Tuesday, May 7, 2013

McGraw Hill New Releases - May

9781259063749        Original    MARKETING    MARKETING    Srinivas    Marketing of Services Outsourcing    1    475    270    SOFTCOVER    May-13    0.37    228    153    15    "Srinivas B Vijayaraghavan, He is a marketing consultant for Banna Creations, a social enterprise focused on
promoting Indian handicraft (www.bannacreations.com)."    "1. Marketing View of Services Outsourcing

2. Marketing Mix for Services Outsourcing

3. Segmentation for Services Outsourcing

4. Building a Services Outsourcing Brand and Positioning It

5. Creating Offerings for Services

6. Outsourcing

7. Marketing the Delivery Model

8. Services Outsourcing Communication

9. Marketing Through Delivery
"    "Synonymous with the emergence of a New Industry in India and in other emerging countries, Marketing for Services Outsourcing lends itself to the application of marketing to warm up customers to take the plunge. This book looks at the principles of marketing applied to the unique requirements and challenges of this industry.

Written from a practitioner's viewpoint, this book will help readers:
* understand Services Outsourcing from a marketing standpoint
* view traditional marketing principles through the prism of Services Outsourcing to find closer applicability
* use these adapted principles in the day-to-day decisions they need to take as marketers

Dissecting marketing strategy and implementation through a combination of services outsourcing scenarios, real-world examples and case studies, this book is a ready reckoner for anyone playing a marketing role in this industry."
9781259097331    9780071808071    Reprint    MANAGEMENT    GENERAL MANAGEMENT    Lipp    Disney U    1    550    230    HARDCOVER    May-13    0    0    0    0    "DOUG LIPP helped create the first international version of the Disney University, in Japan at Tokyo Disneyland, and then led the training team of the Disney University at the corporate headquarters of The Walt Disney Company, The Walt Disney Studios. He mentored under a number of Disney University visionaries, including the Disney University founder, Van France. Lipp consults with numerous Fortune 100 corporations and travels the world speaking about the lessons he learned at the Disney University.
"    "Note From the Author
Pulling Back the Curtain: The Orientation
Lesson #1: Setting the Stage for Success
Lesson #2: Capture Hearts and Minds
Lesson #3: It takes Art and Science
Lesson #4: Gather Facts and Feelings
Lesson #5: Be Willing to Change or Be Willing to Perish
Lesson #6: Simplify the Complex
Lesson #7: The Honeymoon Will End
Lesson #8: Keep Plussing the Show
Lesson #9: Beyond Orientation
Lesson #10: The Language of Success
Lesson #11: Giving Back
Lesson#12: Communicate Globally
Lesson #13: Work Hard, Play Hard
Note from the Author
"    "DISNEY UNIVERSITY explores the heart of the Disney Culture and it examines the philosophies behind the core values and operations that support the world-famous Disney brand. Organizational values drive the strategies that, in turn, drive Disney’s success. These game-changing business concepts that Van France and his team created, in addition to their tireless devotion to and dogged insistence upon maintaining those core values, helped build an organizational culture that is envied world-wide. Business leaders of all stripes, at all levels, and in all industries have already found the business concepts Van established and taught at Disney University invaluable. With the publication of DISNEY UNIVERSITY: THE CRADLE OF HAPPINESS, those business concepts will be adopted by more and more business throughout the world.
9781259097324    9780071790512    Reprint    HR/TRAINING    LEADERSHIP    Sharkey    Winning with Transglobal Leadership    1    495    288    SOFTCOVER    May-13    0    0    0    0    "Linda D. Sharkey, PhD, is a founding member of the Marshall Goldsmith Group. A former senior HR executive at Hewlett-Packard and GE Capital, her work was named a “best practice” by GE CEO Jack Welch.
Nazneen Razi, PhD, is senior vice president and chief human resources officer for Health Care Service Corporation with extensive global leadership experience having led human resources organizations at several global and multinational companies.
Robert A. Cooke, PhD, is CEO of Human Synergistics, emeritus associate professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and author of widely used surveys for organizational research and development.
Peter Barge has held CEO and leadership positions in a range of industries on three continents. Today he serves on a number of public and private boards.
"    "Part I: The Current State of Global Leadership Talent and Why Global Leaders Matter for Business Success
Chapter 1. Survival in a New Global World: Are You Ready?
Chapter 2. Why Global Talent Is So Important, Yet in Short Supply
Chapter 3. The Foundation of the Transglobal Leader: The Six Facets of Intelligence Necessary for Transglobal Leadership
Chapter 4 What We Did, Why We Did it, and What We Learned

