Thursday, August 5, 2010




Some Five thousand years ago , In India, Gokul  was the home to Lord Krishna's divine and miraculous childhood where he performed innumerable astonishing acts of humanity savior and kindness.   

When Indra the wild king of Gods threatened the Vrajavasis (resident of Gokul)  with torrential rains, blasts of thunder and lightening, and the consequent over flooding of river Yamuna - all to inundate the village, And if you were present there how would you experience all this?  And the relief the village residents felt when Krishna lifted the Govardhan Hill and protected them!
(Concept adopted in Floating mountain and Riding the flying monster birds in movie AVATAR)

    The PROPOSED Krishna Lila Park will give such an experience to the visitors. The main complex building will be about 360 feet tall, with a viewing gallery at 500 ft level. This hi-tech amusement park to be constructed in Bangalore on 28 acre will be the 1st theme park in India with the quality of world class theme parks like Disney World and Universal Studios. Already Rs 4-5 crore has been spent on the design. The project will cost Rs 350 crore. Work on theme park has taken off on  Sunday Jun 20th, 2010.

     Today, our children's minds are obsessed with Superman, Spiderman and such other characters and legends coming from the West. Lets introduce the great characters of our Indian epics and instill in the minds of our children the deep values they represent.  at a glance.

22.jpgBoat Ride:
1boat.jpg4D Theatre view :
1theatre.jpgKids Zone:
1kumba.jpgCosmic Planetorium:

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