Friday, October 19, 2012

Meditate for better agri yield! Yogic agriculture results in HIGHER seed germination: bRAHMA KUMARIS

Meditate for better agri yield!
Yogic agriculture results in HIGHER seed germination: bRAHMA KUMARIS
Yoga and meditation are often referred as one-stop solution for curing various mental and physical problems, but its use in improving agriculture yields is certainly their lesser known benefit.
According to the spiritual group Bhrahma Kumaris, Sustainable Yogic Agriculture (SYA), a blend of meditation and organic farming, has successfully showed, with scientific evidence, that it improves yield, results in better seed germination and soil microbial activities.
“Yogic farming is a step ahead of organic farming. Based on Rajyoga meditation, SYA is a process of making atmosphere around one’s farm pure and powerful. These processes of positive thoughts have been found to have significant effects on seed quality/crop quality and yield,” KV Sumant of the Brahma Kumaris, who are promoting the process, told DNA.
Sumant claimed that their counter at the ongoing United Nations 11th Conference of Parties (CoP) on Biodiversity Conservation here has received tremendous response from international as well as Indian delegates. “We are already talking to some people from our neighbouring countries like Sri Lanka and Bangladesh who want to adopt this technique,” he said.
Under SYA, farmers have to practise meditation before and during the seed-sowing process and then at frequent intervals when the crop is growing. The Brahma Kumaris said that they have developed specific meditative practices for each phase of the agrarian cycle of the crop ranging from seeds till harvest.
Sumant said they have scientific data to support their claims. “We have been working on this project for the past few years. On this issue, we are associated with four agricultural universities and two agriculture research institutes in India who are testing this. Research data indicate significant effects on the crop quality and yield.”

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