Part II: The Nuts and Bolts of Transglobal Leaders: What They Do, How They Think, and How They Interact with others to Build Sustainable Businesses
Chapter 5. The Behavioral Dimensions of Transglobal Leaders: What Sets Them Apart?
Chapter 6 Traditional Diversity Versus Transglobal Diversity: The New Order and Debate

"    "As businesses become more multinational, the need for leadership talent that travels across borders has never been greater. Presenting a wealth of original, previously unpublished research, Winning the Global Leadership Challenge is a perfectly timed investigation into what makes a high-performance global leader -- and how organizations can source the leadership that will power its global growth strategies.

Drawing on decades of collective experience as practitioners, researchers, and consultants, the authors identify the five critical dimensions of global leaders; define what each dimension looks like in action; and clearly illustrate how to assess an organization, its business units, and its leaders for global capability. Finally, the book shows how to recruit, retain and develop global leaders at all levels. Easy to read, and simple to apply, this book's insight, approaches, and tools provide readers with a cogent overview and proven framework for building effective leaders for the global organization of today.

9781259097317    9780071808521    Reprint    HR/TRAINING    LEADERSHIP    Ulrich    Leadership Sustainability    1    575    288    HARDCOVER    May-13    0    0    0    0    "DAVE ULRICH is a professor at the Ross School of Business, University of Michigan and a partner at The RBL Group. A legend in the field of HR, Ulrich is the author of 25 books, including HR Transformation, The Why of Work, HR from the Outside In, and Global HR Competencies.

NORM SMALLWOOD is a recognized authority in developing businesses and their leaders to deliver results and increase value. In 2000, Norm cofounded The RBL Group with Dave Ulrich.
"    "Introduction
Chapter 1 Do Not Walk Home
Chapter 2 Simplicity
Chapter 3 Time
Chapter 4 Accountability
Chapter 5 Resources
Chapter 6 Tracking
Chapter 7 Melioration
Chapter 8 Emotion
Chapter 9 Conclusion
"    "Leadership Sustainability is written for any individual leader who wants to be better and who knows what to do to improve, but struggles to make it last.

It is also written to leaders who are charged with developing future leaders. This includes line managers who have primary responsibility to build the next generation leaders within their organizations as well as learning and training specialists whose primary task is to design and deliver training that has an impact.

It is also written to HR professionals, coaches, corporate trainers, and peers charged to help leaders sustain desired changes. To be a leader-maker means not only helping leaders figure out why they should change, what they should change, but helping them build discipline on how they should make the change work.

9781259098321    9780071742450    Reprint    Computer Science & Engineering    SECURITY    LOVELAND    Computer Forensics: A Beginners Guide    1    495    344    SOFTCOVER    May-13    0    0    0    0    David Cowen, CISSP, is a partner at G-C Partners, LLC, where he provides expert witness services and consulting to Fortune 500 companies worldwide. He is a coauthor of Anti-Hacker Tool Kit, Third Edition and two editions of Hacking Exposed Computer Forensics.     "PART I Getting Started

1 What Is Computer Forensics?
2 Learning Computer Forensics
3 Creating a Lab

PART II Your First Investigation

4 How to Approach a Computer Forensics Investigation
5 Choosing Your Procedures
6 Testing Your Tools
7 Live vs.Postmortem Forensics .
8 Capturing Evidence
9 Nontraditional Digital Forensics

PART III Case Examples: How to Work a Case

10 Establishing the Investigation Type and Criteria
11 Human Resources Cases
12 Administrator Abuse
13 Stealing Information
14 Internal Leaks .
15 Keyloggers and Malware

PART IV Defending Your Work

16 Documenting Your Findings with Reports
17 Litigation and Reports for Court and Exhibits


"    "Computer Forensics, A Beginner’s Guide offers a complete overview of computer forensics, peppered with insider tips, and highlights the essential skills required for success in the field of computer forensics. The book discusses techniques for gathering types of data, how to determine if the information is correct and valid, and how to present that information in a way that shows the complete picture of what happened.

