Saturday, August 27, 2011

Jains started 'Paryushan' - a month-long period of fasting and other religious observances from Thursday.

Seasoned Jains lead by example

Fasting is an important religious observation for Jains and members of the community are using their knowledge and experience of long fasts to take care of those on a hunger strike at Azad Maidan in support of the Jan Lokpal Bill.
The fast entered its 11th day on Friday and the 17 hunger strikers who are plodding on are being cared for by 70 members of Tarun Mitra Mandal, a large community organisation representing the Kutchi Visa Oswal Jains.
From providing the hunger strikers drinking water and medical care to sheltering them at night and getting their clothes washed, the volunteers have been there from August 16, the first day of the fast.
Dr Kalpana Kamani, a member of Tarun Mitra Mandal, is one of the two doctors staying with the protestors day and night, constantly monitoring their health.
She said it was not just monks and nuns, but ordinary Jains too fast for a month or 40 days. "Jain fasts are different as they drink water only during daylight hours. Many of the people here have never fasted for such long periods. Many of them are tired, but they are a highly spirited group and their health indicators are fine," said Kamani.
Jains started 'Paryushan' - a month-long period of fasting and other religious observances from Thursday.
Kamani said they are not applying Jain fasting principles at Azad Maidan. "We cannot do that; there are people here from different religious communities," she said. Dhirajbhai Rambhia, founder-president of the 42-year old Tarun Mitra Mandal, said the body is quick to adjust itself to situations like lack of food supply.
"When the body is denied food, organs adjust to the condition. Since many Jains fast for long periods, their bodies are familiar with the ritual," said Rambhia.
Those on fast at Azad Maidan have the choice of drinking cool or warm bottled water. An acupressure expert is on call to help take care of physiological stress. At night, the hunger strikers move to the banquet hall of Shri Kutchi Visa Oswal Jain Dervasi Mahajan building at Dongri. "They are so weak that we do not leave them alone. We even help them to shave their beards," said Rambhia.

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