Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Colleges must display national anthem: MU University threatens with punitive action if any college fails to comply

Colleges must display national anthem: MU

University threatens with punitive action if any college fails to comply

The Mumbai University recently sent a circular to around 650 affiliated colleges in the state to mandatorily display the national anthem on display boards so that it can be seen by students every day.
The university administration has said that it will take punitive action against any college failing to comply with the circular.
A senior university official said, "This is not the first time that the university has sent such circulars to the colleges. Two years ago, the administration had sent a similar circular. But most colleges did not take it seriously. We have sent the circular again and this time colleges that do not follow the directives will face strict action."
Academicians feel that patriotism cannot be fostered by such rules. "Colleges should feel proud to display the national anthem on their college boards. There is no need for the university to send such circulars. Of course, it is not wrong to ask colleges to display the national anthem, but why is the university wasting its time on such matters? The university can look at other issues that benefit students," said an academician who did not want to be named.
Dr Rajpal Hande, director, board of college and university department (BCUD), said; "This is not a new circular. Colleges had ignored the old circular and the problem was raised at the senate meeting by some members."
Dr TA Shiware, principal, Hinduja College, who is also the president of the Association of Non-Government Colleges said, "We have already implemented the order. I think every college should implement the circular because most college students don't know the national anthem correctly. There is nothing wrong in implementing such a circular."
VN Magre, principal of Kirti College, Dadar, said: "There is nothing wrong in displaying the national anthem in college premises. But the sanctity of the national anthem should be maintained."

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