Friday, April 30, 2010
Adorable Babies (Part 1)
To view more adorable babies click here
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Home Remedies For Alzheimer's
- The best and easiest way to cure Alzheimer's disease is to have lots of raw carrots. Consumption of carrots, as salad or in the form of juice, helps improve memory.
- Eating fish has been found to be beneficial for people suffering from Alzheimer's. It aids normal functioning of the brain.
- Patients with Alzheimer's should make it a habit to write down their regular routine. They must try to memorize it and thereafter, recall it after some time.
- Biofeedback is also a good way to cure Alzheimer's. In this process, the patient is made aware of his quantifiable bodily functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar and skin temperature. This raises the patient's awareness as well as his conscious control of the involuntary physiological activities.
- A study claims that proper intake of Vitamin E slows the progression of Alzheimer's disease by as much as 25%. Almonds, avocado, hazelnuts, vegetable oils, whole grain products and egg yolk are some of the food srich in Vitamin E. Try to consume these food items as much as possible.
- It is said that the extract of ginkgo biloba, an herb, can improve the brain functioning. 100 to 200 mg of ginkgo biloba extract, 3 times a day, would aid the mental functioning of people with Alzheimer's.
- Some herbs increase the production of Acetylcholine in the brain and in turn, help in treating or curing Alzheimer's. Such herbs include horse balm, rosemary, dandelion, fava beans, fenugreek, sage, ginkgo, Brazil nut, stinging nettle, willow and gotu kola.
- Plants foods, such as dandelion greens, poppy seeds, soybeans and even commonly used mung beans, should be added to a person's diet. They can help cure Alzheimer's.
- Eating pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower seeds improves brain functioning and helps in treating Alzheimer's.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Havai-Kasarati-Skydiving for a Life
Click Here to see Sky Diving's all Pictures
People say that adrenalin is the most addictive drug on the world. If you feel adrenalin once, you will never stop thinking on it. One of the best way to feel pure adrenalin is definitely skydiving. During the free fall from more than 20000ft, which can take more than a couple of minutes, you are able to feel the biggest excitement in your life. Anyway, if you are not sure that you are willing to jump, look at this amazing photos. Maybe it will make you change your mind
Click Here to see Sky Diving - Yethe Tichaki mara Havai Kasaratinchya Baaki chittathararak chitransathi
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People say that adrenalin is the most addictive drug on the world. If you feel adrenalin once, you will never stop thinking on it. One of the best way to feel pure adrenalin is definitely skydiving. During the free fall from more than 20000ft, which can take more than a couple of minutes, you are able to feel the biggest excitement in your life. Anyway, if you are not sure that you are willing to jump, look at this amazing photos. Maybe it will make you change your mind
People say that adrenalin is the most addictive drug on the world. If you feel adrenalin once, you will never stop thinking on it. One of the best way to feel pure adrenalin is definitely skydiving. During the free fall from more than 20000ft, which can take more than a couple of minutes, you are able to feel the biggest excitement in your life. Anyway, if you are not sure that you are willing to jump, look at this amazing photos. Maybe it will make you change your mind
Click Here to see Sky Diving - Yethe Tichaki mara Havai Kasaratinchya Baaki chittathararak chitransathi
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People say that adrenalin is the most addictive drug on the world. If you feel adrenalin once, you will never stop thinking on it. One of the best way to feel pure adrenalin is definitely skydiving. During the free fall from more than 20000ft, which can take more than a couple of minutes, you are able to feel the biggest excitement in your life. Anyway, if you are not sure that you are willing to jump, look at this amazing photos. Maybe it will make you change your mind
कोकणची हिरवळ Konkan region in pics - Our Beautiful INDIA !
येवा कोकण आपुलोच असा!
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