Sunday, January 15, 2012

Coming soon: ‘Smart soldiers’ with robots for hi-tech battles DRDO & army developing special system equipped with latest gadgets

Coming soon: ‘Smart soldiers’ with robots for hi-tech battles

DRDO & army developing special system equipped with latest gadgets
Taking cover from the enemy fire, a soldier quietly takes stock of the enemy’s position using surveillance robots and launches counterattack! It may sound futuristic but the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Indian Army are in the advanced stages of developing such ‘smart soldiers’ who would be equipped with the latest technology and gadgets to fight any battle.
The Rs 200 crore ‘Soldier as a System’ project, which started around three years ago, is aimed at enhancing the capabilities of individual combat soldiers in lethality, battle command compatibility, survivability, mobility and others.
“These smart soldiers will be geared up for all kind of battle scenarios. They would be equipped with the latest communication systems,” DRDO’s chief controller (R&D) W Selvamurthy told DNA.
“Indian Army is a part of it in a big way. We are working in complete synchronization with them. Several army officers are working with us on this project,” he said.
He said the DRDO is developing the peripheral support systems, including communication devices, guns, lighter bulletproof jackets, helmet-mounted display and health monitoring units.
A special suit is also being prepared that would have a capability to adapt to all kinds of weather. “In summers its pores will open for ventilation and in winters it will stop chilly winds,” Selvamurthy said.
Monitors fitted on the suits would relay health-related information of a soldier to his main control centre to help them decide on his battle capability.
The DRDO has also developed a high-tech communication and information system, which would be integrated with it. This mainly includes a digital compass, GPS and hand-size computer.
Small robots with surveillance capabilities have also been developed and they would be controlled using the hand-size computers. The gun would also night vision capabilities.
“Using these systems, soldiers will be able to have awareness of the battlefield. Besides, the communication system would keep all such smart soldiers connected to each other —tracking each others’ position on the battleground. They will also be able to scan the areas around and have a virtual feel of the war-field,” he added.
Selvamurthy said: “Under these projects, we are developing support systems to enhance efficiency, lethality, mobility, survivability and sustainability of soldiers. Developmental trials of all these support systems are going on after which all they would be integrated. Once that is done, it will then go for user trials.”
“It will take another four-five years for it to see the light of the day. No country has such kind of system now. Several countries are working on this system as well,” he added.

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