Sunday, April 4, 2010

Current Affairs & 13th Finance Commission's

Current Affairs & GK 

Economy (National)


  1. 13 finance commission
  2. Budget &survey

Brief Description:

13th Finance Commission's Functions and the Implications of its Moves

13 finance commission report

Budget &survey

1. The three challenges identified by the finance minister in his recent budget

2. Coveted position in forex, gold

3. A critical area

4. MSMEs & the budget

5. PSUs to buy 20% from small units

Panel on BSNL submits report

Kobelco sets up facility at Sri City

Banks can lend below base rate too

Jaipur to have country's first low-cost airport

What is the share of Indian Railways in the country's traffic?

Government to infuse 35K crore into banks over two years

Core capital

Business deals beckon firms at Hyderabad civil aviation exhibition

Eurocopter, Pawan Hans to form venture

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