books with subject matter ranging from internal medicine, gynecology, pediatric, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology and cosmetology to a wide range of health cultivation practices as Qigong and Taiji. IMPROVING CLINICAL ACCURACY—A Systematic Method for TCM Pattern Differentiation and Treatment Chen Xiangjun 2013 9787117152068 Paperback $69.95 Chinese Internal Medicine theory is fundamental to all aspects of clinical practice. The proper application of these theories, particularly pattern differentiation, is the key to clinical success. This book serves as a valuable reference for understanding and applying the methods of Chinese medical pattern differentiation by clearly showing the clinical thinking processes of pattern differentiation, diagnosis, and treatment. CHINESE EXTERNAL MEDICINE TCM Case Studies He Qinghu 2013 9787117154130 Paperback $39.95 TCM Case Studies: Chinese External Medicine focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that affect the body’s surface, unlike TCM Internal Medicine for which the focus is on internal organ systems. External medicine, or waike, refers to conditions that can be seen by the eye or palpated directly such as traumatic injuries, skin diseases, breast lumps, hemorrhoids, male genital problems and so on. TRIM AND HEALTHY • DIABETES • DEPRESSION Wang Shu Li Xiaoli Chen Yunhui 2013 2011 2011 9787117161336 9787117145053 9787117145060 $34.95 $24.95 $24.95 Paperback Paperback Paperback This patient education series exhibits valuable guidelines on having the most complete lifestyle, diet, exercise, and home therapies when diagnosed with an ailment. It clearly explains the basics of Chinese medical theory and gives a step by step guide to Chinese medical treatment, such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, and tuina (massage). 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I tion method the history n of auricula the auricula seful aid fo uncture, with t also detail s. y, ar ar r h s INTERNATIONAL STANDARD CHINESE: BASIC NOMENCLATURE OF CHINESE MEDICINE Fundación Europea de MTC Available in English and Spanish 2011 9787117147194 Hardcover $69.95 The World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies invited over 200 specialists from 68 countries and 70 academic institutions of Chinese medicine to participate in the creation and development of an International Standard Nomenclature (ISN) for Chinese medicine. This work stands as the recommended international standard for 174 WFCMS member societies, in 55 countries. 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