Using the tested and proven processes developed by the author, the reader will learn how to set up a forensics lab, ensure that none of the evidence is tampered with, and what legal pitfalls and issues to be aware of when working with electronic evidence.

Computer Forensics: InfoSec Pro Guide features:

Lingo—Common security terms defined so that you’re in the know on the job
IMHO—Frank and relevant opinions based on the author’s years of industry experience
Budget Note—Tips for getting security technologies and processes into your organization’s budget
In Actual Practice—Exceptions to the rules of security explained in real-world contexts
Your Plan—Customizable checklists you can use on the job now
Into Action—Tips on how, why, and when to apply new skills and techniques at work
9781259098291    9780071809276    Reprint    Computer Science & Engineering    Scripting Languages    WILLARD    HTML5 A Beginners Guide, Fifth Edition    5    575    512    SOFTCOVER    May-13    0    0    0    0    "Wendy Willard is a freelance designer, consultant, writer, and educator who has been involved in Web design and development for more than 15 years. She has published on HTML, CSS, Web Design, and Photoshop. Wendy has previously held the titles of Art Director, Creative Director, and Marketing Manager at firms in the Northeast. She has a degree in Illustration from Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California.
"    "Part I: HTML Basics

1. Getting Started
2. Document Setup
3. Style Sheet Setup
4. Working with Text
5. Page Structure
6. Positioning Page Elements
7. Working with Links
8. Working with Images
9. Working with Multimedia
10. Creating Lists
11. Using Tables
12. Creating Forms
13. Forming & Styling Forms

Part II: Beyond HTML

14. Beyond Static HTML
15. Making Pages Available to Others
16. HTML for Email

Part III: Appendixes

A: Answers to Self Tests
B. HTML/CSS Reference Table
C. Troubleshooting
D. Special Characters
E. File Types
"    "HTML5 A Beginners Guide, 5th Edition is a pedagogically rich introduction to the markup language used for structuring, designing, and formatting web pages. It is appropriate for self-study and classroom use. The book is being completely updated in its fifth edition to cover the latest enhancements in HTML5, more efficient coding techniques using CSS (cascading stylesheets), how to go beyond the basics to create dynamic content with JavaScript, and the latest browsers, including IE8.

HTML standards were last updated with HTML 4 in 1997. Although HTML5 specifications are still finalizing, over 50% of Web users already support the developing new standards. HTML5 introduces a number of new syntactical features, which will be covered in the fifth edition, including video and audio elements and new APIs, and offers a powerful alternative for cross-platform development on mobile platforms.

9781259098345    9780071784351    Reprint    Computer Science & Engineering    SECURITY    RHODES-OUSLEY, MARK    Information Security: The Complete Reference    2    595    896    SOFTCOVER    May-13    0    0    0    0    "Mark Rhodes-Ousley has 20 years of experience with every aspect of security, from program management to technology. That experience includes risk management, security policies, security management, technology implementation and operations, physical security, disaster recovery, and business continuity planning. He holds two core beliefs: that business processes are just as important as technology because security relies on people; and that security should be a business enabler with a goal of enhancing the customer experience. Mark is CISSP, CISM, and MCSE certified.
"    "Part 1: Network Security Foundations
1 Overview
2 Risk Analysis and Defense Models
3 Security Policies
4 Security Organization
Part 2: Access Control
5 Security Management
6 Physical Security
7 Operational Security
8 Authentication and Authorization Controls
9 Data Security

Part 3: Network Security
10 Network Design Considerations
11 Network Device Security
12 Firewalls
13 Virtual Private Networks
14 Wireless Network Security
15 Intrusion Detection Systems
16 Integrity and Availability
17 Network Role-Based Security
18 Voice-Over-IP (VOIP) Security

Part 4: System Security
19 Operating System Security Models
20 Unix Security
21 Linux Security
22 Windows Security

