Update at 10:25 am:
Mangalore, May 22: Umer Farooq, resident of Ullal, and Dr Sabrina have survived the mishap. They are undergoing treatment at AJ Hospital, Mangalore.
Update at 8:55 am:
Mangalore, May 22: Gopal Hosur, Western Range IGP, Naleen Kumar Kateel, MP, have visited the spot.
Veerappa Moily, Union Law Minister, Praful Patel, Union Civial Aviation Minister, B S Yeddyurappa, Chief Minister, are also expected to visit the spot. Speaking to a TV Channel, Dr V S Acharya, State Home Minister has expressed doubts that except the 6-8 people that have been rescued, all the rest could well be dead.
Meanwhile, those rescued have been rushed to the AJ Hospital in the city.
It is also being reported that the UPA government has cancelled its anniversary celebrations owing to the tragedy. All flights to Mangalore have been cancelled.
Mangalore, May 22: A mishap has been reported at the Bajpe Airport in Mangalore wherein an aircraft was left tottering in flames.
The Air India Express flight was on its way to Mangalore from Dubai and the mishap took place just before landing. The incident took place at around 6 am on Saturday, May 21. The gutted aircraft now lies in the Maravoor region near the Bajpe airport where efforts of rescuing people are on.
About 169 passengers were on board aircraft when the incident took place.
Heavy smoke continues to emit from the crashed aircraft. Fire services have rushed to the spot.
Four people have reportedly been rescued. As of now, there is no clear information as to how many have died. So far one body, that of a child has been found.
Further details are awaited...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Mishap at Bajpe Airport---Mangalore-May 22nd 2010
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