Saturday, November 12, 2011

The numbers game

The eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year of a century, any century, has an interesting ring to it, more so because in the DD/MM/YY format that we commonly use (or MM/DD/YY) the date will appear only once every 100 years. Just like the twelfth day of the twelfth month of the twelfth year of a century. Or the thirteenth... okay, not the thirteenth, but this formula certainly works for all dates from 1 to 12.
To be fascinated by numbers is one thing; Ramanujan, and many other great mathematicians, were fascinated by numbers.
To be so overwhelmed by them as to plan life-changing events and decisions around them, that too in the 21st century, is amusing if not absurd.
Of course, this isn't a trait unique to Indians. People around the world tend to have their irrationalities; many remain superstitious to this day, scouring astrology columns and seeking out soothsayers to try to find out what the future holds. Where we Indians differ is in the extreme seriousness with which we continue to treat these pseudo-sciences and the manner in which we let them govern our lives.
While this may well be harmless, we do walk a thin line when we try stunts like hastening childbirth to ensure that the baby is born at a particular moment. The fact is that a baby born on 11.11.11 will not celebrate her birthday on that exact date again unless she lives to be 100. And if the reason for hastening the delivery is astrological, then do those who swear by destiny think they can cheat it by such sleight of hand?
That said, we wish all the babies born yesterday long, happy, healthy and fruitful lives.

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