Part 5: Application Security
23 Principles of Application Security
24 Controlling Application Behavior
25 Writing Secure Software
26 J2EE Security
27 Windows .NET Security
28 Database Security

Part 6: Planning and Response
29 Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
30 Attacks and Countermeasures
31 Incident Response and Forensic Analysis
32 Legal, Regulatory, and Standards Compliance
"    "Today’s complex world of mobile platforms, cloud computing, and ubiquitous data access puts new security demands on every IT professional. Information Security: The Complete Reference, Second Edition (previously titled Network Security: The Complete Reference) is the only comprehensive book that offers vendor-neutral details on all aspects of information protection, with an eye toward the evolving threat landscape. Thoroughly revised and expanded to cover all aspects of modern information security—from concepts to details—this edition provides a one-stop reference equally applicable to the beginner and the seasoned professional.

Find out how to build a holistic security program based on proven methodology, risk analysis, compliance, and business needs. You’ll learn how to successfully protect data, networks, computers, and applications. In-depth chapters cover data protection, encryption, information rights management, network security, intrusion detection and prevention, Unix and Windows security, virtual and cloud security, secure application development, disaster recovery, forensics, and real-world attacks and countermeasures. Included is an extensive security glossary, as well as standards-based references. This is a great resource for professionals and students alike.

9781259098314    9780071809375    Reprint    Computer Science & Engineering    Java Programming    POLLOCK    JavaScript: A Beginners Guide, Fourth Edition    4    550    528    SOFTCOVER    May-13    0    0    0    0    "John Pollock operates and serves as an author for Script the Web. He has been working on Web sites since 1995, and has previously operated two other Web development-related sites from 1997-2010 which were known for their easy-to-follow HTML and JavaScript tutorials. Pollock brings over 15 years of practical experience with JavaScript and the Web, including writing tutorials on these topics.
"    "Ch. 1. Introduction to JavaScript
Ch. 2. Placing JavaScript in an HTML File
Ch. 3. Using Variables
Ch. 4. Using Functions
Ch. 5. JavaScript Operators
Ch. 6. Conditional Statements and Loops
Ch. 7. JavaScript Arrays
Ch. 8. Event Handlers
Ch. 9. Objects
Ch. 10. The Document Object
Ch. 11. Window Object
Ch. 12. Math, Number, and Date Objects
Ch. 13. Handling Strings
Ch. 14. JavaScript and Forms
Ch. 15. An Introduction to Advanced Techniques
Ch. 16. HTML 5, Libraries, and More
Appendix A. Answers to Self-Tests "    "JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide shows how to create dynamic Web pages complete with special effects using today's leading Web development language. With the growth of HTML 5, JavaScript is expected to grow even more to script the canvas element, add drag and drop functionality, and more. It is also the language used by popular JavaScript frameworks/libraries such as jQuery and node.js, making it a necessary knowledge base for any successful Web programmer.

This fast-paced tutorial provides step-by-step coverage of the fundamentals, including variables, functions, operators, event handlers, objects, arrays, strings, and forms. The book then moves to more advanced techniques, including debugging, accessibility, and security. This pedagogically rich, hands-on guide explains how JavaScript works with HTML 5 and covers the new features available in JavaScript.

9781259098307    9780071791885    Reprint    Computer Science & Engineering    Open Souce Software    MCLAUGHLIN    MySQL Workbench Data Modeling and Development     1    625    480    SOFTCOVER    May-13    0    0    0    0    "Michael McLaughlin, Oracle ACE, is a professor at BYU - Idaho in the Computer Information Technology Department of the Business and Communication School. He teaches courses on IT management, databases, and systems analysis and design. Michael is the author of Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming, Oracle Database 10g Express Edition PHP Web Programming, and Oracle Database 11g & MySQL 5.6 Developer Handbook. He is the co-author of Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming Workbook, Oracle Database 10g PL/SQL Programming, Expert Oracle PL/SQL, and Oracle Database AJAX & PHP Web Application Development. Michael worked at Oracle Corporation for more than eight years, most recently as the senior applications upgrade manger in E-Business Suite Release Engineering.
"    "Part 1: Configuration
Chapter 1: Installing and Configuring
Chapter 2: Creating and Managing Connections

Part 2: Data Modeling
Chapter 3: Data Modeling Concepts
Chapter 4: Creating an ERD
Chapter 5: Defining the Physical Schemata
Chapter 6: Creating and Managing Tables
Chapter 7: Creating and Managing Relationships
Chapter 8: Creating and Managing Views
Chapter 9: Creating and Managing Routines
Chapter 10: Creating and Managing Routine Groups
Chapter 11: Creating and Managing User & Groups
Chapter 12: Creating and Managing SQL Scripts
Chapter 13: Generating SQL Scripts
Chapter 14: Forward Engineering a Data Model
Chapter 15: Synchronize a Model with a Database
Chapter 16: Reverse Engineering a Database
Chapter 17: Managing Differences in the Data Catalog
Chapter 18: Creating and Managing Model Notes

Part 3: SQL Development
Chapter 19: Editing Table Data
Chapter 20: Editing Generated Scripts

Part 4: Server Administration
Chapter 21: Creating New Instances
Chapter 22: Managing Import and Export
Chapter 23: Managing Security
Chapter 24: Managing Server Instances
"    "MySQL Workbench Data Modeling and Development helps developers learn how to effectively use this powerful product for database modeling, reverse engineering, and interaction with the database without writing SQL statements. MySQL Workbench is a graphical user interface that developers can use to create and maintain MySQL databases without coding. The book covers the interface and explains how to accomplish each step by illustrating best practices visually.

Clear examples, instructions, and explanations reveal, in a single volume, the “black art” of database modeling. This Oracle Press guide shows the developer how to get the tool to do what he or she wants. Annotated screen shots demonstrate all interactions with the tool and text to explain the how, what, and why of each step.

9781259098338    9781840785449    Reprint    Computer Science & Engineering    C Programming    IN EASY STEPS    C Programming, 4th Edition    4    195    192    SOFTCOVER    May-13    0    0    0    0    Mike McGrath now lives in South-east Europe, on the sun-kissed shores of the Aegean Sea. Mike gained his extensive knowledge of computer languages while working as a developer contracting to companies around the world. His interests include coins of ancient Greece, dining-out with friends, and the ongoing evolution of the world wide web.    "1)  Getting started
2)  Storing variable values
3)  Setting constant values
4)  Performing operations
5)  Making statements
6)  Employing functions
7)  Pointing to data
8)  Manipulating strings
9)  Building structures
10) Producing results
Reference Section"    "C Programming in easy steps has an easy-to-follow style that will appeal to anyone who wants to begin programming in C, from programmers moving from another programming language,  to the student who is studying C programming at school or college, or to those seeking a career in computing who need a fundamental understanding of procedural programming.
The book begins by explaining how to download and install a free C compiler so that you can quickly begin to create your own executable programs by copying the book's examples. You need have no previous knowledge of any programming language so it's ideal for the newcomer to computer programming. Each chapter builds your knowledge of C. It contains separate chapters on the major features of the C language. There are complete example programs that demonstrate each aspect of C together with screenshots that illustrate the output when that program has been executed. The sample code provided all has colored syntax-highlighting for clearer understanding."
9781259027277        Original    "Gen Competitive
(English)"        MHE    Study Package for Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test for class VI    1    250    464    SOFTCOVER    April-13    0.57    242    185    20    MHE    "Part 1 - Mental Ability Test
Part 2 Arithmetic Test
Part 3 Language Ability
Section One : Language Usage
Section Two : Unseen Passages
Section Three : Essays
Section Four : Test Papers
Section Five : Test Yourself"    "Study Package for Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is a comprehensive text for students of class V who are preparing for the selection test (for admission to class VI).  It is a mixture of simple, relevant, text with a sufficient number of practice tests to
provide a complete preparation manual.

Salient Features:
1. Each section has explanatory theory with illustrative examples by practice exercises.
2. Mental Ability section covers various question types asked in the test.
3. Arthimetic section divided into 14 units for better understanding.
4. English section contains grammar, language usage, sample essays and comprehension passages.
5. Answer keys to all the questions with explanations wherever required
6. Fully solved practice papers."

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